一、智能马桶盖、 盖板机安装强度试验测试机2 测试项目:坐圈强度实验
a. 坐圈ZX部门垂直方向世家2000N的力10min,关闭并再次打开盖板,并重复上述测试一次
b. 坐圈的前水平方向世家150N,施加外力的同时,缓慢将盖板坐圈上下开合一次,开合时间5S
c. 打开盖板和座圈,垂直方向座圈施加150N的力60S,盖板和座圈不可脱落
d. 盖板ZX部门垂直方向施加1000N的力30S
e. 对坐便器不同方向分别施加150N的力,先后分别持续30S,施力方向改变顺序为:左、右、前、后
Jason Zhong:
遵循IEC60335-2-84、IEC60335 GB 34549-2017 JC/T 764-2008 坐便器坐圈和盖摇摆试验;及 GB4706.1和GB4706.53国家标准的对机械强度的要求,精度满足IEC OD5014的要求。
Jason Zhong:
GB 34549-2017 JC/T 764-2008 只是部分要求
Jason Zhong:
IEC60335-2-84 和GB4706.53也要满足,要求类似,方式和力值不同
Jason Zhong:
Jason Zhong:
Jason Zhong:
21 Mechanical strength
21.101 Replace the existing text by the following:
The appliance is subjected to an evenly distributed force of 1 500 N applied perpendicularly to the seat, the bowl cover being open for 10 min.
The test is repeated with the bowl cover closed.
21. 101 用如下来取代现有的条文:
器具受到一个均匀分布的1500 N垂直于座圈的力。
A force of 150 N is then applied for 5 s to the front edge of the bowl cover or seat in a right or left direction parallel to the hinges, whichever is more unfavourable. Then the bowl cover or seat is slowly raised and lowered. The test is carried out five times.
The bowl cover or seat is then raised and the force of 150 N is applied for 1 min to its front edge in a direction perpendicular to its plane. For spray seats and heated seats that are installed onto the toilet bowl or integrated with the toilet bowl, the force of 150 N is applied, and the bowl cover is lifted to less than an angle of 120°. If detachable parts are removed, no more force is applied.
然后抬起马桶盖或座圈,施加150 N的力作用于其前端,使其沿垂直于其平面的方向保持1分钟。对于安装在抽水马桶的喷水和加热电子坐便器(分体机)或与抽水马桶集成在一起的喷水和加热坐便器(一体机),应施加150 N的力, 且马桶盖被抬到小于120°的角度。如果拆掉可拆卸部件,就不需要施加力。
The appliance shall not be damaged to such an extent that compliance with 8.1, 15.1,16.3,27.5 and Clause 29 is impaired.
Jason Zhong:
21.103 Spray seats and heated seats, enclosures and seats shall have adequate mechanical strength and be constructed to withstand repeated mechanical stresses that may be expected to occur during normal use.
Compliance is checked by the test of 21.103.1 and 21.103.2.
合规性检查的测试 21.103.1和 21.103.2。