是否提供加工定制 | 否 | 类型 | 数字式电阻测量仪表 |
品Pai | ME | 型号 | ME-282 |
测量范围 | 1(MΩ) | 测试电压 | 220(V) |
精度 | 5% | 重量 | 1(kg) |
ME-282CPS便携式静电测试仪静电充电板系统ME-282CPS品Pai:MONROE重量:0.精密:小于5%尺寸:特点:工作台接地系统检测工具;精确易读的数字式显示幕;读值保持功能;自动关机省电功能;口袋型尺寸,操作方便;和ME-282A-1静电测试仪配合使用;电池:9V电池寿命:200小时Easy to useNow it’s simple to make sure any ionizer isdoing its job.Go/no-go check1. While away from any ionized airflow, turn theModel 282 fieldmeter on and check “zero”reading.2. Slide the plate assembly onto the Model282 fieldmeter.3. Select charger polarity by grounding theopposite terminal. (Ground “-” to select “+”).4. To charge the plate adapter, place it in contactwith the appropriate charger terminal.5. Position the fieldmeter with the plate adapterin the ionizer airflow. The meter shouldrapidly drop from 1100 V to zero.Note: All tests should be performed whilewearing a wrist strap to ensure a proper ground.Decay rate checkFollow the steps above, but connect thefieldmeter to chart recorder, or use a stopwatchto measure the time required for the voltage todecay from ±1.00kV to ±0.10kV.Balance checkTurn on the fieldmeter with the plate adapterattached. Point it into the ionizer airflow, checkfor an average reading of zero.An offset reading indicates an unbalancedionizer.