英文名称: Brilliant Green Lactose Bile Broth
产品规格: 300ml/袋*10
产品用途: 用于大肠菌群、大肠杆菌的测定(GB、SN标准)
蛋白胨 10.0
乳糖 10.0
牛胆粉 20.0
煌绿 0.0133
pH值 7.2±0.1 25℃
(1)MS培养基 它是1962年由Murashige和Skoog为培养烟草细胞而设计的。特点是无机盐和离子浓度较高,为较稳定的平衡溶液。其养分的数量和比例较合适,可满足植物的营养和生理需要。它的硝酸盐含量较其他培养基为高,广泛地用于植物的器官、花药、细胞和原生质体培养,效果良好。有些培养基是由它演变而来的。
(2)B5培养基 是1968年由Gamborg等为培养大豆根细胞而设计的。其主要特点是含有较低的铵,这可能对不少培养物的生长有YZ作用。从实践得知有些植物在B5培养基上生长更适宜,如双子叶植物特别是木本植物。
(3)White培养基 是1943年由White为培养番茄根尖而设计的。1963年又作了改良,称作White改良培养基,提高了MgSO4的浓度和增加了鹏素。其特点是无机盐数量较低,适于生根培养。
(4)N6培养基 是1974年朱至清等为水稻等禾谷类作物花药培养而设计的。其特点是成分较简单,KNO3和(NH4)2SO4含量高。在国内已广泛应用于小麦、水稻及其他植物的花药培养和其他组织培养。
(5)KM-80培养基 它是1974年为原生质体培养而设计的。其特点是有机成分较复杂,它包括了所有的单糖和维生素,广泛用于原生质融合的培养。

(二)校正pH值:将称量好的培养基各种成分放入容器内,标记划线,加热溶解,补充水分,测定酸碱度,常用pH6.8~8.0的精密试纸或酸度计测定。用1N NaOH和1N HCl调节pH值到适宜范围内。
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human, therapeutic or diagnostic applications.
产品介绍 This gene encodes the acidic form of complement factor 4, part of the classical activation pathway. The protein is expressed as a single chain precursor which is proteolytically cleaved into a trimer of alpha, beta, and gamma chains prior to secretion. The trimer provides a surface for interaction between the antigen-antibody complex and other complement components. The alpha chain may be cleaved to release C4 anaphylatoxin, a mediator of local inflammation. Deficiency of this protein is associated with systemic lupus erythematosus and type I diabetes mellitus. This gene localizes to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class III region on chromosome 6. Varying haplotypes of this gene cluster exist, such that individuals may have 1, 2, or 3 copies of this gene. Two transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Nov 2011].
Function : Non-enzymatic component of C3 and C5 convertases and thus essential for the propagation of the classical complement pathway. Covalently binds to immunoglobulins and immune complexes and enhances the solubilization of immune aggregates and the clearance of IC through CR1 on erythrocytes. C4A isotype is responsible for effective binding to form amide bonds with immune aggregates or protein antigens, while C4B isotype catalyzes the transacylation of the thioester carbonyl group to form ester bonds with carbohydrate antigens.
Derived from proteolytic degradation of complement C4, C4a anaphylatoxin is a mediator of local inflammatory process. It induces the contraction of smooth muscle, increases vascular permeability and causes histamine release from mast cells and basophilic leukocytes.
煌绿乳糖胆盐肉汤(BGLB)颗粒价格Subunit : Circulates in blood as a disulfide-linked trimer of an alpha, beta and gamma chain.
Subcellular Location : Secreted.
Tissue Specificity : Complement component C4 is expressed at highest levels in the liver, at moderate levels in the adrenal cortex, adrenal medulla, thyroid gland,and the kidney, and at