CellASICTM微流控细胞芯片实验室 -----突破静态细胞培养实验限制,拓展细胞动态分析科研思路CellASICTM微流控细胞培养平台通过微培养控制器精确控制细胞生长体系培养液、温度和气体等条件,还原细胞体内生长微环境生长条件,完全摆脱了培养箱限制,结合常规倒置显微镜,实现细胞培养的实时监控和功能分析。 平台设计原理CellASIC
TM微流控细胞芯片实验室采用先进的微流控技术,在外界环境中模拟体内生存条件, 利用培养板上的液流通道持续的向细胞运输其生长所需的培养基或相应的刺激因子
(如下图)。 系统组成液流控制仪※气体温度控制仪※多重控制板※芯片培养板※软件系统 机器参数列表
产品主要性能特点 - 微流控原理精确控制细胞培养基质、温度及气体条件,还原机体细胞生长微环境。
- 软件程序化设定,实现完全自动化细胞培养,持续灌流3天以上。
- 细胞培养同时进行相关加药,染色等处理,实现细胞功能分析研究。
- 可配合倒置显微镜,实现细胞的实时动态监控成像。
- 灵活培养板设计,可满足细菌、酵母和哺乳动物细胞的培养。
产品应用方向 参考文献 - Bacterial virulence proteins as tools to rewire kinase pathways in yeast and immune cells. Nature, 2012; 488:384-8.
- Optical sensors for measuring dynamic changes of cytosolic metabolite levels in yeast. Nature Protocols. 2011; 6;1806-1817.
- Distinct interactions select and maintain a specific cell fate. Molecular Cell. 2011;43:528-539.
- Commitment to a cellular transition precedes genome-wide transcriptional change. Molecular Cell. 2011;43:515-527.
- Atg8 regulates vacuolar membrane dynamics in a lipidation-independent manner in Pichia pastoris. J Cell Sci. 2010;123(Pt 23):4107-16.
- Dynamic analysis of cytosolic glucose and ATP levels in yeast with optical sensors. Biochem J. 2010
- Cytosolic pH is a second messenger for glucose and regulates the PKA pathway through V-ATPase. EMBO J. 2010;29:2515-26.
- The DNA damage checkpoint regulates a transition between yeast and hyphal growth in Schizosac-charomyces japonicus. Mol Cell Biol. 2010 ;30:2909-17.
- Epigenetic and conventional regulation is distributed among activators of FLO11 allowing tuning of population-level heterogeneity in its expression. PLoS Genet. 2009;5:e1000673.
- Spinning-disc confocal microscopy of yeast. Methods of Enzymology, vol 470, 2010, 581-602.
- Dynamic cell culture: a microfluidic function generator for live cell microscopy. Lab Chip. 2009;9: 164-6.
- Oscillations in Cdc14 release and sequestration reveal a circuit underlying mitotic exit. J Cell Biol. 2010;26: 209-22.
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