横河AQ6374光谱仪Yokogawa AQ6374光谱仪
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横河AQ6374光谱仪Yokogawa AQ6374光谱仪

The AQ6374 Wide Range Optical Spectrum Analyzer covers wavelengths from 350 to 1750 nm including visible lights (380 to 780 nm) and the ecommunication wavelengths.
World-Class Optical Performance
- Wavelength range: 350 to 1750nm
- High wavelength accuracy: ±0.05nm
- High wavelength resolution: 0.05 to 10 nm
- Wide dynamic range: 60dB (peak ±1.0nm)
- Wide level range: +20 to -80dBm
- Fast measurement: 0.5 sec. (100nm span)
Wavelength Resolution Settings:
There are 8 wavelength resolution settings: 0.05 to 10 nm
to enable the user to choose the best value according to the
device/system under test.
Measurable Level Range:
The wide measurable level range is from−80 to +20 dBm. This is suitable to measure high power as well as low power sources used in different fields of application.
Wavelength accuracy:
The ±0.05 nm wavelength accuracy can be maintained by the calibration using the built-in reference light source or an external light source including HeNe laser and Argon light source.
Fast measurement:
The instrument takes only 0.5 s for 100 nm span (with sensitivity set to NORM_AUTO).
Number of sampling: 100001
The number of wavelength samples has been doubled. One sweep can measure a wider wavelength range at high resolution.
Mouse and keyboard operation
More than 30 years of feedback from users have enabled intuitive and easy-to-use front panel operation. Mouse functionality provides ease of use for navigation and the keyboard helps to enter numbers and file names.

Trace zooming
- Change display conditions, such as center wavelength and span, by clicking and dragging the mouse.
- Enlarge your area of interest instantly and move it at will.
- No need for another measurement to modify the display conditions.

Trace calculation and analysis
Seven individual traces
- Simultaneous multi-trace display
- Calculation between traces (subtraction between traces)
- Max/Min Hold function
USB ports
Four USB ports in total available on front and back facilitate the use of external devices such as a mouse, keyboard, external hard drives and memory sticks.

Thumbnail file preview
The thumbnail allows an easy and fast route to find a particular file out of many files in internal and external storage.
All-at once trace filing
A time-saving feature which allows to save all seven traces in one file at once. Files are saved in CSV format and can be easily manipulated with a PC application software.