MW: 433.50288 纯度:>98% 描述: Rocilinostat (ACY-1215) is an orally bioavailable, specific inhibitor of histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) with potential antineoplastic activity. Low doses of ACY-1215 combined with bortezomib triggered synergistic anti-MM activity, resulting in protracted endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis via activation of caspase-3, caspase-8, and caspase-9 and poly (ADP) ribosome polymerase. In vivo, the anti-MM activity of ACY-1215 in combination with bortezomib was confirmed using 2 different xenograft SCID mouse models: human MM injected subcutaneously (the plasmacytoma model) and luciferase-expressing human MM injected intravenously (the disseminated MM model). Tumor growth was significantly delayed and overall survival was significantly prolonged in animals treated with the combination therapy. [1] 参考文献: [1] Blood. 2012 Mar; 119(11):2579-89. 注意: 本产品仅用于科研! 若想获取更多产品信息,请登录:
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