Cytoslides are specially marked slides for the Cytospin? Cytocentrifuge. The specimen area is outlined for rapid location during screening. All slides are high quality 75 x 25 mm, made of high-quality optical glass. The white frosted area at top of the slide allows for rapid identification with any routine marking device. Available as coated or non-coated microscope slides.Single Cytoslides Single Cytoslides are specially made for use with Cytospin? Single Sample Chambers. A white, 12 mm diameter circle on the slide defines the area where cells will be displayed, allowing for efficient and rapid location. Uncoated slides available with circle on front or back.
以上是部分说明书,此产品的详细说明请到 本公司网站搜索:Thermo单圈细胞载玻片
桑戈生物(Sanger Biotech.)---你科研的需要,我奋斗的目标
产品全:代理波片业内三Fisher,VWR, Thermo(含原Erie)的全部高中低500多种盖玻片,载玻片产品。
桑戈生物(Sanger Biotech.)---专业的品质,科学的精神
IHC,Elisa,IP,IF,Flow Cytometry,Western… 我们是免疫技术的专家
抗体(Antibody),免疫组化笔(PAP PEN),细胞/组织培养产品(Cell/Tissue Culture),蛋白,生物试剂盒(Kits/Assays for Biologic),干扰RNA(siRNA),免疫组织化学试剂(IHC Reagents), 组织芯片(Tissue Microarray Slides), 生化试剂(Biochemicals), 克隆试剂(Cloning), 组织血清(Tissue and Serum), 生长因子(Growth Factors), 分子生物学试剂(Molecular Biology)… 我们满足免疫技术需要
VWR载玻片盖玻片系列 (超过150个产品)
VWR* Superfrost* Plus and * Colorfrost* Plus Micro Slides
VWR? Plain and Frosted Micro Slides系列
VWR VistaVision? Slisdes系列
VWR? SuperSlips? Micro Cover Glasses, Rectangular, No. 1系列
VWR? Micro Cover Glasses, Round, No. 1系列
VWR VistaVision? Cover Glasses, No. 1系列
Fisherbrand* Superfrost* Plus and ColorFrost* Plus Microscope Slides
Fisherbrand* Colored-Coded Microscope Slides系列
Fisherfinest Premium Superfrost Microscope Slides系列
Fisherfinest* Superslip* Cover Slips系列
Fisherfinest* Premium Cover Glasses系列
Thermo Scientific Shandon Cytoslide Cytology Slides
Thermo Scientific* Richard-Allan Scientific Cover Glass
Thermo Scientific* Signature Series Cover Glass
Thermo Scientific* Richard-Allan Scientific Cover Glass
3 国产多聚赖氨酸防脱载玻片系列
上海桑戈生物还代理销售国外进口原装抗体(Antibody),免疫组化笔(PAP PEN),细胞/组织培养产品(Cell/Tissue Culture),蛋白,生物试剂盒(Kits/Assays for Biologic),干扰RNA(siRNA),免疫组织化学试剂(IHC Reagents), 组织芯片(Tissue Microarray Slides), 生化试剂(Biochemicals), 克隆试剂(Cloning), 组织血清(Tissue and Serum), 生长因子(Growth Factors), 分子生物学试剂(Molecular Biology), Corning,Invitrogen,Millipore,Merck,Whatman,Axygen,Gibco,VWR,HyClone,Brand,Pall等实验室耗材设备。