类型 | 电子式电能仪表 | 品Pai | 沪川 |
型号 | DTSF870型单相多费率电能表 | 基本电流 | 1.5(A) |
准确度等级 | 1.0 | 参比电压 | 220.(V) |
电流倍率 | 1.5 | 显示方式 | 液晶 |
频率 | 50(Hz) | Z大电流 | 100(A) |
装箱数 | 20 | | |
沪川集团--------创建一个美丽新世界 沪川集团是一家无区域集团, 其母公司沪川集团公司的前身乐清市沪川继电器厂始创于1989年,沪川集团是一家集高科技、低压电器、酒店、投资、贸易、家具等产业的 多元化产业集团。集团现辖7大专业公司,拥有柳市一家三酒店、自营进出口企 业及300 多家专业协作企业,产品畅销国内及世界30多个国家和地区.主要生产经营指纹识别应用系统、IC卡系统、汽车电器、IP系列产品、仪器仪表、静电离子水处理系统、低压电器、家具及配套产品等50多个系列、200多个品种、2000多种规格的产品。集团现有员工1500余人,其中专业技术开发人员78人,房产面积6万余平方米,沪川集团有限公司注册资金人民币5518万元,集团总注册资金人民币为壹亿零叁佰捌拾柒万元,年销售收入2.8亿元。沪川人一直在整合资源,发挥优势,增加新的经济增长点,努力打造“ 百年沪川”。 沪川集团在不断发展的进程中,逐步形成了自己的企业文化体系,这就是以 " 修身、齐家、立业、助天下 " 为企业理念,将 " 以发展吸引人、以事业凝聚人、以工作培养人、以业绩考核人 " 为用人准则,以 " 实现企业发展与个人成功高度和谐统一 " 为企业文化建设的核心,为使企业员工业务水平、综合素质与企业同步协调发展,集团经常组织员工外出学习、考察、培训,通过建立健全学习型组织、创业型团队,提高员工满意度,倡导人性化管理,是增强企业可持续发展的有力保证。 与此同时, " 发展企业、回报社会 " 是沪川不变的追求,先后投入扶贫救灾、军民共建、员工互助、设立两个奖学金等社会公益事业,积极回报社会,实践着 " 修身、齐家、立业、助天下 " 的誓言。 | |
DTSF870/DSSF870型三相有功多费率电能表概述DTSF870/DSSF870型电子式三相有功多费率电能表采用先进的电能表计量单元和多费率单元设计组成,应用数字采样技术及SMT工艺制造,大屏幕液晶显示,具有独立的红外通讯和RS485通讯接口。该表主要用于实现三要有功分时计量,具有精度高、可靠性好、宽负荷、低功耗、抗干扰能力强等特点。Type DTSF870/DSSF870Three phase electronic ative multi-rate kilowatt-hour meter1.IntroductionType DTSF870/DSSF870 three phase electronic ative multi-rate kilowatt-hour meter adopt advanced metering unit and multi-rate unit, Applied digital sampling technique, large LCD, independent RS485 communications port and one infrared communications port.this meter realize active time sharing measurement, It also has many advantages,such as good reliability、high accuracy、good overload、low consume and powerful anti-disturbing capability.规格型号
型号规格 | 参比电压(V) | 额定频率(HZ) | 标定电流(A) | 仪表常数(imp/kw.h) |
三相四线 DTSF870 | 3×220/380 | 50 | 1.5(6)~30(100) | 见铭Pai标识 |
3×57.7/100 | 50 |
三相三线 DSSF870 | 3×100 | 50 |
3×380 | 50 |
2.Specifications and types
specifications and types | Reference voltage(V) | Rated frequency(HZ) | Rated current (A) | Meter constant(imp/kw.h) |
Three phase four wire DTSF870 | 3×220/380 | 50 | 1.5(6)~30(100) | As shown in nameplate |
3×57.7/100 | 50 |
Three phase three wire DSSF870 | 3×100 | 50 |
3×380 | 50 |
技术参数3.1电气要求精确度等级:1.0级,2.0级正常工作电压:0.9Un~1.1Un极限工作电压:0.7Un~1.3Un电压线路功耗:每相电压回路功率消耗≤2.0W和5VA电流线路功耗:≤1.0VA启动电流:0.004lb潜动:具有反潜动逻辑设计3.2环境要求正常工作温度:-25℃-+60℃极限工作温度:-40℃—+70℃储运运输温度:-45℃—+70℃相对湿度:小于95%3. Technical parameter3.1 Electrical requiredAccuracy rating:class 1.0,class 2.0Normal working voltage:0.9Un~1.1UnLimiting working voltage:0.7Un~1.3UnVoltage consumption:voltage consumption involtage circuit≤2.0W and ≤5VACurrent consumption:active power≤1.0VAStarting current: 0.004lbCreep: logical design for anti-creeping3.2 Environment requirementsNormal working temperature:-25℃-+60℃(three phase)Limiting working voltage:-40℃—+70℃Transportation and Storage temperature:-45℃—+70℃Relative humidity (RH): less than 95%3.3工作参数时钟准确度:≤0.5S/d (23℃)电池容量:≥1.2AH停电后数据保存时间:>10年费率时段数:4段率,8段率计度范围:0~999999.99KWHRS485通讯波特率:1200bps`9600bps设计寿命:10年符合标准:GB/T17215-2002,DL/T645-19973.3 Running parameterClock accuracy:≤0.5S/d (23℃)Batterycapacity:≥1.2AHPreserving dataafter power outage:>10yearsRate time-interval:4rates, 8ratesMeasuring range: 0~999999.99KWHRS485 baud of communication port: 1200bps`9600bpsDesigned life: 10yearsStandards-compliant: GB/T17215-2002,DL/T645-19974.主要功能4.1计量功能分时计量正、反向有功功能,并存储数据计量无功功能,并存储数据分时计量有功Z大需量及发生时间,并存储数据4.2复费率功能可编程4种费率、8个时段4.Major function4.1Measuring functionTime-sharing measure positive and reverse direction active energy, and store data.Measure reactive energy, and store data.Measure maximum demand and happening time by different time segment, and store data.4.2 Multi-rate functionProgrammable 4 rates,8 period of time4.3显示功能液晶显示,6位整数、2位小数具有自动轮显功能,显示内容、时间及顺序可任意设置,轮显参数不超过16项具有按键显示功能,显示内容、时间及顺序可任意设置,轮显参数不超过16项4.4通讯功能具有一个RS485接口和一个红外通讯接口,可完成编程设置或抄表RS485接口和电表内部实现电气隔离,并设有防雷击电路4.3 show functionLCD display, 6 integer,2 decimalDisplay automatically by turn,display content.time and sequence can be set arbitrarily,but it can be imore than 16 itemDisplay and keyboard,display content.time and sequence can be set arbitrarily,but it can be more than 16 item4.4 Communications functionInfrared data communications and RS485 communications though hand-held Terminal,which can finish programmable set and meter reading.RS485 communication port and internal meter electrical isolation,it also havelightning protection circuit.4.5输出功能有功脉冲测试口输出,能满足远动脉冲输出要求远动输出脉宽:80ms±20ms通过软件设置能够实现时钟输出功能4.6事件记录功能具有近1-9次停电记录具有实时功率记录功能具有失压、编程、常量清零、数据清零、广播校时等事件记录功能4.7特殊功能具有停显功能具有编程禁止、需量清零、数据清零功能可记录1-12月用电电量(不显示、可抄表查看)具有时区转换数据冻结功能4.5output functionActive pulse testing port output,which meet the needs of pulse outputPulse width output:80ms±20msCan realize clock output though soft ware setting4.6 incident recordRecord latest 1-9 power failureRecordactual time power functionHave function of recording voltage loss ,programming. constant clearing,Datas clearing, adjust the time and so on4.7Special functionProgramming prohibitor,constant clearing,datas clearingRecord 1-12 electricity(donnot display,but can read meter for a check)time zone change datafreezing functionDDSF870型电子式单相多费率电能表Type DDSF870Single phase electronic multi-rate kilowatt-hour meterDDSF870型电子式单相多费率电能表,是根据国家相关标准开发成功的多费率电能表系列产品之一。该产品运用了先进的软件设计手段,采用了高性能的硬件设计和SMT生产工艺,技术先进、功能完善、性能可靠,是供电部门进行分时电能计量的理想产品。该产品适用于通过RS485通讯网络或手持单元(HHU)进行点对点或一主多从的数据通讯协议符合DL/T645-1997的规定,物理层接口、通讯链路和计量性能符合DL/T645-1997、GB/T17215-2002。本产品显示方式可选(LCD或LED),具有体积小,造型美观、寿命长、准确度高、过载性能好,功耗低、抗干扰性能力强等优点。DDSF870 Single phase electronic multi-rate kilowatt-hour meter is one product of those multi-rate meter series,which is developed according with national related standards.this meter adopt advanced software design, high-performance hardware design and SMT manufacturing technique, so that it is ideal product for Electricity Board to measure electricity time sharing. Though RS485communication network or hand-hold unit, the meter can dopoint to point Protocol or one trunk with multi-branch Protocol,which all conform to the requirements of DL/T645-1997.besides, physical interface layer, communications link and metering performance are all according to the requirements of DL/T645-1997、GB/T17215-2002. This meter has LCD and LED display,which can be selected. It also has many advantages,such as long service life、high accuracy、good overload、low consume and small volume.2.规格型号
型号规格 | 参比电压(V) | 额定频率(Hz) | 标定电流(A) | 仪表常数(imp/kw.h) |
DDSF870 | 220 | 50 | 1.5(6) --- 20(80) | 见铭Pai标识 |
2. Specifications and types
Specifications and types | Reference voltage(V) | Rated frequency(Hz) | Rated current (A) | Meter constant(imp/kw.h) |
DDSF870 | 220 | 50 | 1.5(6) --- 20(80) | As shown in nameplate |
3.技术参数3.1电气要求精确度等级:1.0级,2.0级正常工作电压:0.9Un~1.1Un极限工作电压:0.7n~1.3UN电压线路功耗:有功功率≤2.0W,视在功率≤5VA电流线路功耗:有功功率≤1.8VA3.2环境要求正常工作温度:-25℃-+60℃极限工作温度:-40℃—+70℃储运运输温度:-45℃—+70℃相对湿度:小于95%3.3工作参数时钟准确度:≤0.5S/d (23℃)电池电压:3.6V电池容量:≥1.2AH电池寿命:>10年光耦输出接口:脉冲宽度:80±20ms设计寿命:10年符合标准:GB/T17215-2002,DL/T645-19973.Technical parameter3.1 Electrical requiredAccuracy rating:class 1.0,class 2.0Normal working voltage:0.9Un~1.1UnLimiting working voltage:0.7Un~1.3UnVoltage consumption:active power≤2.0W,apparent power ≤5VACurrent consumption:active power≤1.8VA3.2 Environment requirementsNormal working temperature:-25℃-+60℃(three phase)Limiting working voltage:-40℃—+70℃Transportation and Storage temperature:-45℃—+70℃Relative humidity (RH): less than 95%3.3 Working parameterClock accuracy:≤0.5S/d (23℃)Battery voltage:3.6VBattery capacity:≥1.2AHBattery life:>10 yearsOptical coupling output interface: pulse width:80±20msDesigned life:10 yearsStandard: GB/T17215-2002,DL/T645-19974.主要功能4.1计量功能:准确计量正、反向有功电能4.2分时计量功能可设置四种费率(尖、峰、平、谷),八个时段,时段Z小时间间隔5分钟可存贮包括本月在内的12个月的各费率电能数据电量转存(自动抄表日)时间为1~28日的0~23时的整点时间4.3反向用电量分时计量功率(电能)方向自动识别,反向电量自动保存并同时累加在正向电量计数器中,自动记录反向电量、反向起始时间和反向运行时间具有反向脉冲检测和指示功能4.4通讯功能具有一个RS485接口和一个红外通讯接口RS485接口和电表内部实现电气隔离,并设有防雷击电路调制型双向红外接口4. Main function4.1 Measurement function:can measure positive and reversed direction active energy.4.2 Measured by different time segmentCan set up four rates(tine,peak,level,off-peak),eight period of time,the minimal time interval should be 5 minuteCan save the rates of 12 months including this monthDate of automatic meter reading is at 0~23 on 1~284.3 Measured by different time segment in reversed directionPower direction can be identify automatically, reversed power can be saved automatically, at the same time it can be accumulated into positive power counter, automatically record reversed power, reversed starting time and reversed runtimeHave function of reversed pulse testing and indication4.4 CommunicationsHave one RS485 communications port and one infrared communications portRS485 communication port and internal meter electrical isolation,it also havelightning protection circuit.Two directions of modulating infrared communications port4.6其他功能写数据时采用密码和编码开关两级保护,自动记录后编程时间和编程次数采用硬件上的时钟电路,极低的消耗电流后备电池采用进口绿色环保一次性锂电池可设置表号、局号、时段、费率、日期、自动抄表、密码、循环显示项及起始电量具有后备电池欠压检测指示、电表硬件状态、时钟状态、电能方向、校时状态及当前时段状态等电表运行状态标识位电表运行状态标示位可通过RS485或手持电脑读取可通过点动表盖上蓝色轮显按钮查看用户选定的电量参数4.6 Other functionAdopt two-stage protection of password and Code Switch, when reading meter automatically recording last time program and programing timesAdopt clock circuit of hardwareBackup battery adopts imported green environmental disposablelithium batteryCan set meter number,office number,period of time,rate,date,password,the content of display in a cycle and starting power.Have function of marking backup battery detecting low voltage indication ,meter state of hardware. state of clock,meter direction.state of check.state of present.