Highly efficient delivery of plasmids, bacmids and co-transfections consisting of a transfer vector and baculovirus DNA into Sf9 and Sf21 cells.
Simple and straightforward protocol.
Compatibility with diverse insect cell culture medias.
Minimized cytotoxicity.
BaculoPORTER� Transfection Reagent is a lipid formulation of a novel proprietary cationic lipid and dioleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) in a ratio targeted and optimized for the delivery of DNA into insect cells, especially Sf9 and Sf21. When mixed with DNA, BaculoPORTER Transfection Reagent coats and interacts with the DNA to form a lipoplex of lipid and DNA. The formed lipoplex is efficient at delivering the target DNA into insect cells and with minimal toxicity. This reagent allows researchers to maximize the delivery of DNA combinations including, plasmid, transfer vector and baculovirus DNA, or Bacmid DNA into insect cells to optimize expression and maximize viral titer production. When compared to other commercially available transfection reagents, The BaculoPORTER� Transfection Reagent consistently offers superior transfection efficiencies and viral titer production.