MT8852B回收/MT8852A回收蓝牙测试仪|回收价格高同行30%|回收仪器 快速高价
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安立AnritsuMT8852B 4.0低功耗蓝牙测试仪 MT8852B回收
安立AnritsuMT8852B 4.0低功耗蓝牙测试仪 MT8852B回收
符合蓝牙核心规范 v1.2、2.0/2.1+EDR、3.0+HS 和 4.0/4.1/4.2*
经 Bluetooth SIG 鉴定能够执行射频测量
以增强型功率控制 (EPC) 测量作为其标配功能
通过 USB 和 UART HCI 控制端口对测试设备进行初始化和控制
内置对 Bluetooth 低能耗双绞线控制接口的支持功能
测试 Bluetooth 模块的射频性能,所需时间不到 10 秒
音频测试功能。 3 条 SCO 信道以及 CVSD、U 律和 A 律语音编码方式的空中接口。
操作简便:使用 RUN 键进行一键测试
BlueSuite Pro3 软件可提供有关调制、功率斜波、单个信道测量和接收器灵敏度搜索的图形迹线
BlueTest 2 和 CombiTest 软件专用于进行自动高批量生产线测试
为 Bluetooth 设备测试提供了自适应跳频软件选件
MT8852B Bluetooth tester Anritsu security MT8852B main features:
EDR test:
EDR transmitter DEVM test
Add 6 new Bluetooth EDR test items
Single test scripts can be included in the standard and EDR test items
·为了进行EDR接收机灵敏度测试,可以设置EDR dirty transmitter
In order to carry out the sensitivity test of EDR receiver, we can set up dirty transmitter EDR
At the same time, support 2Mbps (n /4DQPSK) and 3Mbps (8DPSK) data rate
·所有测试在测试模式下进行(包括RF loopback)
All tests are carried out in test mode (including loopback RF)
MT8852B Bluetooth tester Anritsu security MT8852B standard Bluetooth test:
RF performance testing of Bluetooth devices can be completed in 5 seconds
Up to 3 SCO audio channels, to support the A law, CVSD law, as well as the ability to test the audio
Predefined or user-defined test scripts
BlueSuite software can provide graphical test results, including modulation accuracy, power time relationship, the various channels of the test, as well as the sensitivity of search
BlueTest software to help users to carry out a high throughput production line test
All tests follow the Bluetooth Test Specification
·内置参考发射机方便进行接收机测试(满足dirty transmitter和频率精度要求)
The built-in reference transmitter is easy to test for the receiver (to meet the requirements of transmitter dirty and frequency accuracy)
Test by antenna or cable connection
Simple intuitive user action
MT8852B adaptive frequency hopping.