Model: PD300-TP
Use: Thin profle for tight ft
Detector Type: silicon
Aperture: 10x10mm
Filter mode: Filter out Filter in
Spectral Range nm:350-1100 430-1100
Power Range: 3mW to 50pW 1W to 200µW
Power Scales: 3mW to 3nW and dBm 1W to 3mW and dBm
Resolution nW: 0.001 NA
Maximum Power vs.:nm mW mW
Wavelength 350-400 100 NA
400-500 100 1000
600 100 1000
700 100 500
800-950 100 300
1064 100 500
Accuracy (including errors
due to temp. variations)
% error vs Wavelength nm:±7 350-400 NA
±3 400-950 ±5 430-950
±5 950-1100 ±7 950-1100
Damage Threshold W/cm2:10 50
Max Pulse Energy µJ: 20 100
Noise Level for flter out pW:±2
Response Time with Meter s:0.2
Beam Position Dependence:±2%
Background Subtraction:NA
Fiber Adapters Available(see page 54):NA
Part Number:7Z02424