热芯棒测试仪 瑞典原装进口4300热芯棒测试仪瑞典Friborg原装进口4300热芯棒测试仪,一个圆锥形的钢心轴在300-500°C的温度下加热绝缘材料, 以确定是否产生气体.性气体用一个10KV的电极火花测试.一个电气装置包括所有的控制装置
热芯棒测试仪 瑞典原装进口4300热芯棒测试仪
瑞典Friborg原装进口4300热芯棒测试仪,一个圆锥形的钢心轴在300-500°C的温度下加热绝缘材料, 以确定是否产生气体.性气体用一个10KV的电极火花测试.一个电气装置包括所有的控制装置.

Hot Mandrel Tester Model:4300
IEC 61029-2-1 Clause 28.2
A conical steel mandrel electrically heats insulation material to a temperature between
300-500°C in order to determine if flammable gases are generated. The flammability of the gases is tested with a 10kV electrode spark. An electrical unit contains all the controlling devices
Technical Specification
1. Hot Mandrel with type K thermocouple Resistance to heat and fire
2. Temperature measured with an analogue meter and controlled by a variable transformer and a current transformer
3. High voltage ring electrode operating at 10 000 V
4. Adjustable platform
5. It is delivered with a cabinet
6. Dimensions: 400x500x900 mm (LxWxH)