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Using wood as a raw material
Borregaard’s unique competence in the field of woodbased chemicals is the basis for the company’s strategy of specialisation and concentration in global niche markets. Borregaard’s Specialty Chemicals businesses (Borregaard ChemCell and Borregaard LignoTech) utilise the various components of wood to produce high value added products such as speciality cellulose, lignin-based binding and dispersing agents, yeast and yeast extracts, and ethanol. Wood is also the basis for Borregaard’s production of the
Santa cruz ABCAM AXXORA ALPCO abbiotec Ambion Bethyl BioLegend Chondrex dianova QIAGEN MERCK Nunc INVITROGEN Rockland selleck SIGMA Vector vitrolife zymo 特价优惠中 ALZET Axon cayman cygnus worthington Evrogen prozyme quidel repigen Enzo代理促销中........