规格: | 0.5mg | 产品价格: | 3750.00 |
规格: | 1mg | 产品价格: | 6750.00 |
Catalog Number H-3298
Synonyms C2-NPY
Molecular Formula C₉₆H₁₅₈N₃₂O₂₃S₂
Relative Molecular Mass 2192.64
CAS Registry Number [128806-04-2] net
Source Synthetic
Storage Conditions -20 ± 5 °C
Areas of Interest Obesity Research
This NPY analog contains 8-aminooctanoic acid in place of residues 5 to 24 of NPY and a D-Cys-Cys disulfide bond to conformationally restrict the peptide in a folded helical structure. This NPY analog shows selectivity for the pig spleen membrane receptors (Y₂).
更多产品信息,请点击:https://shop.bachem.com/4031093.html原装进口,(Cys²)-Neuropeptide Y (1-4)-8-aminooctanoyl-(D-Cys²⁷)-Neuropeptide Y (25-32) trifluoroacetate salt,bachem品Pai大包装更优惠!