Z权威的西班牙琼脂糖(BiowestAgarose)是一种电泳级别纯度很高的产品,作为的琼脂糖品Pai,具有的产品性价比,在同行中有着非常高的知名度,在同类产品中占据着的市场份额,西班牙琼脂糖(Biowest Agarose)不仅适用于蛋白电泳也可以用于其它核酸分析电泳。
技术参数:Agarose Low EEO
Gel Strength (1.0%) (g/cm2)………………≥750
Gelling Range (1.5%) (℃)………………36 - 39
Melting Range (℃)………………………87 - 89
EEO (-mr)……………………………………≤0.15
Sulfate (%)………………………………≤0.15
DNase……………………………………None Detected
RNase……………………………………None Detected
Protease………………………………None Detected
Routine use agarose is ideal for everyday analysis of nucleic acids bygel electrophoresis or blotting (Northern or Southern) and is alsosuitable for protein applications such as Ouchterlony and radialimmunodiffusion (RID).
Analysis Note:
Sulfate content- used as an indicator of purity, since sulfate is the major ionic group present.
Gel strength- the force that must be applied to a gel to cause it to fracture.
Gel point- the temperature at which an aqueous agarose solution forms a gel as itcools. Agarose solutions exhibit hysteresis in the liquid-to-geltransition - that is, their gel point is not the same as their melting temperature.
Electroendosmosis (EEO)- a movement of liquid through the gel. Anionic groups in an agarosegel are affixed to the matrix and cannot move, but dissociable countercations can migrate toward the cathode in the matrix, giving rise toEEO. Since electrophoretic movement of biopolymers is usually toward theanode, EEO can disrupt separations because of internal convection.
Weigh out the desired amount of agarose and place in an Erlenmeyerflask with a measured amount of electrophoresis buffer, e.g. for an 0.8%gel, add 0.8 gm of agarose and 100ml of TBE Buffer (1X), to a 200 mlflask. The larger flask insures against the agarose boiling over.Dissolve the agarose in a boiling water bath or in a revolving-platemicrowave oven. All the grains of agarose should be dissolved and thesolution clear. Cool the solution to 60°C (70°C for concentrations 2% orabove) and pour immediately. Allow the gel to set for one-half hourbefore using. Make sure to use the same electrophoresis buffer in thegel as for the running buffer.
UltraPure Agarose is a polysaccharide (see structure below) used for size-based separation of nucleic acids in agarose gel electrophoresis applications. UltraPure Agarose is ideal for resolving DNA and RNA fragments from 500 bp to > 20 kb.
Ideal for analysis and recovery of DNA and RNA for routine applications
Strong gel structure allows for better handling and less breakage
Can be used in protein electrophoresis applications such as Ouchterlony (antigen-antibody interaction assay) and radial immunodiffusion (RID) (antigen quantitation assay)
Improved Packaging(改进包装)
The new environmentally friendly packaging uses 75% less plastic than the original bottles. This means less energy and raw material used in manufacture, and less waste in landfills. Additionally, the easy-pour spout reduces the likelihood of spills and contamination.
Performance and Quality Testing(性能和质量检测)
The performance of UltraPure Agarose is evaluated to satisfy set specifications in appearance, moisture, gel strength, gelling temperature, melting temperature, sulfate content, electroendosmosis, and DNase/RNase assay.
UltraPure Agarose (catalog number 16500-100) is a replacement for the item previously sold under catalog number 15510-019.
For research use only. Not for human or animal therapeutic or diagnostic use.
目前,常用琼脂糖作为电泳支持物,分离蛋白质和同工酶。将琼脂糖电泳与免疫化学相结合,发展成免疫电泳技术,能鉴别其他方法不能鉴别的复杂体系,由于建立了超微量技术,0.1ug蛋白质就可检出。 琼脂糖凝胶电泳也常用于分离、鉴定核酸,如DNA鉴定,DNA限制性内切核酸酶图谱制作等。由于这种方法操作方便,设备简单,需样品量少,分辨能力高,已成为基因工程研究中常用实验方法之一。