漏电起痕试验机– 型号4200

标准: IEC60112
重量: 60 kg
尺寸: 450x500x600 mm (LxWxH)
电源: 115/230VAC, 50Hz
Tracking Tester - Model 4200
This method simulates tracking currents on insulation material by providing drops between electrodes. During normal use insulating material may be exposed to moisture and dirt that, if conductive, may cause stress and fire hazard.
The equipment consists of an electrical unit containing control devices plus a mechanical unit with electrodes and pumping device.
Technical specifications
Testing acc. to IEC 60112
Fully automatic testing
Software controlled test procedure with PLC
Pneumatic controlled pipette
Cabinet for testing and fan to take out gases
Platinum electrodes - pure 99,9 %
Electrode voltage 100-600 VAC in steps of 25 VAC
Testing interval 30+30 seconds
Fault indication over 0,5 A in 2 seconds
Certificate issued by Friborg Test Technology