美国起源供体马血清 100 - 508供体马血清可以独立于其他血清使用,或作为补充剂提供以与牛血清组合增强生长。 它是一种理想的补充剂,可与胎牛血清一起促进肿瘤细胞系的生长,尤其是人类来源的肿瘤细胞系的生长。 它还可以用作细菌培养基中的补充剂,用于增强苛求生物的生长。 供体马血清来自封闭的,受控制的站立畜群,其在兽医监督下并且常规监测各种马疾病。
干冰储存。将冷冻保存在-20至-10 cGemCell™ U.S. Origin Donor Horse Serum100-508Donor horse serum can be used independently of other sera, or as a supplement provided to enhance growth in combination with bovine sera. It is an ideal supplement to enhance growth of tumor cell lines, particularly of human origin, in conjunction with fetal bovine serum. It can also be used as a supplement in bacteriological media for growth enhancement of fastidious organisms. Donor horse serum is obtained from a closed, controlled standing herd that is under veterinary supervision and routinely monitored for various equine diseases.
Mycoplasma-tested and virus-screened
Coggins-tested for equine infectious anemia (swamp fever)
Ships on dry ice. Store frozen at -20 to -10°C