安捷伦Agilent/HP、泰克Tektronix、安立Anritsu、罗德施瓦茨R&S、爱德万Advantest、艾法斯Aeroflex、马可尼IFR/Marconi、吉时利Keithley、日立Hitachi、 松下Panasonic、
福禄克Fluke、致茂Chroma、力科Lecroy、莱特波特LitePoint、是德Keysight 、横河Yokogawa、柯尼卡美能达KONICA MINOLTA、思博伦Spirent 等世界品Pai
SNS 系列 N4000A 是一款 10 MHz 至 18 GHz 噪声源,额定 ENR 为 6 dB。N4000A 噪声源专为精确测量低噪声系数器件,或增益对信号源阻抗的微小变化非常敏感的器件而设计。利用该器件可精确可靠地测量噪声系数高达 20 dB 的被测件。N4000A 噪声源可选用多种连接器,标准配置是 APC 3.5 毫米(阳头)连接器。
The SNS series N4000A is a 10 MHz to 18
GHz noise source with nominal ENR 6 dB. The N4000A noise source is designed for
ac c urately measuring devices with low noise figure,
or devices whose gain is especially sensitive to small changes in source
impedance. DUT‘s with noise figure up to 20 dB can be ac c urately and reliably
measured with this device. The N4000A noise sources has a choice of connectors, with an
APC 3.5(mm) connector as standard.