NEXTERION® Slide E is produced using an innovative proprietary process developed by SCHOTT to produce a uniform and reproducible epoxysilane coating on both sides of a high quality borosilicate glass slide. All slides are individually examined for physical defects and the presence of particles before and after coating. The epoxysilane surface is applied in tightly controlled, class 100 clean room facility, resulting in coated slides with highly uniform surface properties and low auto-fluorescence.
Fully optimized surface
NEXTERION® Slide E provides excellent spot morphologies and reproducible spot sizes with a variety of commonly used spotting buffers. The surface chemistry is robust and stable, and remains active even during very long print runs. The density of the epoxy groups in the coating is constant over the entire surface of the slides, and has been optimized to provide uniform spot size and shape and the optimal binding capacity. Another important parameter, surface hydrophobicity, is also tightly controlled to optimize the performance of the slides with both contact and non-contact printers.
Packaging and storage
NEXTERION® Slide E are packaged in chemically stable plastic boxes and sealed under an inert atmosphere. The slides are ready-to-use from the box, and are stable for 12 months in the sealed packaging when stored at room temperature.
The slides are available in packs of 25 slides with optional code 128 barcodes enabling automated sample tracking. The identical epoxysilane coating is also available in 16-well slide, 48-well slide and 96-well microplate multi-well formats.
Compatible reagents for printing DNA and Oligos