Q.Q:1006909781 T.E.L:18501609238
产品特点上海易汇生物科技有限公司,是一家集研发、销售为一体的高新技术生物企业,公司专注于生命科学和生物技术领域,专业提供分子生物学、免疫学、生命科学基础研究以及临床检测等诸多领域的试剂、耗材、仪器等各类产品及生物技术服务。公司目前已授权代理 LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova等欧美一线品Pai,另与阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI等化学试剂生产商建立了长期合作关系,公司与中科院上海生命科学研究院、上海交通大学、复旦大学和一大批生物医药技术公司建立了长期合作,在综合实力基础上,整合资源效率,打造产学研一体化的创新平台。
ENZO RDX-RCP9036-C010 Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein-1 (Western Blot ) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9037-C010 Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein-1 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9038-C100 Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein-1 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9039-C010 A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase Domain 12 S Isoform (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9040-C010 A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase Domain 12 S Isoform (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9041-C100 A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase Domain 12 S Isoform (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9045-C010 Rantes (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9046-C010 Rantes (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9047-C100 Rantes (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9048-C010 Eotaxin (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9049-C010 Eotaxin (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9050-C100 Eotaxin (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥6,346.95
ENZO RDX-RCP9051-C010 Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9052-C010 Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9053-C100 Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9054-C010 Interferon Inducible Protein (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9055-C010 Interferon Inducible Protein (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9056-C100 Interferon Inducible Protein (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,155.75
ENZO RDX-RCP9057-C010 Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9058-C010 Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9059-C100 Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥6,346.95
ENZO RDX-RCP9060-C010 Interferon Gamma (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9061-C010 Interferon Gamma (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9062-C100 Interferon Gamma (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,155.75
ENZO RDX-RCP9063-C010 Procalcitonin (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9064-C010 Procalcitonin (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9065-C100 Procalcitonin (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥6,346.95
ENZO RDX-RCP9069-C010 Interleukin-10 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9070-C010 Interleukin-10 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9071-C100 Interleukin-10 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,155.75
ENZO RDX-RCP9072-C010 Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9073-C010 Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9074-C100 Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,155.75
ENZO RDX-RCP9075-C010 Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 Fragment (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9076-C010 Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 Fragment (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9077-C100 Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 Fragment (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,155.75
ENZO RDX-RCP9078-C010 Retinol Binding Protein (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9079-C010 Retinol Binding Protein (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9080-C100 Retinol Binding Protein (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,155.75
ENZO RDX-RCP9084-C010 Resistin (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9085-C010 Resistin (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9086-C100 Resistin (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,155.75
ENZO RDX-RCP9087-C010 Visfatin (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9088-C010 Visfatin (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9089-C100 Visfatin (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥6,346.95
ENZO RDX-RCP9090-C010 Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9091-C010 Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9092-C100 Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,155.75
ENZO RDX-RCP9093-C010 Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9094-C010 Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9095-C100 Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,155.75
ENZO RDX-RCP9096-C010 Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor-1 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9097-C010 Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor-1 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9098-C100 Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor-1 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9099-M001 Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor-1 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9100-M001 Carbonic Anhydrase III (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9101-M001 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Muscle and Heart) (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9102-M001 Peroxisom Proliferator-Acivated Receptor Gamma (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9103-M001 Neurophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9104-M001 Tumour Type M2 Pyruvate Kinase (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9105-M001 Cytokeratin-18 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9106-M001 S100A10 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9107-M001 S100A11 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9108-M001 Paraoxonase 1 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9109-M001 Paraoxonase 2 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9110-M001 Myoglobin (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9111-M001 Cyclin-Dependant Kinase 4 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9112-M001 Tumour Necrosis Factor Beta (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9113-M001 Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9114-M001 Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9115-M001 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9116-M001 P-Selectin (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9117-M001 L-Selectin (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9118-M001 E-Selectin (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9119-M001 Interleukin-2 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9120-M001 Interleukin-4 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9121-M001 Interleukin-12p35 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9122-M001 Interleukin-12p40 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9123-M001 Platelet Derived Growth Factor A (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9124-M001 Platelet Derived Growth Factor B (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9125-M001 Interleukin-8 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9126-M001 Neuronal Specific Enolase (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9127-M001 S100 Beta Chain (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9128-M001 Interleukin-1 Alpha (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9129-M001 Interleukin-1Beta (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9130-M001 Prolactin (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9131-M001 C-Reactive Protein (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥5,700.95
ENZO RDX-RCP9132-M001 Interleukin-6 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9133-M001 Interleukin-3 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9135-M001 Interleukin-7 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9136-M001 Interleukin-13 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9137-M001 Interleukin-15 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9138-M001 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-1 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9139-M001 Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9140-M001 Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1a (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9142-M001 Inhibin alpha Subunit (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9143-M001 Inhibin beta A subunit (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9145-M001 Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein-1 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9146-M001 A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase Domain 12 S Isoform (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9148-M001 Rantes (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9149-M001 Eotaxin (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9150-M001 Interleukin-1 Receptor Antagonist (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9151-M001 Interferon Inducible Protein (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9152-M001 Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9153-M001 Interferon Gamma (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9154-M001 Procalcitonin (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9156-M001 Interleukin-10 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9157-M001 Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9158-M001 Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 Fragment (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9159-M001 Retinol Binding Protein (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9161-M001 Resistin (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9162-M001 Visfatin (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9163-M001 Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9164-M001 Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9165-C010 Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor-2 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9166-C010 Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor-2 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9167-C100 Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor-2 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9168-M001 Soluble Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor-2 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9169-C010 Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase 1 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9170-C010 Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase 1 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9171-C100 Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase 1 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9172-M001 Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase 1 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9173-C010 Interleukin-2 Receptor Alpha (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9174-C010 Interleukin-2 Receptor Alpha (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9175-C100 Interleukin-2 Receptor Alpha (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9176-M001 Interleukin-2 Receptor Alpha (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9177-C010 Interleukin-6 Soluable Receptor (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9178-C010 Interleukin-6 Soluable Receptor (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9179-C100 Interleukin-6 Soluable Receptor (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9180-M001 Interleukin-6 Soluable Receptor (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9181-C010 Soluble Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells-1 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9182-C010 Soluble Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells-1 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9183-C100 Soluble Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells-1 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9184-M001 Soluble Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells-1 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9185-C010 Haptoglobin b-Chain (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9186-C010 Haptoglobin b-Chain (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9187-C100 Haptoglobin b-Chain (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9188-M001 Haptoglobin b-Chain (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9189-C010 Glutathione S-Transferase Omega 1 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9190-C010 Glutathione S-Transferase Omega 1 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9191-C100 Glutathione S-Transferase Omega 1 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥6,346.95
ENZO RDX-RCP9192-M001 Glutathione S-Transferase Omega 1 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9193-C010 Glutathione S-Transferase Omega 1 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9194-C010 Glutathione S-Transferase Omega 1 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9195-C100 Glutathione S-Transferase Omega 1 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥6,346.95
ENZO RDX-RCP9196-M001 Glutathione S-Transferase Omega 1 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9197-C010 Integrin-Linked Kinase (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9198-C010 Integrin-Linked Kinase (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9199-C100 Integrin-Linked Kinase (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9200-C010 Carbonic Anhydrase III (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9201-C010 Carbonic Anhydrase III (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9202-C100 Carbonic Anhydrase III (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥6,346.95
ENZO RDX-RCP9203-C010 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Muscle and Heart) (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9204-C010 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Muscle and Heart) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9205-C100 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Muscle and Heart) (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥4,425.10
ENZO RDX-RCP9206-C010 Peroxisom Proliferator-Acivated Receptor Gamma (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9207-C010 Peroxisom Proliferator-Acivated Receptor Gamma (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9208-C100 Peroxisom Proliferator-Acivated Receptor Gamma (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9209-C010 Neurophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9210-C010 Neurophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9211-C100 Neurophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥6,346.95
ENZO RDX-RCP9212-C010 Tumour Type M2 Pyruvate Kinase (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9213-C010 Tumour Type M2 Pyruvate Kinase (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9214-C100 Tumour Type M2 Pyruvate Kinase (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,155.75
ENZO RDX-RCP9215-C010 Cytokeratin-18 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9216-C010 Cytokeratin-18 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9217-C100 Cytokeratin-18 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9218-C010 S100A10 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9219-C010 S100A10 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9220-C100 S100A10 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥6,346.95
ENZO RDX-RCP9221-C010 S100A11 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9222-C010 S100A11 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9223-C100 S100A11 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥6,346.95
ENZO RDX-RCP9224-C010 Paraoxonase 1 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9225-C010 Paraoxonase 1 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9226-C100 Paraoxonase 1 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9227-C010 Paraoxonase 2 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9228-C010 Paraoxonase 2 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9229-C100 Paraoxonase 2 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9230-C010 Myoglobin (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9231-C010 Myoglobin (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9232-C100 Myoglobin (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥6,346.95
ENZO RDX-RCP9233-C010 Cyclin-Dependant Kinase 4 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9234-C010 Cyclin-Dependant Kinase 4 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9235-C100 Cyclin-Dependant Kinase 4 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9236-C010 Tumour Necrosis Factor Beta (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9237-C010 Tumour Necrosis Factor Beta (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9238-C100 Tumour Necrosis Factor Beta (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥6,346.95
ENZO RDX-RCP9239-C010 Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9240-C010 Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9241-C100 Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9242-C010 Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9243-C010 Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9244-C100 Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9245-C010 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9246-C010 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9247-C100 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9248-C010 P-Selectin (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9249-C010 P-Selectin (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9250-C100 P-Selectin (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9251-C010 L-Selectin (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9252-C010 L-Selectin (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9253-C100 L-Selectin (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9254-C010 E-Selectin (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9255-C010 E-Selectin (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9256-C100 E-Selectin (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9257-C010 Interleukin-2 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9258-C010 Interleukin-2 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9259-C100 Interleukin-2 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9260-C010 Interleukin-4 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9261-C010 Interleukin-4 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9262-C100 Interleukin-4 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9263-C010 Interleukin-12p35 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9264-C010 Interleukin-12p35 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9265-C100 Interleukin-12p35 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9266-C010 Interleukin-12p40 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9267-C010 Interleukin-12p40 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9268-C100 Interleukin-12p40 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9269-C010 Platelet Derived Growth Factor A (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9270-C010 Platelet Derived Growth Factor A (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9271-C100 Platelet Derived Growth Factor A (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9272-C010 Platelet Derived Growth Factor B (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9273-C010 Platelet Derived Growth Factor B (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9274-C100 Platelet Derived Growth Factor B (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9275-C010 Interleukin-8 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9276-C010 Interleukin-8 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9277-C100 Interleukin-8 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,155.75
ENZO RDX-RCP9278-C010 Neuronal Specific Enolase (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9279-C010 Neuronal Specific Enolase (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9280-C100 Neuronal Specific Enolase (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥6,346.95
ENZO RDX-RCP9281-C010 S100 Beta Chain (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9282-C010 S100 Beta Chain (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9283-C100 S100 Beta Chain (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥6,346.95
ENZO RDX-RCP9284-C010 Interleukin-1 Alpha (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9285-C010 Interleukin-1 Alpha (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9286-C100 Interleukin-1 Alpha (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,155.75
ENZO RDX-RCP9287-C010 Interleukin-1Beta (Western Blot) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9288-C010 Interleukin-1Beta (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9289-C100 Interleukin-1Beta (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,155.75
ENZO RDX-RCP9290-C010 Prolactin (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9291-C010 Prolactin (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9292-C100 Prolactin (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,155.75
ENZO RDX-RCP9293-C010 C-Reactive Protein (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,243.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9294-C010 C-Reactive Protein (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,243.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9295-C100 C-Reactive Protein (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥2,519.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9296-C010 Interleukin-6 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9297-C010 Interleukin-6 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9298-C100 Interleukin-6 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,155.75
ENZO RDX-RCP9299-M001 Integrin-Linked Kinase (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9300-C010 Mitochondrial Glycerol-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9301-C010 Mitochondrial Glycerol-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9302-C100 Mitochondrial Glycerol-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9303-M001 Mitochondrial Glycerol-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9304-C010 Monoamine Oxidase B (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9305-C010 Monoamine Oxidase B (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9306-C100 Monoamine Oxidase B (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9307-M001 Monoamine Oxidase B (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9308-C010 Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9309-C010 Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9310-C100 Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9311-M001 Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9312-C010 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Brain) (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9313-C010 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Brain) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9314-C100 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Brain) (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥4,425.10
ENZO RDX-RCP9315-M001 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Brain) (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9324-C010 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Liver) (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9325-C010 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Liver) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9326-C100 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Liver) (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥4,425.10
ENZO RDX-RCP9327-M001 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Liver) (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9328-C010 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Intestinal) (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9329-C010 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Intestinal) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9330-C100 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Intestinal) (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥4,425.10
ENZO RDX-RCP9331-M001 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Intestinal) (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9332-C010 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Adipocyte) (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9333-C010 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Adipocyte) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9334-C100 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Adipocyte) (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥4,425.10
ENZO RDX-RCP9335-M001 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Adipocyte) (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9336-C010 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Myelin) (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9337-C010 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Myelin) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9338-C100 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Myelin) (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥4,425.10
ENZO RDX-RCP9339-M001 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Myelin) (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9340-C010 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Epidermal) (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9341-C010 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Epidermal) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9342-C100 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Epidermal) (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥4,425.10
ENZO RDX-RCP9343-M001 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Epidermal) (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9344-C010 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Ileal) (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9345-C010 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Ileal) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9346-C100 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Ileal) (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥4,425.10
ENZO RDX-RCP9347-M001 Fatty Acid Binding Protein (Ileal) (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9349-10KU Paraoxonase 1 Mammalian Cell Lysate (human) (rec) 1x10 KU ¥4,618.90
ENZO RDX-RCP9350-C010 Tropomyosin 1 Varient 3 (Western Blot Control) (h) (rec) 1x10 µg INQ
ENZO RDX-RCP9351-C010 Tropomyosin 1 Varient 3 (h) (rec) 1x10 µg INQ
ENZO RDX-RCP9352-C100 Tropomyosin 1 Varient 3 (h) (rec) 1x100 µg INQ
ENZO RDX-RCP9353-M001 Tropomyosin 1 Varient 3 (h) (rec) 1x1 mg INQ
ENZO RDX-RCP9354-C010 Inhibin A (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9355-C010 Inhibin A (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9356-C100 Inhibin A (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9357-M001 Inhibin A (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9370-C010 14-3-3-Gamma (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9371-C010 14-3-3-Gamma (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9372-C100 14-3-3-Gamma (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥6,346.95
ENZO RDX-RCP9373-M001 14-3-3-Gamma (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9378-C010 Pro-Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9379-C010 Pro-Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9380-C100 Pro-Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9381-M001 Pro-Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9382-C010 ADAM 10 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9383-C010 ADAM 10 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9384-C100 ADAM 10 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9385-M001 ADAM 10 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9386-C010 ST-2 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9387-C010 ST-2 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9388-C100 ST-2 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9389-M001 ST-2 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9394-C010 TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTOR BETA - 1 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9395-C010 TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTOR BETA - 1 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9396-C100 TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTOR BETA - 1 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9397-M001 TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTOR BETA - 1 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9398-C010 Interleukin-17 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9399-C010 Interleukin-17 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9400-C100 Interleukin-17 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,155.75
ENZO RDX-RCP9401-M001 Interleukin-17 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9414-C010 Interleukin-33 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9415-C010 Interleukin-33 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9416-C100 Interleukin-33 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,155.75
ENZO RDX-RCP9417-M001 Interleukin-33 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9418-C010 Interleukin-35 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9419-C010 Interleukin-35 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9420-C100 Interleukin-35 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9421-M001 Interleukin-35 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9422-C010 Tissue Factor(Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9423-C010 Tissue Factor (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9424-C100 Tissue Factor (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9425-M001 Tissue Factor (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9426-C010 CD40-L (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9427-C010 CD40-L (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9428-C100 CD40-L (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9429-M001 CD40-L (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9430-C010 Fractalkine (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9431-C010 Fractalkine (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9432-C100 Fractalkine (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9433-M001 Fractalkine (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9434-C010 Cystatin C (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9435-C010 Cystatin C (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9436-C100 Cystatin C (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9437-M001 Cystatin C (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9438-C010 Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9439-C010 Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9440-C100 Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,155.75
ENZO RDX-RCP9441-M001 Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9442-C010 Migration Inhibitory Factor(Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9443-C010 Migration Inhibitory Factor (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,422.50
ENZO RDX-RCP9444-C100 Migration Inhibitory Factor (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,155.75
ENZO RDX-RCP9445-M001 Migration Inhibitory Factor (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9446-C010 Hepatocyte Growth Factor-A (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9447-C010 Hepatocyte Growth Factor-A (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9448-C100 Hepatocyte Growth Factor-A (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9449-M001 Hepatocyte Growth Factor-A (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9450-C010 Hepatocyte Growth Factor-B (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9451-C010 Hepatocyte Growth Factor-B (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9452-M001 Hepatocyte Growth Factor-B (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9453-C100 Hepatocyte Growth Factor-B (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9474-C010 Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9475-C010 Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9476-C100 Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9477-M001 Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9478-C010 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9480-C100 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9481-M001 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9482-C010 Kallikrein 6 (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9483-C010 Kallikrein 6 (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥2,551.70
ENZO RDX-RCP9484-C100 Kallikrein 6 (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥8,575.65
ENZO RDX-RCP9485-M001 Kallikrein 6 (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥43,007.45
ENZO RDX-RCP9490-C010 Pencillin Binding Protein 2X (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9491-C010 Pencillin Binding Protein 2X (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9492-C100 Pencillin Binding Protein 2X (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥6,346.95
ENZO RDX-RCP9493-M001 Pencillin Binding Protein 2X (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,972.55
ENZO RDX-RCP9494-C010 Gamma hydroxybutyrate CoA transferase (Western Blot Control) (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9495-C010 Gamma hydroxybutyrate CoA transferase (human) (rec) 1x10 µg ¥1,873.40
ENZO RDX-RCP9496-C100 Gamma hydroxybutyrate CoA transferase (human) (rec) 1x100 µg ¥6,346.95
ENZO RDX-RCP9497-M001 Gamma hydroxybutyrate CoA transferase (human) (rec) 1x1 mg ¥40,97RPA ENZO代理,ENZOSQX-RPA.2,ENZO全国总代,ENZO RPA
ENZO 产品销售 试剂代理商 上海经销商
ENZO 产品销售 试剂代理商 上海经销商
ENZO 产品销售 试剂代理商 上海经销商
上海易汇生物科技有限公司,是一家集研发、销售为一体的高新技术生物企业,公司专注于生命科学和生物技术领域,专业提供分子生物学、免疫学、生命科学基础研究以及临床检测等诸多领域的试剂、耗材、仪器等各类产品及生物技术服务。公司目前已授权代理 LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova等欧美一线品Pai,另与阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI等化学试剂生产商建立了长期合作关系,公司与中科院上海生命科学研究院、上海交通大学、复旦大学和一大批生物医药技术公司建立了长期合作,在综合实力基础上,整合资源效率,打造产学研一体化的创新平台。$n合作单位$n公司成立以来与一大批医药集团建立了长期稳定的合作,价格优势、信誉良好。客户包括清华、北大、中科院、上海交通、复旦、国药等等。产品涵盖了试剂、耗材、小型仪器、原材料等各种实验室使用的材料。$n公司介绍$n 上海易汇生物科技有限公司拥有强大的采购系统。只要您想得到。没有公司采购办不到的。$n 上海易汇生物科技有限公司拥有完善的售后平台。只要有售后。我们时间为您解决。$n 上海易汇生物科技有限公司直接与厂家合作。保证货源。购买无后顾之忧。$n 上海易汇生物科技有限公司不保证价格Z低。但保证产品都是。$n 我们长期与Thermo Bio-rad Axygen qiagen Corning BD Promega Biotium BV targetmol merckmillipore Sigma AAT-Biolite biorbyt ENZO GE Greiner Immonoway Jackson leagene nunc Omega OmnimAbs PMG RD ZOMANBIO 聚仕隆serum 普罗麦格 金钟 Eaivelly阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova Oxoid,illumina等知名各大品Pai保持合作。$n主要优点$n代理品Pai $n我们长期与Thermo Bio-rad Axygen qiagen Corning BD Promega Biotium BV targetmol merckmillipore Sigma AAT-Biolite biorbyt ENZO GE Greiner Immonoway Jackson leagene nunc Omega OmnimAbs PMG RD ZOMANBIO 聚仕隆serum 普罗麦格 金钟 Eaivelly阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova Oxoid等知名各大品Pai保持合作。$n 3HelixAAT BioquestAbsolute AntibodyAlpha Diagnostic InternationalAmerican Research ProductsAntigenixARBOR ASSAYSAvidityAxis-ShieldBertin PharmaBethylBiolegendBiolegend(Covance)BioServBiovisionCedarlaneCell biologicsCELLutions Biosystems INCChromatrapClare Chemical ResearchCollagen SolutionsCytoskeletonDB BiotechDe Novo SoftwareDiagenodeEDIGENE EliteCellEpigentekEquitech-BioEton BioscienceEverest BiotechExalphaExpedeonFabGennixFitzgeraldFormuMaxGelcompanyGeneMarkbioGenWayGloboZymesHeliosHMGBiotechHybrigenicsHycult BiotechIBA Life SciencesImmundiagnostikImmunoChemistry TechnologiesInnova BiosciencesInvivoGenKamiya BiomedicalKingfisher BiotechKollodisLABOR DIAGNOSTIKA NORDLGC(Lucigen)MabTechMagtivioMBL(CycLex & CircuLex)Milenia BiotecMONOSANNanoprobesNeuromicsNexcelom BioscienceNichireiNissan Chemical IndustriesNordic-MUbioNoviocellOxford Expression TechnologiesPeproTechPeprotech(Biogems)Percipio BiosciencesPlatypus Technologies LLCPluriselectPolyplus TransfectionProgenProSpec-TanyProtein ArkQuartettReddot BiotechRelia TechRHINO BIORocklandSartoriusSCICONSSciencellScyTekSignosisSPL life sciencesStressmarqSurModicsSYnAbsTanttiU-CyTechVergent BioscienceVertebrate AntibodiesViGene BiosciencesZiath$n张经理:Q821536999$n上海易汇生物科技有限公司一级代理,,RPA