详细说明: 适用范围: 本系列电阻炉系周期作业式,供实验室、工矿企业、科研单位作元素分析,测定和一般小型钢件做淬火、退火、回火等热处理;高温炉还可作金属、陶瓷的烧结、熔融、分析等高温加热用。 Scope: This serial of resistance furnace is a periodically working one. which is used for element analysis and measurement by labor-atories. factories and mines and R&D institutes. and for common small-scale steels heat treatment such as quenching. annealing and tempering;the high temperature furnace is applied in high tempera-ture heating for metal. porcelain sintering. salvation and anal-ysis.etc. 结构特点: *本系列电阻炉炉壳选用优质冷轧钢板经折叠,焊接制成,表面采用静电喷塑处理,使设备耐用抗高温。 *工作室是用耐火材料制成整体箱式炉膛、加热元件采用内置式,炉膛与炉壳间用耐火保稳材料砌筑。可以代替已淘汰的SRJX-型老产品。 *炉门通过多级铰链固定在电炉上,炉门的关闭时利用炉门的自重,通过杠杆作用将炉门紧贴于炉口。 *炉口下装有与炉门联锁的安全开关,当炉门开启时电炉电源便自动切断,确保安全。 *1300℃ 电炉用硅碳棒加热,1600℃ 电炉用硅钼棒加热。本产品是快速、节能、环保型产品。具有能耗低、升温快优点。 *本系列电阻炉需与KSW-型温度控制器及镍铬--镍硅热电呕配套使用,由此进行电温度的测量、指示及自动控制。 Construction features: *The 0asing of this serial of resistance fumace is made up of excellent steel plates and soldered in hems. *The work room is made up with flame-proofing materials msnufactred into buik encasing hearth with inlaid heaying elements.Between the headh and casing are the fire resistant and theemal insulation materials. which are able to substitute the old SRJX-serial products being replaced. *The door is fixed 0n the furnace through multistage hinges. which is closed by tightly sticking to the furnace mouth through using its tare weight. *Under the fumace mouth. there is safety switch interlocking with the fumace goor. which will automatically cut off the power supply when furace door opend to ensure safety. 主要技术指标: Primary technical indexes: * 额定温度: Rated Temperature : 1000℃ * 额定功率(KW):Rated power (KW) : 8.0 * 电 压 / 电 源: Voltage / powe : 380V * 相 数 : Phase : 三 相 * 温度控制器: Temperature controller : KSW-12-11 * 热 电 偶 : WRN-010 型 镍铬-镍硅热电偶 . L=300mm * 补偿导线 :EU型铜--康铜补偿导线 : 2.5米 线芯截面 2X1.0 平方毫米 * 工作室尺寸(cm):Size of work room ( cm ) : 40×25×16 * 外形尺寸(cm):Outine Size ( cm ) : 81×53×63 * 包装尺寸(cm): Package Size ( cm ) : 91×65× 80 * 净重/毛重(Kg): Net /gross weight ( kg ) ; 115 / 150 注:以上价格成套价格包括电炉和 指针式温度控制器,如指针式温度控制器改用数显式控制器 另加 300元。 |