Westrac Ltd. is the proud distributor of DEKA batteries in Belize, the worlds largest and most modern battery manufacturer. So when it comes to replacing your battery in your car, truck, ATV, Motorcycle or equipment we are your #1 choice. Bring in your vehicle and we will install your new DEKA battery free of charge. We offer a full year prorated warranty on all our batteries.
FREE Battery Installation!
When you purchase your battery from Westrac Ltd, we'll do the installation for you. Available for most vehicles.
Maintenance Tips/Suggestions: Your vehicle's battery and its connections should be checked at every oil change. The battery should be mounted securely, as vibration takes a toll on battery life. On batteries with removable filler caps, the electrolyte should be checked and topped off with distilled water. Battery connections should be clean, tight and corrosion-free. To clean the battery case and terminals, use a mixture of baking soda and water. As an added measure to fight terminal corrosion, chemically treated felt rings can be placed over the battery posts. Batteries don't always give warning signs before they fail. If your vehicle's battery is three years old or more, it's wise to replace it. When choosing a replacement, there's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all battery. Make sure the new one has adequate capacity for your exact make, model and equipment. Avoid running your battery dead; deep-cycling (discharging and then charging) quickly takes its toll on battery life. For longest life, automotive batteries are intended to keep a relatively consistent charge.
■ 我司采用ISO9001-2000国际质量管理标准。
■ 我们的质量方针是:品质、全员参与、用户放心、精益求精。
■ 我们逐步导入国际先进的质量管理方法六西格玛(6SIGMA)进行管理。
■ 我们在设立总的质量目标前提下,分解成各个部门目标,并在每半年举行的管理评审会议中进行审核。
■ 公司引进国外先进的检测设备和数据分析仪器,定期对产品的使用状况进行跟踪分析。
■ 公司引进世界的意大利和日本电池制造技术,采用进口及合资厂生产的经权威机构检测的原材料,确保电池的安全性与可靠性。
■ 公司每月采用QC七大手法等统计手法,对公司的质量进行全面的统计分析,为质量体系的持续改进提供依据。
■ 公司的各种型号均通过美国UL、欧盟CE等产品认证;并通过SGS杂 质含量检测,属非危险品;同时也送国家相关检测站,确认可以海、陆、运输。
■ 每年公司会安排产品送国内外权威检测ZX,按国际认可的JIS C8702-1998、BS6290 PART4、IEC896-2及BG13337.1、DL/T637等检测标准进行全面的性能测试。