Agilent 81623A 光功率计探头
Agilent 81623A 光功率计探头
Agilent 81623A Optical Head
Specifications at a glance for the 81623A:
- Wavelength Range: 750 to 1800 nm
- Detector Type (Sensor Element): Germanium
- Detector Size (diameter): 5 mm
- Power Range: +10 to -80 dBm
- Wavelength Accuracy (Uncertainty): +/- 3.5% (1000 to 1650 nm)
- No Analog Output
Additional Information
The Agilent optical power heads are specially designed for low PDL, low spectral ripple and high return loss and are used for optical component test. The heads come with a magnetic D-shape adapter and provide a safe stand. The optical heads have to be operated with the single (Agilent 81618A) or dual (Agilent 81619A) interface modules.
These modules are controlled in any configuration in any of the mainframes 8163B, 8164B and 8166B. A highly flexible connector interface palette addresses connectorized, bare fiber or open beam applications.