美国WICHITA气动离合器 C40072-604
Through a network of distributors and agents, Wichita, USA is responsible for sales and service in North, South and Central America. Through a network of affiliates, Wichita, USA handles sales and service in Japan and Southeast Asia. Partnering with a network of sales offices and distributors, the Bedford sales team is responsible for sales, service and marketing to all countries outside North & South America and Japan.
美国WICHITA气动离合器 C40072-604
上海邵欧自动化设备有限公司服~~务口号: 1、 有求必救,有呼必应。 2、 以zui短的时间、zui快的速度,提供zui有效的服~~务。 3、 厚德、搏时、竞进。 服~~务宗旨:高速、GX、高度责任感、一切为了客户。
美国WICHITA离合器、WICHITA气动离合器、WICHITA制动器配件型号主要有: C78120-220 C78101-020 C78101-500 C40061-010 C40089-630 C40078-010 C40089-600 C44010-001 4-281-004-073-3 8-931-821-200-5 8-240-708-001-1 8-936-815-200-5 4-281-107-004-9 W11-07-400 C43511-041 C42511-041 108 SWCB,C250 60 / 1750 2161 4-309-075-005-3 7-108-100-113-0, C280 100 / 1750 3601 4-281-075-015-3 7-111-100-112-0,C320 150 / 1750 5402 4-281-075-016-3 7-111-100-112-0, C360 200 / 1750 7202 4-271-075-007-3 7-114-100-113-0, 8-908-912-100-58-908-924-100-5 QRV, 8-906-912-200-4,8-906-931-201-5 QRV\, 8-908-913-200-5,8-908-931-200-5, 8-911-913-200-5,8-911-931-200-5 QRV,14" 8-914-913-200-5, 8-914-921-200-5 QRV,16" 8-916-913-200-5, 8-916-921-200-5 QRV,18" 8-918-912-200-5,8-918-931-200-5 QRV,21" 8-921-913-200-5 总成:UNIT NO. 6-715299225-0000 SER.NO. 98-367492-00-001