Simple tools for food allergen controlThe Reveal 3-D Tests make it simple to screen for the presence of low levels of allergens in CIP rinses and environmental swabs virtually anywhere. Sample preparation and testing take less than 10 minutes. Each kit contains everything needed (including swabs) to perform 10 single use tests (100 test kits also available).
美国neogen 原装 订货期三周左右
Ordering Information
Prod.# Product description
902086G Reveal 3-D Almond – 10 samples
902075M Reveal 3-D Casein – 10 samples
902082Q Reveal 3-D Egg – 10 samples
901031P Reveal 3-D Gluten – 10 samples
902087E Reveal 3-D Hazelnut – 10 samples
901041L Reveal 3-D Peanut – 10 samples
902081S Reveal 3-D Crustacea – 10 samples
902093K Reveal 3-D Soy – 10 samples