T&J-gasbox 由具有自动补偿湿度和压力功能的O2 |. CO2传感器组成,用于持续性的监测并控制生物工艺。排出的尾气经过集成的流量适配器进入测试腔,并在此进行O2 和CO2 水平、湿度和压力的分析。
由T&J-gasbox 测量的氧气和二氧化碳的变化值为生物量、基质消耗以及产品形成速率提供了实时数据。通过质量流量控制器精确测量进气中的氧气和二氧化碳浓度,然后减去由BioPAT-gasbox 测得的排气中的测量值,计算获得实时数据。可以计算的标准参数如下:
• 氧气摄入率 (OUR)
• 二氧化碳排放速率 / 二氧化碳生产速率 (CER / CPR)
•呼吸商 (RQ)
Bacteria测试范围:O2: 1-50%; CO2测试范围:0 - 10%;
Cell测试范围:O2: 1-; CO2测试范围:0 - 25%;
湿度范围:0 -
O2; 0.04% CO2)
压力范围:0.8-1.3 bar
箱子: 不锈钢,IP65
温度范围:15 - 40 ° C
Start QbD with the T&J-gasbox units
In modern bioprocessing Quality by Design (QbD) is becoming more and more a standard. That means that you always have to know and to understand your complete process and key parameters during the complete production process. To understand and to document your process during the complete production process makes modern bioprocessing save and guarantees highest quality. With the gas analyzers each individual process is comprehensively analyzed and documented independently. The gasbox series makes it easy for you to start with the QbD production right away. When measurements are made using several T&J-gasbox units, all analyzers can be conveniently read out and controlled by just one computer. Contemporary bioprocessing frequently involves performing several processes in parallel. Specific variations can be tested in the individual bioreactors under identical cultivation conditions, allowing the decisive factors to be determined much faster (design of experiments, DOE). To start the QbD production, each gasbox only measures one process, allowing a very large amount of data to be obtained continuously and without interruptions, and practically eliminating the risk of inter-process contamination (this risk cannot be eliminated with a central analyzer). At an industrial scale, parallel processes make a continual production flow possible. If a fermenter is shut down for maintenance purposes, the remaining bioreactors can continue their production without problems. Using a central analyzer (mass spectrometer) for all fermenters would mean that you rely on a single device that could stop the complete production process. With the gas analyzers each individual process is comprehensively analyzed and documented independently. The gasbox series makes it easy for you to start with the QbD production.