MK Battery is one of the largest sealed lead acid battery suppliers worldwide due to our total
commitment to the following core principles: MK Battery supplies only the highest quality batteries (gel, AGM and flooded deep cycle) that are specifically designed for our customers’ many, varied applications including broadband communications, UPS (uninterruptible power supplies), power wheelchairs, telephony (valve-regulated stationary), solar, marine and electronics. MK Battery ships fresh inventory fast, often within 24 hours, from a stock of more than 100,000 batteries in multiple distribution centers throughout the world and assists our.
1、密封性: 采用电池槽盖、极柱双重密封设计,防止漏酸,可靠的安全阀可防止外部空气和尘埃进入电池内部; 在正极板上,在外界电流的作用下,被离解为二价铅离子(Pb2)和硫酸根负离子(SO4-2),由于外电源不断从正极吸取电子,则正极板附近游离的二价铅离子(Pb2)不断放出两个电子来补充,变成四价铅离子(Pb4),并与水继续反应,终在正极极板上生成二氧化铅(PbO2)。
3、安全可靠:无酸液溢出,可靠的安全阀的自动闭合,E 、楼房楼宇设施 防爆设备的装置使电池在整个使用过程中更加安全可靠;
1) 体重比能量高,内阻小,输出功率高;
2) 充放电性能高,自放电控制在每个月2% 以下(20℃);
3) 恢复性能好 , 在深放电或者充电器出现故障时,短路放置30天后,仍可使用均衡充电法使其恢复容量 17、蓄电池的浮充电压是指在环境温度为25℃ 下充电电压值,当温差超过10℃ 时,必须修正浮充电压,否则会损伤蓄电池。环境温度升高1℃ ,应降低浮充电压0.003V/单格;相反,则升高浮充电压0.003V/单格。;
4) 由于单体电池的内阻、容量、浮充电压一致性好,充电时,应在外接一直流电源(充电极或整流器),使正、负极板在放电后生成的物质恢复成原来的活性物质,并把外界的电能转变为化学能储存起来。 因此电池在浮充使用状态下无需均衡充电。
6、温度适应性强: 可在-30℃~50℃下安全、放心地使用;
7、使用和运输安全简便: 满荷电出厂,无游离电解液,电池可横向放置,并可以无危险材料进行水、陆运输;
8、经济实惠: 柏克蓄电池极高的性能,超长的使用寿命,极低的维护成本确保用户得到的是经济实惠的产品。
Benefits of an Advanced Sealed VRLA Gel or AGM Battery
Battery technology has changed tremendously in just the past few years. In fact, size-for-size, MK's advanced Sealed VRLA Gel and AGM batteries deliver more power and more consistent performance than other types and brands of batteries used for mobility. MK's performance-proven Gel and AGM designs:
Can last longer than other batteries due to high quality manufacturing standards.
Are A-67 DOT/FAA-IATA Standard approved for airline and public transportation.
Do not need to be fully discharged before recharging.
Do not develop a "memory" that limits their recharging.
Will not automatically discharge if put on concrete.