The ideal density gradient medium
OptiPrep™ is a sterile and endotoxin tested solution of 60% iodixanol in wa-ter with a density of 1.32 g/ml.
Iodixanol was developed as an X-ray contrast medium an has therefore been subjected to rigorous clinical testing.
Iodixanol is non-ionic, non-toxic to cells and metabolically inert.
Iodixanol solutions can be made isoos-motic at all useful densities.
Iodixanol solutions have low viscosity and osmolality.
Actual endotoxin levels in each batch are usually measured at < 0.13 EU/ml
62 protocols available for isolation of subcellular organelles and membranes.
OptiPrep™ is the ideal solution for virus purification.
Virus purified using OptiPrep™ gra-dients shows infectivity:particle num-ber ratios at least 100x those from CsCl gradients.
31 protocols available for virus purifi-cation
14 protocols available for macromole-cules and lipoproteins purification.
The high density of OptiPrep™ facili-tates the fractionation of cells by flota-tion from a dense load zone through either a continuous or discontinuous gradient or through a simple density barrier.
55 protocols available for cell isolation.
Improved resolution of cell organelles.
Low viscosity, isoosmotic gradients provide rapid and efficient separation of the major organelles in preformed gradients.
OptiPrep™ is a ready-made, sterile and endotoxin test-ed solution with the following specifications:
Iodixanol: 60% (w/v)
Density: 1.320 ± 0.001 g/ml
Endotoxins: < 1.0 EU/ml
OptiPrep™ is supplied as a sterile solution in the fol-lowing package size:
Prod. no. 1114542 1x250ml