样品盘 常规耗材。
详细地址:北京 北京市大兴区旧桥路25号院 :100087
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1) 单色器:优化的Czerny-Turner 型设计,保证zui大光通量,双焦距,自动波长选择,自动狭缝宽度选择。
1) 燃烧头:全钛燃烧头,有空气/乙炔型(10cm)和笑气/乙炔型(5cm)多种燃烧头可选,燃烧头自动编码,自动识别,全自动调节高度,更换极其简单
2) 雾化器:特制的聚四氟乙烯预混合雾化室能够确保废液无脉动地顺畅流出,即使对腐蚀性zui强的物质也有极高的抗腐性;
3) 可外部调节的撞击球能对雾化效率和气溶胶形成率进行化;
4) 气体控制全部由电脑控制,自动监控气体流量,燃气和助燃气的配比,所有参数可智能化设置。
5) 安全性:数字化电子安全系统,安全监测联锁系统实现非常严格的安全控制,有传感器监测气体流速;
6) 在燃烧头、虹吸管、以及废液瓶中都有传感器,在断电时,控制系统会自动安全地熄灭火焰,并可自动进行仪器故障诊断。
1) 原子化器的转换极其方便,30秒内即可完成
2) 全自动控制和分析技术,高精度和高分析速度
3) 横向加热石墨炉技术,防止记忆效应的产生
4) 直接固体进样石墨炉分析,fg 级检出限
5) 全智能化自动样品稀释,自动除残
6) 氢化物系统和石墨炉直接联用技术
2) 波长范围:190-900 nm
3) 刻线密度:全息光栅 1800线/mm
4) 有效光栅:面积54 x 54 mm
5) 总有效刻线条数:86400线
6) 双 焦 距:350/389 mm
7) 光谱带宽:0.2、0.5、0.8、1.2 nm,自动可调
8) 固定光学平台:光学原件被固定在同一光学平台上,防灰尘、防蒸汽、防潮湿,极大提高了光学系统的稳定性和耐用性。
9) 检测器:高灵敏、宽范围的光电倍增管,对紫外区高灵敏度
10) 灯座:6-灯位自动转换灯架,可用空心阴极灯和高强度超灯,直接通用国产灯和各种同口径灯,下一灯预热功能。
11) 基线稳定性:± 0.003A
代理德国耶拿Analytik Jena全线耗材配件,原装空心阴极灯/石墨管/雾化器/样品杯等现货供应,质量保证,性价比高的特点。
单位名称:北京谱飞科技有限公司 :销售部
详细地址:北京 北京市大兴区旧桥路25号院 :100087
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Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
Graphite material / furnace spare parts
[ vario 6 ; novAA 400 ; contrAA 700 ; contrAA 600]
407-A81.018 2 Pair graphite electrode (4 pieces )
407-A81.024 Graphite shroud, pyro-coated
407-A81.011 Pack of 10 pieces graphite tube, coated
407-A81.025 Pack of 10 pieces graphite tube with PIN-platform
407-A81.020 Pack of 5 pieces Graphite pipetting insert
solid sampling
[ vario 6 ; novAA 400 ; contrAA 700 ]
702-A81.391 IC-graphite shroud solid (necessary for solid sampling), pyro-coated
702-A81.392 Graphite sealing cap for the furnace in the solid analysis 1 pieces
702-A81.314 Adjustment aid (external) novAA, contrAA
702-A81.394 Adjusting aid (internal) novAA, contrAA
407-152.023 Pack of 10 pieces Z-graphite sample platform (solid), pyro-coated
407-A81.303 Pack of 10 pieces solid graphite tube, pyro-coated
407-A81.320 Spectral graphite powder, 25 g
Replacement parts furnace
407-A81.021 Bag with 2 pieces O-rings for the furnace, ceramic
702-A81.045 Adjusting insert
407-142.312 Furnace windows contrAA 700, 1 pair
from SN: 161K0335
702-A81.002 Furnace windows, 1 pair (novAA 400, vario6)
407-10-1610-679-14 Sample compartment windows contrAA 300/600, 1 pair
407-150.598 Sample compartment windows contrAA 700, 1 pair
702-A81.234 Screwed gas fittings, 1 x long
702-A81.233 Screwed gas fittings, 2 x short
Graphite material ZEEnit
Graphite material [ ZEEnit 600/650/700 ] and all upgraded systems ZEEnit 600s/650s all tubes are pyrolytically coated
407-152.342 Pair of Z-electrodes (1x above, 1x below)
407-152.314 Pack of 10 pieces Z-graphite tube with PIN-platform, long
407-152.315 Pack of 10 pieces Z-standard graphite tube
407-152.346 Pack of 5 pieces Z-graphite insert
407-152.324 Set of graphite parts furnace
Set 1 ZL-graphite shroud, 2 electrodes and 1 pipetting insert
407-152.340 Z-graphite shroud liquid
solid sampling
407-152.540 Adjusting aid (external), solid, ZEEnit
407-152.599 Adjustment aid (internal), solid, ZEEnit
407-152.023 Pack of 10 pieces Z-graphite sample platform (solid), pyro-coated
407-152.316 Pack of 10 pieces Z-standard graphite tube, solid
407-152.307 Pack of 5 pieces Z-graphite sealing cap (solid)
407-A81.320 Spectral graphite powder, 25 g
407-152.341 Z-graphite shroud, solid
Replacement parts graphite furnace ZEEnit
[ ZEEnit 600 ; 650 ; 700 ; 650P ; 700P und 600 S ; 650S ]
407-152.020 Bag with 3 pieces seal rings 11.6 mm x 1.2 mm for the furnace
407-152.541 Adjusting aid (external), liquid, ZEEnit
407-152.022 Furnace windows, 1 pair (left, right) (ZEEnit 60/65)
407-152.576 Furnace windows, 1 pair (ZEEnit 600/650/700)
Replacements for graphite autosampler MPE
MPE 60 [ novAA 400; ZEEnit ] for serial number in format XX.XX.XX
407-230.069 Dosing unit 500 μl
407-401.590 Dosing tube MPE (MFA)