■ 一:概述
CJX4- □□□Z(原型号CJX10-Z)系列直流操作交流接触器(以下简称接触器)也适用于交流50Hz(或60Hz)额定绝缘电压为690V,额定工作电流至32A的电路中,供远距离接通和分断电路之用。也适用于频繁起动及控制异步、 交流变速和交流调速电机,还适用于机床、设备控制电器。
CJX4- □ □ □Z (last type CJX10-Z) range DC operation AC contactor is used in AC 50Hz(or 60Hz), rated insulation voltage 690V, rated current is up to 32A, for long-distance making and breaking circuit、 frequency trip、 control different step、 AC transmission and AC adjustment motor, also applied to machine tools and equipment electrical control.
■ 二:结构特点 structure feature
△ 立体布局,积木结构,上方可加装辅助触头组及空气延时头等,有利于扩大功能 Three-dimensional layout、 modular structure, can added contact arrangement and air time-delay terminal, help to expand functional.
△ 触头采用双断点,强制摩擦结构,有自洁作用
Double breaking point contact, mandatory friction structure, self-cleaning function.
△ 铁心采用螺管式结构。 Solenoid structure of rail Core
△ 触头有编号、直观,便于安装
Contacts have serious number, intuitive, easy to install
△ 周围空气温度-25℃~+40℃,24小时的平均值不超过+35℃;
Ambient temperature: -25~+40℃, Average temperature ≤35℃ in 24H;
△ 海拔高度不超过3000m;Elevation≤3000m;
△ 空气相对湿度在zui高温度为+40℃时不超过50%,在较低温度下可以有较高的相对湿度,zui湿月的月平均zui低温 度不超过+25℃,同时该月的月平均zui大相对湿度不超过90%;并考虑到因温度变化发生在产品上的凝露。 Relative humidity is not exceeding 50% at the maximum ambient temperature +40℃ With lower temperature, higher humidity would be permitted. And average maximum relative humidity ≤ 90% in the most humidity month, at the same time, the average minimum temperature should ≤ +25℃, and should give consideration to the dews on the goods surface, which would appear due to temperature change;
△ 额定工作制:a)八小时工作制;b)断续周期工作制;c)不间断工作制。
Rated working rule: a) 8h working rule; b) intermittent work cycle rule; c) ongoing work rule.
△ 环境污染等级为“污染等级3”;Pollution grade: Grade 3;
△ 安装类别为“安装类别Ⅲ”;Installation categories: class Ⅲ;
△ 该系列接触器可采用螺钉安装或卡装在35mm(CJX4-09□Z~18□Z)U型安装轨上。
The range contactor installation way: by screw or installed on 35mm (CJX4-09□Z~18□Z) U type rail track.
AC-3 使用类别下额定工作电流(le)A :380V—9A, 660V--6.6A
AC-4 使用类别下额定工作电流(le)A :380V—4A, 660V--5.5A
约定发热电流 lth A :25
额定工作电压 Ue V: 440 ; 660
额定绝缘电压 Ui V:690
AC-3(6le,le)电寿命(次): 100×100000
AC-3(6le,le)操作频率 h-1200
AC-3(6le,6le)电寿命(次): 200000
AC-3(6le,6le)操作频率 h-1:300
AC-3(6le,6le)额定工作电流: 380V--28A 660V--14A
线圈参数--额定控制电压(Us)V: DC: 24; 48、110、220
线圈参数--吸合时间: 0.85 Us~1.1 Us
线圈参数--AC释放时间:( 85%--110%) Us
线圈参数--DC释放时间: (10%--70%) Us
型 号type 参 数parameters | 新型号 New type | CJX4-09□Z | CJX4-12□Z | CJX4-18□Z | CJX4-25□Z | CJX4-32□Z |
额定工作电流leA(AC-3)Ratedwork current | 380V | 9 | 12 | 18 | 25 | 32 |
660V | 6.6 | 8.9 | 12 | 18 | 21 |
约定发热电流lthA Conventional thermal current | 25 | 25 | 32 | 40 | 50 |
额定工作电压Ue V Rated work voltage | 380 660 |
额定绝缘电压UiVRatedinsulationvoltage | 690 |
AC-3 | 电寿命104次 Electriclifespanoftriptimes | 100 | 100 | 100 | 80 | 70 |
操作频率h-1 Operationfrequency | 1200 | 1200 | 600 | 600 | 600 |
AC-4 | 寿命104次 Electriclife span of trip times | 5.5 | 4 | 3.5 | 2.5 | 2 |
操作频率h-1 Operationfrequency | 300 | 300 | 150 | 150 | 150 |
机械寿命105次 Machinery life of trip times | 100 | 80 |
辅助触头 Auxiliary contact | 约定发热电流lthA Conventional thermalcurrent | 10A |
电寿命 Lifespan oftrip | AC-15(360VA) | 同主触头电寿命 Samemaincontactelectric life span |
DC-13(33W) |
可接通zui小负载 connectminimum | 6V 10mA |
线圈 coil | 额定控制电压Us RatedcontrolvoltageUS | DC:24V、48V、110V、220V |
吸合电压 Pullvoltage | (85%-110%)Us |
释放电压 Release voltage | (10%-75%)Us |
线圈功耗小于 Coilpowerrelease shouldlowto | 12W | 15W |
■ 订货时须写明以下内容:In order need attention following:
△ 接触器的全称号及名称; Entitle type of contactor;
△ 控制线圈的电压; Voltage of control coil;
△ 订货数量:Order volume:
例如:CJX4-253Z直流操作交流接触器电压DC 110V,20台;
Example: CJX4-253Z DC operation AC contactor, DC, 110V, 20 sets. 表示为25A接触器的主触头为三对常开,辅助触头为一对常开,控制线圈的电压 为直流110V,订货数量为20台。
Means need 25A contactor, main contact are three normally open, auxiliary contact is one normally open, control coil voltage is DC 110V, order volume is 20 sets.
△ 特殊控制电压规格产品,如用户需要可特殊订货。