JB-5C/6C轮廓粗糙度测试仪是二合为一的精密测量仪器,广泛应用于机械加工、汽车、轴承、机床、摸具、精密五金、光学加工等行业。仪器驱动箱提供了行程为100、120、150毫米不同规格的高精度直线基准导轨,传感器沿导轨作直线运动,位移量采用精密光栅位移传感器进行数据采集。从而建立X坐标测量单位,在Z轴方向采用从10 mm至20mm两种规格差动式电感传感器,驱动箱可通过水平调节钮作±10度的水平调整,并可分别通过控制箱的操作键或软件界面进行水平和垂直方向的移动,对于采样形状可以任意按比例放大,仪器带有电脑及专用测量软件,在WINDOWS XP操作系统下的测量软件操作直观方便,功能丰富,精度高,稳定性好,并方便打印输出和文件保存。
此款仪器已可同国外进口仪器性能相比,各方面指标已达到国际标准,仪器符合国家标准GB/T3505-2000, GB/T6062-2001, GB/T10610-1998, 以及国际标准ISO5436, ISO11562,ISO4287的要求。详细指标见技术参数。
It is widely used in metrological departments of industries of autos, tools, bearings, Patterns, and optics for measuring profile and roughness of precision parts. The drive box is equipped with a straight-line guide of high accuracy traveling up to 100 mm. The displacement of the transducer moving along the guide collected with a precision grating system. The transducer is operated with either keys on the control box or the buttons on the window interface. The JB-5C software runs on Windows XP.
It is used to measure the form and roughness of profiles of precision parts. In addition to roughness, by fitting least-square line of nominal form, a variety of form parameters can be measured, such as radius, angle, straightness, convexity, vertical and horizontal distance, and distances between points, circles, and slots.
型号 Type | JB-5C | JB-6C |
粗糙度测量:For Roughness measuremen |
测试参数 Evaluation Parameters | Ra,Rz,Rt,RS,RSm,Rp,Rv,Rmax,Rq,D,Pt, Lr,Ln和Rmr(Tp)曲线等 |
粗糙度轮廓图形放大倍率 Vertical Magnification | 10,20,50,100,200,500,1000,2000,5000,10000,20000,50000,100000,200000,500000或自动 |
粗糙度测量范围Roughness range | Ra 0.01 – 10 µm以上 |
取样长度 Sampling length | L: 0.08 ,0.25, 0.8, 2.5,8 mm或任意设定 |
评定长度Evaluation length | Ln: 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L可任选 Selectable |
仪器评定取样Sampling points | 100000点 |
分辨率 Resolution | 0.001 µm |
示值误差 Indication error | ± (5 %+4nm) |
测量重复性Repetition error | ± 3 % |
测量工件zui大高度 Max. specimen height | 370mm |
传感器可测 Application | 平面、斜面、内孔表面、外圆柱面、深槽表面,圆弧面,球面等各种零件的表面粗糙度planar, incline, cylinder, circular and spherical parts, grooves and bores. |
天然金刚石触针Probe | 标准型, 高度12mm 小孔型 4mm 触针半径:2µm, 触针静态压力0.004N *角度:60度 |
驱动箱的滑行速度Traverse speed | 2mm/sec |
驱动箱升降形式 Traverse U/D mode | 自动升降 Auto |
移动速度 Scanning speed | 0.5 mm/sec,1mm/sec |
线性区 Linear range | 垂向640 um |
台阶和Pt测量范围 Thickness and Pt range | 1mm |
轴向测量范围 Longitudinal range | 100mm | 120mm 150mm(6CA) |
轮廓图形 Profile graph | 直接轮廓,滤波轮廓 Macro profile,filter profile |
轮廓图形的X、Y放大比 X、Y magnification | 1-500倍点击放大 |
滤波器 Filter | ISO 2CR滤波器ISO 2CR Filters |
小孔测量范围 Measurable range of bore | ≥ Ø5 mm |
X-Y工作台 X-Y stage | 旋转角度Rotation ±10˚ X-Y移动范围 Adjustment 15 mm |
轴承内外圈尺寸 For measurement of bearing | 内圈zui大外径280mm 厚度160mm 外圈zui小孔径15mm |
打印纸规格 Printing paper | A4纸 |
操作系统 Operation System | WinXP |
轮廓测量范围:For Profile measurement |
测量范围:Measuring range: | X:100mm Z:10mm | X:120mm或150mm (JB-6CA) Z:20mm |
形状测量功能 Form measuring range | 要素:点、线、顶、谷、交点、接点、中线。分析:坐标差、距离、角度、半径、轮廓度等。 |
传感器量程:Range selection: | 1mm(粗糙度), 10mm(轮廓) | 1mm(粗糙度), 20mm(轮廓) |
形状图形放大倍率 Vertical Magnification | 1,2,3,4,5,10,20,50,100,120,150,200,250,300,350,400,450,500 |
范围与分辨率之比 Range-Resolution rate | 65,536:1 |
半径误差Radius error | 0.1%-1.0% |
轴向测量范围 Longitudinal range | 100mm |
采样速度Sampling speed | 0.5mm/秒,1mm/秒 |
移动速度Moving speed | 2mm/秒 |
上下左右移动范围: Max specimen height: | X:100mm Z: 370mm | X: 120mm Z: 370mm |
触针长度Stylus tip length | 18mm和6.5mm | 30mm和12 mm |
触针针尖半径Stylus tip radius | 10μm |
触针针尖角度Stylus tip angle | 长针16度,短针30度 |
测力Stylus force | 0.01-0.02N |
打印纸规格 | A4纸 |
操作系统 Operation System | Win98/2000/XP |
选购件Option | 可选测量工件zui大高度:500mm |
标准配件,附件 Standard parts & attachments | 轮廓粗糙度仪主机,支柱及大理石底部 ,控制器,驱动装置 传感器 ,可调工作台,角度调整工作台,V型块,夹具,标准型触针,小孔型触针,轮廓触针,粗糙度样板,轮廓标准球 计算机打印机,使用说明书 |
仪器电源Power supply: | 220 VAC ±10%, 50Hz |
大理石工作台尺寸Granite base | 700mm×400mm×100mm 重量:150kg |
仪器毛重Gross weight | 200Kg |