photoactivatable GFP,PAGFP)载体pPAGFP-N1,pPAGFP-C1能够提供单分子特性,而实现超分辨显微成像
The pPAGFP-C1 was not published. It was prepared by removing the PAGFP cDNA from pPAGFP-N1 with an AgeI/BsrGI restriction digest and subcloning it into a similarly digested pEYFP-C1 (Clontech). The pPAGFP-C1 was confirmed by sequencing. If you use this construct in future publications, use your best judgement for citation.
The fluorescent protein encoding region contains one of the three substitutions (A206K) suggested by Dr. Roger Tsien. This mutation disrupts fluorescent protein dimerization even at high concentrations. The mutation does not seem to have much effect on the fluorescent properties of the CFP, GFP and YFP versions, so hopefully it will not affect PAGFP too much. The PAGFP A206K mutant does not display obvious fluorescent differences compared with the original, but please bear in mind that I haven't characterized it to the same extent.
The citation for the A206K mutation in fluorescent proteins is Science 2002 296:913.