Gate valves have three design forms of bonnet. The first is bolted bonnet. The valve body and bonnet are connected by bolts and nuts, the winding gasket (316 clamps of flexible graphite) and the metal sealing ring (medium and high pressure) are sealed. The customer can also use the metal ring connection when he has special requirements. The second design form is bolt-nut connection. Welded bonnet, according to this design form of valve, its body and bonnet are connected by threads and sealed by full welding. Customers can also use through welding connection when they have special requirements. The third kind is self-sealing bonnet, which is designed according to this design form of valve, its body and bonnet are connected by threads, and the inner pressure self-sealing ring is sealed.
The pressure self-sealing gate valve uses the pressure of the medium itself to achieve the purpose of sealing. The greater the pressure is, the greater the sealing force is, and the more reliable the sealing is. The outer diameter of the valve cover has a smooth conical surface, and the conical surface is close to the self-compacting sealing ring. The outer diameter of the sealing ring is close to the valve body. Pressure self-sealing should have sufficient pre-tightening force, so that when the pressure inside the valve is not high, the sealing can also be achieved. This pre-tightening force can be generated by tightening the threads of the supporting cover or by using several bolts.
1 、进口高温高压闸阀中腔采用压力自紧式密封结构,内腔压力越高密封性能越好,支管两端为焊接连接,适应不同的接管要求。 2 、闸板和阀座的密封面采用司太立钴基硬质合金堆焊而成,运动密封硬度高,耐磨、耐高温、耐腐蚀、抗擦伤性能好,使用寿命长。 3 、阀杆经调质和表面氮化处理,有良好的抗腐蚀性和抗擦伤性。 4 、电动阀门的开启和关闭由电动装置来控制,电动装置分别配有专用电机、减速器、转矩控制机构,现场操作机构,手、电动切换机构。除就地操作外,还可进行远距离操作。
进口高温高压闸阀工作原理 :
1 、采用压力自紧式密封结构,弹性闸板,两端支管为焊接连。 2 、阀座密封面采用钴基硬质合金等离子喷焊而成,耐磨、抗擦伤性能好。 阀瓣密封面经硬化氮化处理。 3 、阀杆表面经抗蚀性氮化处理,有良好的抗腐蚀和抗擦伤性。 4 、阀门的开启和关闭由电动装置来控制,电动装置分别配有专用电机,减速器、转矩控制机构、现场操作机构、手、电动切换机构,除就地操作外还可进行远距离操作