Ionomycin( 钙离子载体 )250nmol 价格柱式DNA提取系列产品
2 柱式RNA提取系列(包括动物,血液,植物,细菌RNA提取)
3 5分钟超快DNA电泳液
4 一步式质粒DNA提取系列产品
5 “绿如蓝”DNA染料
6 固相RNase清除剂
Ionomycin( 钙离子载体 )250nmol 价格实验步骤:
1.从少量样品(1-10mg组织或102-104细胞)中提取RNA时可加入少许糖原以促进RNA沉淀。例如加800ml TRIzol匀浆样品,沉淀RNA前加5-10μg RNase-free糖原。糖原会与RNA一同沉淀出来,糖原浓度不高于4mg/ml是不影响一链的合成,也不影响PCR反应。
2.匀浆后加之前样品可以在-60至-70℃保存至少一个月。RNA沉淀可以保存于75% 酒精中2-8℃一星期以上或-5至-20℃一年以上。
Ionomycin( 钙离子载体 )250nmol 价格的详细介绍:

Ionomycin( 钙离子载体 )250nmol 价格操作步骤:
1. 匀浆处理:a.组织 将组织在液氮中磨碎,每50-100mg组织加入1ml TRIzol,用匀浆仪进行匀浆处理。样品体积不应超过TRIzol体积10℅。
b.单层培养细胞 直接在培养板中加入TRIzol裂解细胞,每10cm2面积(即3.5cm直径的培养板)加1ml,用移液器吸打几次。TRIzol的用量应根据培养板面积而定,不取决于细胞数。TRIzol加量不足可能导致提取的RNA有DNA污染。
c.细胞悬液 离心收集细胞,每5-10×106动物、植物、酵母细胞或1×107细菌细胞加入1ml TRIzol,反复吸打。加TRIzol之前不要洗涤细胞以免mRNA降解。一些酵母和细菌细胞需用匀浆仪处理。
5. 每使用1ml TRIzol加入0.2ml,剧烈振荡15秒,室温放置3分钟。
6. 2-8℃10000×g离心15分钟。样品分为三层:底层为黄色有机相,上层为无色水相和一个中间层。RNA主要在水相中,水相体积约为所用TRIzol试剂的60℅。
7. 把水相转移到新管中,如要分离DNA和蛋白质可保留有机相,进一步操作见后。用异丙醇沉淀水相中的RNA。每使用1ml TRIzol加入0.5ml异丙醇,室温放置10分钟。
8. 2-8℃10000×g离心10分钟,离心前看不出RNA沉淀,离心后在管侧和管底出现胶状沉淀。移去上清。
9. 用75℅乙醇洗涤RNA沉淀。每使用1ml TRIzol至少加1ml 75℅乙醇。2-8℃不超过7500×g离心5分钟,弃上清。
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RB/E2F complex and thesubsequent transcription of E2F target genes which are responsiblefor the progression through the G(1) phase. Hypophosphorylates RB1in early G(1) phase. Cyclin D-CDK4 complexes are major integratorsof various mitogenenic and antimitogenic signals. Also substratefor SMAD3, phosphorylating SMAD3 in a cell-cycle-dependent mannerand repressing its transcriptional activity. Component of theternary complex, cyclin D1/CDK4/CDKN1B, required for nucleartranslocation and activity of the cyclin D-CDK4 complex.
Subunit : Interacts with FBXO4. Interacts witheither CDK4 or CDK6 protein kinase to form a serine/threoninekinase holoenzyme complex. The cyclin subunit imparts substratespecificity to the complex. Component of the ternary complexCCND1/CDK4/CDKN1B required for nuclear translocation and modulationof CDK4-mediated kinase activity. Interacts directly with CDKN1B.Interacts with UHRF2; the interaction ubiquitinates CCND1 andappears to occur independently of phosphorylation. Can form similarcomplexes with either CDKN1A or CDKN2A. Interacts with USP2.
Subcellular Location : Nucleus. Cytoplasm. Membrane. Note=CyclinD-CDK4 complexes accumulate at the nuclear membrane and are thentranslocated to the nucleus through interaction with KIP/CIP familymembers.
Post-translational modifications : Phosphorylation at Thr-286 by MAP kinases is required forubiquitination and degradation following DNA damage. It probablyplays an essential role for recognition by the FBXO31 component ofSCF (SKP1-cullin-F-box) protein ligase complex.
Ubiquitinated, primarily as 'Lys-48'-linkedpolyubiquitination. Ubiquitinated by a SCF (SKP1-CUL1-F-boxprotein) ubiquitin-protein ligase complex containing FBXO4 andCRYAB. Following DNA damage it is ubiquitinated by some SCF(SKP1-cullin-F-box) protein ligase complex containing FBXO31.SCF-type ubiquitination is dependent on Thr-286 phosphorylation (Bysimilarity). Ubiquitinated also by UHRF2 apparently in aphosphorylation-independent manner. Ubiquitination leads to itsdegradation and G1 arrest. Deubiquitinated by USP2; leading to itsstabilization.
DISEASE : Note=A chromosomal aberration involving CCND1 may be acause of B-lymphocytic Ionomycin( 钙离子载体 )250nmol 价格malignancy, particularly mantle-celllymphoma (MCL). Translocation t(11;14)(q13;q32) with immunoglobulingene regions. Activation of CCND1 may be oncogenic by directlyaltering progression through the cell cycle.
Note=A chromosomal aberration involving CCND1 may be acause of parathyroid adenomas. Translocation t