The PG Reagent provides an easy 3-step method to isolate a high yield of total DNA (including genomic, mitochondrial, and chloroplast DNA from the plant tissue and cells). This unique reagent is able to lyse the most common plant samples as well as the samples high in polysaccharides. If a large sample is required, the reagent volume can be scaled proportionately, making this reagent not only very user-friendly but also highly versatile. The DNA phenol extraction is not required, and the entire procedure can be completed in 90 minutes. The extracted total DNA is ready for use in PCR, Real-time PCR, Southern Blotting, Mapping and RFLP.
产品名:PG Reagent (Plant Genomic DNA Isolation Reagent)
产品中文名:PG Reagent (Plant Genomic DNA Isolation Reagent)
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