DNA 电泳分子量标准 (100-5000 bp)50 次售后主要优级纯、分级纯和化学纯3种:
(1)优级纯(GR:Guaranteed reagent),又称一级品或保证试剂,99.8%,这种试剂纯度Z高,杂质含量Z低,适合于重要精密的分析工作和科学研究工作,使用绿色瓶签。
(3)化学纯(CP),又称三级试剂,≥ 99.5%,纯度与分析纯相差较大,适用于工矿、学校一般分析工作。使用蓝色(深蓝色)标签。
(4)实验试剂(LR:Laboratory reagent),又称四级试剂。
DNA 电泳分子量标准 (100-5000 bp)50 次售后详细介绍:

DNA 电泳分子量标准 (100-5000 bp)50 次售后技术优势:
1. 能有效的处理土壤样品中一些很难处理的组分如: 真细菌孢子(eubacterial spores)、内芽孢(endospores)、格兰仕阳性菌(gram positive bacteria)、酵母(yeast)、线虫(nematodes)、海藻(algea)、真菌(fungi)等。
2. 样品处理过程中使用的 MT Buffer和Sodium Phosphate Buffer可在整个提取过程中有效的保护核酸,并Z大限度的降低RNA污染。
3. 基于硅珠的纯化方法,可有效地去除腐植酸、多元酚等PCRYZ物
4. 纯化所得的DNA可直接用于PCR、酶切等后续实验之中。
5. 对腐植酸含量特别高的样品,附加额外的处理方法。
DNA 电泳分子量标准 (100-5000 bp)50 次售后客户提供
DNA 电泳分子量标准 (100-5000 bp)50 次售后注意事项:
1.从少量样品(1-10mg组织或102-104细胞)中提取RNA时可加入少许糖原以促进RNA沉淀。例如加800ml TRIzol匀浆样品,沉淀RNA前加5-10μg RNase-free糖原。糖原会与RNA一同沉淀出来,糖原浓度不高于4mg/ml是不影响一链的合成,也不影响PCR反应。
2.匀浆后加之前样品可以在-60至-70℃保存至少一个月。RNA沉淀可以保存于75% 酒精中2-8℃一星期以上或-5至-20℃一年以上。
DNA 电泳分子量标准 (100-5000 bp)50 次售后注意事项
1) 由于细胞凋亡是一个快速的过程,建议样品在染色后1小时之内进行分析。
2) 对于贴壁细胞,消化是一个关键步骤。贴壁细胞诱导细胞凋亡时如有漂浮细胞,需收集漂浮细胞和贴壁细胞后合并染色。处理贴壁细胞时要小心操作,尽量避免人为的损伤细胞。胰酶消化时间过短,细胞需要用力吹打才能脱落,容易造成细胞膜的损伤,PI摄入过多;消化时间过长,细胞膜同样易造成损伤,甚至会影响细胞膜上磷脂酰丝氨酸与Annexin V-FITC的结合。消化时将胰酶铺满孔板底后,轻摇时胰酶与细胞充分接触,然后倒掉大部分胰酶,利用剩余的少量胰酶再消化一段时间,待细胞间空隙增大,瓶底呈花斑状即可终止。在消化液中尽量不用EDTA,EDTA会影响Annexin V与PS的结合。
3) 实验中如需要固定细胞,比如在检测凋亡的同时检测细胞周期,只能选用Annexin V-FITC,而不能选用Annexin V-EGFP,因为在固定过程中EGFP会变性导致丧失激发荧光的能力。固定前需要先将细胞与Annexin V-FITC进行孵育,并用binding buffer洗掉未结合的Annexin V-FITC。因为固定过程中细胞通透性增加会产生细胞碎片,可以和Annexin V结合,对结果产生干扰。
4) 如果样品来源于血液,请务必除去血液中的血小板。因为血小板含有PS,能与Annexin V结合,从而干扰实验结果。可以使用含有EDTA的缓冲剂并在200 g离心洗去血小板。
5) 试剂在开盖前请短暂离心,将盖内壁上的液体甩至管底,避免开盖时液体洒落。
6) Annexin V-FITC和PI是光敏物质,在操作时请注意避光。
SP2/0, 小鼠骨髓瘤细胞
WM35, 人黑色素瘤细胞
BxPC-3, 人原位胰腺腺癌细胞株
U-2 OS, 人骨肉瘤细胞
WM451, 人黑色素瘤细胞
SW 1990 [SW-1990, SW1990] , 人胰腺癌细胞
C6, 大鼠脑胶质瘤细胞
UM-UC-3, 人膀胱移行细胞癌
Hela, 人宫颈癌细胞系
HNE2, 人鼻咽癌细胞系
SKOV3 [SK-OV-3], 人卵巢癌腺癌细胞系
786-O [786-0], 人肾透明腺癌细胞
HEC-1A, 人子宫内膜癌细胞系
Caki-1, 人肾透明细胞癌皮肤转移细胞
Ishikawa, 人子宫内膜癌细胞系
ACHN, 人肾细胞腺癌细胞
JEC, 人子宫内膜腺癌细胞系
different isoforms. Protein kinase CKII is recognized as one of the key cellular signals for cell growth and proliferation; it also has an important role in apoptosis.
Function : Key downstream component of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway. In the absence of Wnt, forms a complex with AXIN1, AXIN2, APC, CSNK1A1 and GSK3B that promotes phosphorylation on N-terminal Ser and Thr residues and ubiquitination of CTNNB1 via BTRC and its subsequent degradation by the proteasome. In the presence of Wnt ligand, CTNNB1 is not ubiquitinated and accumulates in the nucleus, where it acts as a coactivator for transcription factors of the TCF/LEF family, leading to activate Wnt responsive genes. Involved in the regulation of cell adhesion. Acts as a negative regulator of centrosome cohesion. Involved in the CDK2/PTPN6/CTNNB1/CEACAM1 pathway of insulin internalization. Blocks anoikis of malignant kidney and intestinal epithelial cells and promotes their anchorage-independent growth by down-regulating DAPK2. Disrupts PML function and PML-NB formation by inhibiting RANBP2-mediated sumoylation of PML.
Subunit : Two separate complex-associated pools are found in the cytoplasm. The majority is present as component of an E-cadherin/ catenin adhesion complex composed of at least E-cadherin/CDH1 and beta-catenin/CTNNB1, and possibly alpha-catenin/CTNNA1; the complex is located to adherens junctions. The stable association of CTNNA1 is controversial as CTNNA1 was shown not to bind to F-actin when assembled in the complex. Alternatively, the CTNNA1-containing complex may be linked to F-actin by other proteins such as LIMA1. Another cytoplasmic pool is part of a large complex containing AXIN1, AXIN2, APC, CSNK1A1 and GSK3B that promotes phosphorylation on N-terminal Ser and Thr residues and ubiquitination of CTNNB1 via BTRC and its subsequent degradation by the proteasome. Wnt-dependent activation of DVL antagonizes the action of GSK3B. When GSK3B activity is inhibited the complex dissociates, CTNNB1 is dephosphorylated and is no longer targeted for destruction. The stabilized protein translocates to the nucleus, where it binds TCF/LEF-1 family members, TBP, BCL9 and possibly also RUVBL1 and CHD8. Binds CTNNBIP and EP300. CTNNB1 forms a ternary complex with DNA 电泳分子量标准 (100-5000 bp)50 次售后LEF1 and EP300 that is disrupted by CTNNBIP1 binding (By similarity). Interacts with TAX1BP3 (via the PDZ domain); this interaction inhibits the transcriptional activity of CTNNB1 (By similarity). Interacts with AJAP1, BAIAP1, CARM1, CTNNA3, CXADR and PCDH11Y. Binds SLC9A3R1. Interacts with GLIS2 and MUC1. Interacts with SLC30A9. Interacts with XIRP1 (By similarity). Interacts directly with AXIN1; the interaction is