Chattanooga International 超声波理疗仪 Intelect Mobile Ultrasound
1和3 MHz频率 搏动的和连续的疗法操作(10%, 20%, 50%和) 16 Hz、48 Hz或者100 Hz易变的使用率产品 临床征兆为患者的情况提供被设置的适当应用程序和参量 10个用户定义的记忆位置 轻量级设计,与电池操作的选择和按客户需要设计的流动运载的袋子一起,使运输容易 创新设计考虑到推车、台式、墙壁或者流动用途 更好的可见性的新的由后照的LCD显示在低灯设置 更加容易的航海的改善的pq按钮 在ZL期间,Z近被重新设计的超声波朝向在被改进的时代 BNR <6 :1 在品种的符合人体工程学地被设计的合理的头大小(1 cm ²、2 cm ²、5 cm ²和10 cm ²) 所有合理的头互换性归结于居住所有变换装置的电子Signature™ 顶头温暖的特点和头与与视觉和听觉反馈的控制联系在所有合理的头
Chattanooga Intelect Mobile Ultrasound Chattanooga Intelect® Mobile Ultrasound Chattanooga’s Intelect Mobile Ultrasound is clinically proven to provide the best possible treatment outcomes by utilising a high quality transducer to ensure maximum ultrasound delivery to the treatment area. The output is a clean, culminated beam with the lowest available Beam Non-uniformity Ratio (5:1 maximum). The applicators are designed to provide ultrasound efficiency with no potential for parasitic radiation to the therapist. Each head incorporates head warming and provides a contact control programme with visual and auditory feedback when coupling is present. Comes complete with 5cm2 applicator, ultrasound gel and user manual on CD. Chattanooga Intelect® Mobile Ultrasound Chattanooga’s Intelect Mobile Ultrasound is clinically proven to provide the best possible treatment outcomes by utilising a high quality transducer to ensure maximum ultrasound delivery to the treatment area. The output is a clean, culminated beam with the lowest available Beam Non-uniformity Ratio (5:1 maximum). The applicators are designed to provide ultrasound efficiency with no potential for parasitic radiation to the therapist. Each head incorporates head warming and provides a contact control programme with visual and auditory feedback when coupling is present. Comes complete with 5cm2 applicator, ultrasound gel and user manual on CD. Chattanooga Intelect® Mobile Ultrasound Chattanooga’s Intelect Mobile Ultrasound is clinically proven to provide the best possible treatment outcomes by utilising a high quality transducer to ensure maximum ultrasound delivery to the treatment area. The output is a clean, culminated beam with the lowest available Beam Non-uniformity Ratio (5:1 maximum). The applicators are designed to provide ultrasound efficiency with no potential for parasitic radiation to the therapist. Each head incorporates head warming and provides a contact control programme with visual and auditory feedback when coupling is present. Comes complete with 5cm2 applicator, ultrasound gel and user manual on CD. Features:
1 and 3 MHz frequencies - Pulsed and continuous therapy operation (10%, 20%, 50% and )
Variable duty cycle outputs of 16 Hz, 48 Hz, or 100 Hz
Clinical indications provide the most appropriate application and parameter set for the patient’s condition
10 user-defined memory positions
Lightweight design, along with battery-powered option and with an optional accessory, the custom designed mobile carrying bag
Innovative design allows for cart, table top, wall or mobile use
New backlit LCD display for better visibility in low light settings
Improved pq button for easier navigation
Newly redesigned ultrasound heads for improved ERA during treatment - BNR <6:1
Ergonomically designed sound heads in variety of sizes (1 cm2, 2 cm2, 5 cm2, and 10 cm2)
All sound heads are interchangeable due to Electronic Signature™ residing on all transducers
Head warming feature and head contact control with visual and auditory feedback on all sound heads
3 year warranty (accessories 1 year)
Optional Accessories
1cm2, 2cm2, 10cm2 Ultrasound Applicators
Batter Pack
Intelect Mobile Carrying Bag
Therapy System Cart
Cart Adapter
Product Weight : 2.3 kg
Product Length : 33 cm
Product Width : 29 cm
Product Height : 16.3 cm
Shipping Weight : 5 kg (11 lb)
Shipping Length : 38.1 cm (15 in)
Shipping Width : 40.6 cm (16 in)
Shipping Height : 27.9 cm (11 in)
Mains Power : 120-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz
Safety Tests : IEC 60601-1, IEC 60601-1-2, IEC 60601-2-5 Electrical Class : Class 1, Type B
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