NS70L ESG蓄电池(德国)商品价格及参数 NS70L ESG蓄电池(德国)商品价格及参数 NS70L ESG蓄电池(德国)商品价格及参数基本介绍:
Typical Applications
UPS (High rate)
Emergency power supply
Banks & Financial Markets
Hospitals & Testing Laboratories
Industrial Process Control Facilities
Date & Network Operations Centers
Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) Battery, maintenance free.
Punched Plate with full side frames, robust, high accuracy.
3D structure: optimized design for pasting and active material adherence.Thin grid and plate offers more surface area for high power delivery.
Automatic production process, strong productivity, fast, high quality consistency.
High power discharge.
Thin plate, more plates with special formula, gives good HRPSoC performance.
Lower calcium level of Pb alloy, longer floating life.
Lower self discharging rate, longer shelf life.
Heat sealing with special container material give a strong and robust product.
No restrictions for rail, road, sea & air transport -Complies with IATA/ICAO Special Provisions A67.
Design according with IEC 60896-21/22:2004, JIS C 8702, JIS C 8704, etc
* 高可靠的工业保障 从内至外的优良设计
* 灰色外壳,体积小,重量轻,能量密度高,输出功率大
* 精密技术生产,使用寿命长,自放电率极低(小于3%每月)
* 特殊配方的铅钙合金及电解液,品质稳定,不污染环境
* 超音波密封外壳,免维护,免加水,使用可靠性高
* 内阻极小,回充容易,大电流放电性能优越
* 全自动流水线制造,一致性好,可任意成组使用
* 高压缩玻璃棉吸液式(AGM)技术
* 内藏防爆装置,采用超声波焊接技术加强蓄电池的密闭性
* 高级铅-锡-钙-银正极合金,有极强大电流放电后回充性及抗侵蚀能力
* 内藏式接电端子,连接牢固不易受损
* 置放时不受方向、位置之,环境温度广泛
* 适用在高功率的精密机械及高性能的UPS不断电系统
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