我公司是进口材料哈氏合金(Hastelloy),锆702和705 (Zirconium702和705)材料专业经销商及哈氏合金,锆702和705设备,部件及哈氏B-2/3和哈氏C-276缠绕垫片和石墨增强垫片等专业制造商
我公司拥有国外材料供货商和哈氏合金,锆702 和705成熟制造经验,提供以下材料,设备和部件
1材料:哈氏合金,锆702 和705管,板,管件,棒,钢带,丝和焊材等
2设备:哈氏B-3和锆702 V型过滤器,哈氏C-276 Y型过滤器(使用)(醋酸和醋肝装置用),已为上海吴泾醋酸有限公司(醋酸项目),华北地区醋酸项目,上海地区醋酸和醋肝项目等制造了哈氏B-3和锆702 V型过滤器,哈氏C-276 Y型过滤器
3.紧固件:哈氏C-276, 哈氏B-3和锆705材料的U型螺栓,螺栓和螺母,垫圈
4.法兰和法兰盖:哈氏C-276, 哈氏B-3和锆702材料的法兰和法兰盖, 为降低项目成本,哈氏C-276, 哈氏B-3和锆702材料的法兰盖采用贴面法兰盖, 哈氏C-276, 哈氏B-3材料的贴面法兰盖采用316L法兰和密封面材料采用哈氏C-276或哈氏B-3,哈氏C-276或哈氏B-3密封面被焊接在316L法兰上, 锆702材料的贴面法兰盖采用316L法兰和密封面材料采用锆702,锆702密封面用螺钉固定在316L法兰上. 我公司已为山东华鲁恒升化工股份有限公司(醋酸和醋肝项目)和其他醋酸和醋肝项目制造大批哈氏C-276, 哈氏B-3和锆702材料的法兰,法兰盖和贴面法兰盖
5.除沫器:哈氏C-276, 哈氏B-3和锆705材料的除沫器
6.限流孔板:哈氏C-276, 哈氏B-3和锆702材料的限流孔板
7.视镜: 哈氏C-276, 哈氏B-3和锆702材料的视镜
8.哈氏C-276缠绕垫片, 哈氏B-2缠绕垫片: 自1997年起,我公司已为国内重庆扬子江乙酰化工有限公司(醋酸厂),上海吴径醋酸有限公司,镇江索普醋酸有限公司等制作大量哈氏C-276缠绕垫片,哈氏B-2/B-3缠绕垫片.
a 质量优异和可靠:哈氏合金板和钢带材料采用质量Z好的美国HAYNES公司材料.聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)材料采用耐260℃高温的杜邦PTFE或聚四氟乙烯填充玻璃纤维制作哈氏合金垫片
b 国内哈氏缠绕垫片制造商:从1997年起,为醋酸厂提供大量哈氏B-2和哈氏C-276缠绕垫片,经过长达11年时间的考证, 我公司制作的哈氏B-2/3和哈氏C-276缠绕垫片其产品质量是优异和可靠的.是上述三家醋酸厂指定的长期供货公司, 并随时为醋酸厂提供垫片
c 哈氏合金成型钢带和板材料备有现货,交货时间短,并能应急供货,在过去的11年里,为保障醋酸装置能正常生产,我公司自备了价值百万元哈氏合金材料作为库存,并能在24小时或更短的时间内为醋酸厂提供应急哈氏合金垫片,以满足生产需要
主要业绩:从1997年起,我公司已为许多国外独资,合资,大型国内企业提供哈氏合金,锆702 和705材料,各种形式设备和部件及哈氏合金B-2/B-3和哈氏C-276缠绕垫片等.如BASF,BP,ABB,华能电厂,重庆扬子乙酰化工有限公司(BP)(醋酸厂),上海吴泾醋酸有限公司,镇江索普醋酸有限公司,山东华鲁恒升化工股份有限公司(醋酸和醋肝),上海焦化有限公司等.如您有任何问题,请随时与我方联系,谢谢.
E-mail: zhibaochen@hotmail.com
Equipment & parts of Hastelloy,Zirconium 702 & 705 for acetic acid/acetic anhydride project or plant.
Our corporation is a manufacturerimporter to fabricatesubmit the all types of equipment, materials, parts, gasketfittings of Hastelloy alloys,Zirconium 702705 etc. These equipmentparts are wide used in the fields of acetic acid , acetic anhydride ,petrochemical, chemical , pharmacy, food , power, marinemany industries.
Our corporation makes the full used of its purchase channels at abroadits rich experience in handing special materials to fabricatedsubmit following equipmentparts.
1. Material. Pipes/tubes, plates/sheets,bars, forgns fittings, strips, wires, meshswelded material for Hastelloy alloys, Zirconium 702705 etc.
2. Equipment.V type fillers of Hastrelloy B-3Zirconium 702, Y type fillers of Hastelloy C-276 , Our company had fabricated the fillers used in the acetic acid plant in Shanghai Wujing Chemical Co., LtdHuabei area
3. Boltsnuts. U type bolts, standard /no-standard bolts , nutswashs of Hastelloy C-276, Hastelloy B-2/B-3, Zirconium 705 etc.
4. Flangesflange covers. Standard /no-standard flangesflange covers of Hastelloy C-276, Hastelloy B-2/B-3Zirconium 702 .In order to save cost , the fange cover lined sealing face for Hastelloy C-276 or Hastelloy B-2/B-3 is that the flange is 316Lsealing face is Hastelloy C-276 or Hastelloy B-2/B-3, The sealing face will be welded on the flange. The fange cover lined sealing face for Zirconium 702 is that the flange is 316Lsealing face is Zirconium 702, The sealing face will be fitted on the flange by the bolts. Our company had fabricated the flangesflange coversflange covers lined sealing face used in the acetic acidacetic anhydride plants for Huaneng Power Co., Ltdother corporations etc
5. Meshmesh used in towers. The material are Hastelloy C-276, Hastelloy B-3Zirconium 705.
6. Sheet with limited liquire. The material are Hastelloy C-276, Hastelloy B-3.and Zirconium 705
7. Viisual glass. The material are Hastelloy C-276, Hastelloy B-3.and Zirconium 705
8. Spiral wound gaskets. Spiral wound gaskets of Hastelloy C-276,Hastelloy B2/3. Since 1997. our company had submitted a lot of the spiral wound gaskets for Chongqin Yangtze (BP) River Acetyls Co.,Ltd (Acetic acid plant), Shanghai Wujing Chemical Co., Ltd (Acetic acid plant), Zhenjiang Suopu Chemical Co., Ltd (Acetic acid plant) etc. The spiral wound gaskets fabricated by our company have following excellent than other manufacturers.
a.Good quality. The sheetsstrips of Hastelloy been had imported from Haynes Co. in USA. The PTFE is the product of DUBAN Co.. The max working temperture of PTFE is lower than 260 degree.
b. Early manufacturer in China. Since 1997, our company had submitted a lot of the gaskets to Chongqin Yangtze (BP) River Acetyls Co.,Ltd (Acetic acid plant), Shanghai Wujing Chemical Co., Ltd (Acetic acid plant) etc. It is the face that the gaskets is excellentsafety in the acetiac acid plants in past ten years, our company been pointed the manufacturer for the acetic acid plants..
c.Shorter delivery time.In order to shorter delivery time, our company have imported many material of Hastelloy.
Main reference list. Since 1997, our company had submitted a lot of various equipmentparts of HastelloyZirconium 702705 for many famous corporations in homeabroad in past years, such as BASF, BP, JUC, GEA, Chongqin Yangtze (BP) River Acetyls Co.,Ltd (Acetic acid plant), etc., Shanghai Wujing Chemical Co., Ltd (Acetic acid plant), Zhenjiang Suopu Chemical Co., Ltd (Acetic acid plant), Shanghai Coking & Chemical Corporation, Huaneng Power Co., Ltdother corporations etc.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at you convenience.
Best regards,
Chen Zhibao
General Manager
Shanghai Benchu ElectricalEquipment Co., Ltd
8-1177 Shangcheng Road Pudong New Area Shanghai
Tel. 00
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