功能 双电控
阀体 非插入式阀体/气控
接口 1/2底座
先导 内先导(单气控)
底座 单压无灯
先导 排气
流体介质 压缩空气、中性气体
压力范围 真空至10bar(vacuum至150psi)
润滑要求 不需要,如需要请用油雾器专用油
过滤要求 ≤40微米
环境温度 -18至50°C
流量Cv值 P=6bar,△P=1bar Cv
线圈电压 220VDC(8.7W),250VDC(11.2W)
线圈 A级绝缘,可长期通电,可提供F级绝缘线圈
电压允差 额定电压的-15至10%
响应时间 通电响应时间12ms,断电响应时间12ms,可提供更快响应速度
泄漏量 ≤100cm3次方/min
手动装置 带锁定
The patented MACSOLENOID? with its non-burn out feature on AC service.
A large checked accumulator for consistent shifting on single and double solenoid models.
A plug-in design that provides for internal or external pilot with or without lights and all electrical and air plumbing in the base — the valve portion is the same.
Non-lubricated or lubricated service.
Optional low watttage DC solenoids down to 1 watt.
Optional indicator lights, and various types of manual operators.
Non plug-in or external plug-in models are available.