美国MINISUN公司便携式步态分析仪: 可增加的功能选项: 运动过程中的表面肌电图 Processed EMG 足底压力测量 Foot Pressure measurement (using FSR) (hardware and software). 关节角度测量Joint angle. Need additional goniometers purchased from Biometrics, Angular 角速度测量 Angular velocity measurement (hardware and software). 心率/心电图 Heart rate/raw ECG (hardware and software) A video-based carpet system for precision spatial-temporal parameters (e.g., errors of stride length and velocity 1%) 主要功能: 减肥与肥胖症的研究Weight Loss and Obesity Treatment 身体风险管理 Risk Management 岗位的合理安排 Workers Comp Assessment 骨质疏松 Osteoporosis 多发性硬化症 Multiple Sclerosis (MS) 康复的观测 Rehabilitation Assessment 注意力不足过动症 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders 步态和运动分析 Gait and Locomotion Analysis 履行职能的能力评价 Functional Capacity Evaluation 睡眠质量评估 Sleep Quality Assessment 生活质量提高和衰老研究 Improvement of Life Quality, and Geriatric Study 体育,健身,和机能强化培训 Sports, Fitness, and Performance Enhancement Training 评估强体力活动,记录生理条件,以及更多... Assessing Physical Exertion, Recording Physiological Criteria, and More... |