MK Battery was founded by Mark Kettler and Mark Wels in January 1983 and incorporated in August 1984, as a California "C"- type corporation. The company has over 100 employees including Mark Wels who continues to manage the company as President. MK Battery was acquired by East Penn Mfg. Co. Inc., Lyon Station, PA, in September 1995, and operates as a wholly-owned subsidiary of East Penn. In January 2002 MK Battery opened its first direct sales and distribution branch in Europe, located in Kettering, Northamptonshire, England. A second European branch opened in March 2005 in Arnhem, The Netherlands and, in 2009, the company opened offices and distribution in Sydney, Australia to service the Asia Pacific region.
Headquartered in Anaheim, CA, MK Battery now operates 20 distribution centers in the USA, six in Europe, and one in Australia, out of which we deploy a fleet of route delivery trucks. Each distribution center is staffed by MK Battery personnel. Additionally, East Penn Mfg. Co. (DEKA) provides warehouse services to MK Battery in numerous other USA locations. East Penn Canada, East Penn owned, markets MK Battery's brand names in Canada and supports MK Battery with inventory in multiple locations throughout Canada. Consequently, MK Battery has one of the most extensive distribution systems for sealed batteries in all of North America and throughout much of the world. As such, MK Battery brands are proudly sold and distributed on all seven continent
1. 容量范围(C20):3.h—250Ah(25℃)
2. 电压等级:12V
3. 自放电小:≤2%/月(25℃)
4. 良好的高率放电性能
5. 设计寿命长:20Ah以下为5年、20Ah以上为10年(25℃)
6. 密封反应效率:≥98%
7. 工作温度范围宽:-15℃~45℃
1. 交换机
2. 电器、YL设备及仪器仪表
3. 计算机不间断电源(UPS)
4. 输变电站,开关控制和事故照明
5. 汽车蓄电池及船用启动
6. 消防安全,安全报警监测
7. 办公自动化系统
8. 无线电通讯系统
9. 应急照明
10. 便携式电器及采矿系统
11. 交通及航标信号灯
3、蓄电池充电方式以恒压限流为宜,25摄氏度环境温度条件下:浮充使用时,充电电压为2.23-2.30V/单格,大电流不限;循环使用时,充电电压为2.40-2.50V/单格;均充电压为2.35-2.40V/单格,大电流为0.3C A(C 为20小时率放电额定容量);
4、使用蓄电池时,根据使用的环境温度变化,充电电压相应调整,浮充使用时温度补偿系数为-3MV/(摄氏度 单格——即环境温度每升高1摄氏度,充电电压降低3MV/单格;反之,环境温度每降低1摄氏度,充电电压提高3MV/单格;循环使用时为-5MV/(摄氏度 单格);均充时为-4MV(摄氏度 单格);