E : Defects in CRX are the cause of Leber co
ngenital amaurosis type 7 (LCA7) [MIM:613829]. LCA designates a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of childhood retinal degenerations, generally inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. Affected infants have little or no retinal photoreceptor function as tested by electroretinography. LCA represents the most common genetic cause of co
ngenital visual impairment in infants and children. [DISEASE] Defects in CRX are the cause of cone-rod dystrophy type 2 (CORD2) [MIM:120970]; also known as cone-rod retinal dystrophy 2 (CRD2). CORDs are inherited retinal dystrophies belo
nging to the group of pigmentary retinopathies. CORDs are characterized by retinal pigment deposits visible on fundus examination, predominantly in the macular region, and initial loss of cone photoreceptors followed by rod degeneration. This leads to decreased visual acuity and sensitivity in the central visual field, followed by loss of peripheral vision. Severe loss of vision occurs earlier than in retinitis pigmentosa.
动植物总蛋白微量提取试剂盒50 次规格Defects in CRX are a cause of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) [MIM:268000]. RP leads to degeneration of retinal photoreceptor cells. Patients typically have night vision blindness and loss of midperipheral visual field. As their co
ndition progresses, they lose their far peripheral visual field and eventually central vision as well.
Similarity : Belo
ngs to the paired homeobox family. Co
ntains 1 homeobox DNA-binding domain.
英文名称 Anti-CREB-1