1. 热水泵为立式结构,进出口口径相同,且位于同一ZX线上,可象阀门一样安装于管路之中,外形紧凑美观,占地面积小,建筑投入低,如加上防护罩则可置于户外使用。
2. 叶轮直接安装在电机的长轴上,轴向尺寸短,结构紧凑,泵与电机轴承配置合理,能有效地平衡泵运转产生的径向和轴向负荷,从而保证了泵的运行平稳,振动小、噪音低。
3. 轴封采用机械密封或机械密封组合,采用进口钛合金密封环、中型耐高温机械密封和采用硬质合金材料,耐磨密封,能有效地延长机械密封的使用寿命。
4. 热水管道泵安装检修方便,无需拆动管路系统,只要卸下泵联体座螺母即可抽出全部转子部件。
5. 可根据使用要求即流量和扬程的需要采用泵的串、并联运用方式。
6. 可根据管路布置的要求采用泵的竖式和横式安装。
1. 吸入压力≤1.0MPa,或泵系统工作压力≤1.6MPa,即吸入口压力+泵扬程≤1.6MPa、泵静压试验压力为≤2.5MPa,订货时请注明系统工作压力。泵系统工作压力大于1.6MPa时应在订货时另行提出,以便在制造时泵的过流部分和联接部分采用铸钢材料。 2. 环境温度<40℃,相对湿度<40%。 4. 所输送介质中固体颗粒体积含量不超过单位体积的0.1,粒度<0.2mm。
准备好迎接未来的挑战 商用建筑行业面临着一系列的挑战,这些挑战将会重新定义未来数年我们对于建筑的思考方式。
对建筑物进行思考时的优秀拍档 思考建筑也意味着我们不仅把自己当作泵的供应商,而且还视为创造成功建筑的合作伙伴。同时这还意味着我们尝SY深入的泵和系统知识以及优异的智能泵来创建建筑。
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(Arcadia, USA)
We will think carefully about buildings and create thinking buildings
Arcadia commercial building services (CBS) relies on the concept of in-depth thinking of buildings. Our mission is to constantly think about and re-examine the building, so as to help customers to solve the big and small challenges. Therefore, we need to provide consulting engineers around the world with tools that can make their work faster and easier. Every day, consulting engineers can easily access our network tools and blueprint to obtain product priority information and pump related knowledge.
Be ready for the challenges of the future
The commercial construction industry is facing a series of challenges that will redefine the way we think about architecture in the next few years.
At the macro level, global climate change calls on all of us to take action to change the current situation. This means that buildings must adhere to strict sustainable development standards to maintain low energy consumption and high flexibility. At the micro level, consulting engineers are faced with the problem of many projects and insufficient supervision time. Therefore, it is very important to get correct information quickly and conveniently.
Excellent partner when thinking about buildings
Thinking about architecture also means that we see ourselves not only as suppliers of pumps, but also as partners in creating successful buildings. At the same time, it also means that we try to create buildings with in-depth pump and system knowledge as well as excellent intelligent pumps.
Acadia and water treatment
-Optimize your business with efficient water treatment solutions
If you are looking for highly reliable water treatment solutions in the market, Arcadia's expertise can meet every expectation. As a complete production line supplier, we cover the whole water cycle process from supply, treatment and distribution, and ensure that the exact water quality required can be obtained at each step.
Arcadia's water treatment solutions are customized to optimize complex and demanding industrial processes, and Arcadia's professional support is always at your side. This ensures that you and your customers have easy access to local language expertise and technical support.