德国retsch颚式粉碎仪 BB 400 XL
The Jaw Crusher BB 400 XL is used for the rapid, effective crushing and pre-crushing of medium-hard, hard, brittle and tough materials. Its variety of materials offered, including heavy-metal free steel, its efficiency and safety makes it ideal for sample preparation in laboratories and industrial plants.
For small amounts of sample the BB 400 XL is used batch-wise; for larger amounts it can be operated continuously. Control of the gap width and zero point adjustment allow for reproducible results.
德国retsch颚式粉碎仪 BB 400 XL
thanks to the modular construction of housing and frame this jaw crusher is suitable for a wide range of applications.
合金, 岩石, 建筑原料, 氧化物陶瓷, 水泥熔渣, 炉渣, 焦炭, 煤, 玄武岩, 玻璃, 石英, 矿物, 矿石, 硅, 耐火粘土, 花岗岩, 长石, 陶瓷, ...
应用 粗粉碎
应用领域 化学 / 合成材料, 地质 / 冶金, 工程/电子, 建筑原料, 环境 / 资源回收利用, 玻璃/ 陶瓷
样品特征 中硬性,硬性,脆性,硬韧性
粉碎原理: 压力
zui大进样尺寸 < 220 x 90 mm
zui终出料粒度 * < 2 mm
研磨套件材料: 锰钢, 碳化钨, steel for heavy-metal free grinding
颚板宽度 220 x 90 mm
研磨间隙宽度调节 0 - 30 mm
间隙宽度显示 刻度显示
零点-校准 是
磨损率显示 yes, up to minus 10 mm
可移动进料漏斗 是
加配吸尘器 是
ZY润滑(选项) 选项
安装装备型供货 选项
接收槽容积 10 l
底座 vario frame (adjustable for continous crushing)
驱动 三相电机
驱动功率 5.5 kW
电源数据: 不同电压
电源接头: 三相
防护类型 IP 55
机体尺寸(宽x高x纵深) 695 x 1399 x 719 mm
净重 ~ 400 kg
标准 CE
Please note:
The Jaw Crusher BB 400 XL is a robust and powerful forced-feed crusher. The feed material passes through the no-rebound hopper and enters the crushing chamber.
Size reduction takes place in the wedge shaped area between the fixed crushing arm and one moved by an eccentric drive shaft. The elliptical motion crushes the sample which is moved towards the crushing gap under gravity.
As soon as the sample is smaller than the discharge gap width, it falls into a removable collector within the jaw crusher. The continuous gap width setting with scale ensures optimum size reduction in accordance with the set gap width.