PYES2/NT SC 20 UG EACH Thermo life PYES2/NT SC 20 UG EACH V825220,Thermo life代理,Thermo lifeV825220,Thermo life全国总代,Thermo life
Q.Q:1006909781 T.E.L:18501609238
产品特点上海易汇生物科技有限公司,是一家集研发、销售为一体的高新技术生物企业,公司专注于生命科学和生物技术领域,专业提供分子生物学、免疫学、生命科学基础研究以及临床检测等诸多领域的试剂、耗材、仪器等各类产品及生物技术服务。公司目前已授权代理 LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova等欧美一线品Pai,另与阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI等化学试剂生产商建立了长期合作关系,公司与中科院上海生命科学研究院、上海交通大学、复旦大学和一大批生物医药技术公司建立了长期合作,在综合实力基础上,整合资源效率,打造产学研一体化的创新平台。

仪器等各类产品及生物技术服务。公司目前已授权代理 LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova等欧美一线品Pai,另与阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI等化学试剂生产商建立了长期合作关系,公司与中科院上海生命科学研究院、上海交通大学、复旦大学和一大批生物医药技术公司建立了长期合作,在综合实力基础上,整合资源效率,打造产学研一体化的创新平台。$n合作单位$n公司成立以来与一大批医药集团建立了长期稳定的合作,价格优势、信誉良好。客户包括清华、北大、中科院、上海交通、复旦、国药等等。产品涵盖了试剂、耗材、小型仪器、原材料等各种实验室使用的材料。$n公司介绍$n 上海易汇生物科技有限公司拥有强大的采购系统。只要您想得到。没有公司采购办不到的。$n 上海易汇生物科技有限公司拥有完善的售后平台。只要有售后。我们时间为您解决。$n 上海易汇生物科技有限公司直接与厂家合作。保证货源。购买无后顾之忧。$n 上海易汇生物科技有限公司不保证价格Z低。但保证产品都是。$n 我们长期与Thermo Bio-rad Axygen qiagen Corning BD Promega Biotium BV targetmol merckmillipore Sigma AAT-Biolite biorbyt ENZO GE Greiner Immonoway Jackson leagene nunc Omega OmnimAbs PMG RD ZOMANBIO 聚仕隆serum 普罗麦格 金钟 Eaivelly阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova Oxoid,illumina等知名各大品Pai保持合作。$n 3HelixAAT BioquestAbsolute AntibodyAlpha Diagnostic InternationalAmerican Research ProductsAntigenixARBOR ASSAYSAvidityAxis-ShieldBertin PharmaBethylBiolegendBiolegend(Covance)BioServBiovisionCedarlaneCell biologicsCELLutions Biosystems INCChromatrapClare Chemical ResearchCollagen SolutionsCytoskeletonDB BiotechDe Novo SoftwareDiagenodeEDIGENE EliteCellEpigentekEquitech-BioEton BioscienceEverest BiotechExalphaExpedeonFabGennixFitzgeraldFormuMaxGelcompanyGeneMarkbioGenWayGloboZymesHeliosHMGBiotechHybrigenicsHycult BiotechIBA Life SciencesImmundiagnostikImmunoChemistry TechnologiesInnova BiosciencesInvivoGenKamiya BiomedicalKingfisher BiotechKollodisLABOR DIAGNOSTIKA NORDLGC(Lucigen)MabTechMagtivioMBL(CycLex & CircuLex)Milenia BiotecMONOSANNanoprobesNeuromicsNexcelom BioscienceNichireiNissan Chemical IndustriesNordic-MUbioNoviocellOxford Expression TechnologiesPeproTechPeprotech(Biogems)Percipio BiosciencesPlatypus Technologies LLCPluriselectPolyplus TransfectionProgenProSpec-TanyProtein ArkQuartettReddot BiotechRelia TechRHINO BIORocklandSartoriusSCICONSSciencellScyTekSignosisSPL life sciencesStressmarqSurModicsSYnAbsTanttiU-CyTechVergent BioscienceVertebrate AntibodiesViGene BiosciencesZiath$n产品简介$n上海易汇生物科技有限公司一级代理,提供反应荧光探针和发光探针,生物素和端粒酶能够应用于标记药物小分子和生物聚合物,如蛋白、核酸以及其他碳水化合物;用于检测蛋白,核酸和活细胞;用于检测多种酶,特别是检测水解酶和氧化还原酶类;致力于开发用于信号转导研究的试剂;提供生理和神经探针,特别是钙离子指示剂和膜电位探针。,AAT Bioquest 180,ICG-Sulfo-OSu,AAT Bioquest一级代理,提供反应荧光探针和发光探针,生物素和端粒酶能够应用于标记药物小分子和生物聚合物,如蛋白、核酸以及其他碳水化合物;用于检测蛋白,核酸和活细胞;用于检测多种酶,特别是检测水解酶和氧化还原酶类;致力于开发用于信号转导研究的试剂;提供生理和神经探针,特别是钙离子指示剂和膜电位探针。$n张经理:Q:1006909781$n上海易汇生物科技有限公司一级代理,362820-0118 362820-0118-ROC 362820-0118 Y CLSR PURPLE CODER PPCO;11MM 小包装瓶盖,PPCO,11mm,紫色 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 3,896.44 Xu Wangxiang$n362820-0119 362820-0119-ROC 362820-0119 Y CLSR NATURAL 小包装瓶盖,PPCO,11mm,自然 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 3,896.44 Xu Wangxiang$n362820-1110 362820-1110-ROC 362820-1110 Y CLSR TEAL CODER PPCO;11MM 小包装瓶盖,PPCO,11mm,凫蓝 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 3,896.44 Xu Wangxiang$n362821-0110 362821-0110-ROC 362821-0110 Y Closure Natural Closure Packaging Vial 小包装瓶盖,PPCO,11mm,自然,低侧面 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 1,706.01 Xu Wangxiang$n362821-0111 362821-0111-ROC 362821-0111 Y Closure Packaging Vial Low Profile NS 小包装瓶盖,PPCO,11mm,白色,低侧面 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 1,821.74 Xu Wangxiang$n362821-0112 362821-0112-ROC 362821-0112 Y Closure Yellow Closure Packaging Vial 小包装瓶盖,PPCO,11mm,黄色,低侧面 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 1,923.24 Xu Wangxiang$n362821-0114 362821-0114-ROC 362821-0114 Y Closure Packaging Vial Low Profile NS 小包装瓶盖,PPCO,11mm,绿色,低侧面 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 1,789.18 Xu Wangxiang$n362821-0115 362821-0115-ROC 362821-0115 Y ClosurePackaging VialLow ProfileNS 11 小包装瓶盖,PPCO,11mm,红色,低侧面 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 1,789.18 Xu Wangxiang$n362821-0116 362821-0116-ROC 362821-0116 Y CLOSR LOWPRO 小包装瓶盖,PPCO,11mm,蓝色,低侧面 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 1,789.18 Xu Wangxiang$n362821-0118 362821-0118-ROC 362821-0118 Y CLSR LOWPRO PUR PPCO 11MM 小包装瓶盖,PPCO,11mm,紫色,低侧面 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 1,789.18 Xu Wangxiang$n362821-1111 362821-1111-ROC 362821-1111 Y Closure Amber Closure Packaging Vial 小包装瓶盖,PPCO,11mm,琥珀色,低侧面 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 1,789.18 Xu Wangxiang$n362821-1112 362821-1112-ROC 362821-1112 Y Closure Pink Closure Packaging Vial L 小包装瓶盖,PPCO,11mm,粉红色,低侧面 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 1,789.18 Xu Wangxiang$n362825-0111 362825-0111-ROC 362825-0111 Y CLSR WHITE 琥珀小包装瓶盖,白色编码 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,532.59 Xu Wangxiang$n362825-0112 362825-0112-ROC 362825-0112 Y Closure Packag/Vial NS11mm AmbPPCOYellow 琥珀小包装瓶盖,黄色编码 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,532.59 Xu Wangxiang$n362825-0113 362825-0113-ROC 362825-0113 Y CLSR ORANGE CDR PPCO AMB 11MM 琥珀小包装瓶盖,橙色编码 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,532.59 Xu Wangxiang$n362825-0114 362825-0114-ROC 362825-0114 Y CLSR GREEN CODER PPCO AMB 11MM 琥珀小包装瓶盖,绿色编码 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,532.59 Xu Wangxiang$n362825-0115 362825-0115-ROC 362825-0115 Y CLSR RED CODER PPCO AMB 11MM 琥珀小包装瓶盖,红色编码 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,532.59 Xu Wangxiang$n362825-0116 362825-0116-ROC 362825-0116 Y CLSR BLUE CODER 琥珀小包装瓶盖,蓝色编码 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,532.59 Xu Wangxiang$n362825-0117 362825-0117-ROC 362825-0117 Y CLSR GOLD CODER PPCO AMB 11MM 琥珀小包装瓶盖,金色编码 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,532.59 Xu Wangxiang$n362825-0118 362825-0118-ROC 362825-0118 Y CLSR PURPLE CDR PPCO AMB 11MM 琥珀小包装瓶盖,紫色编码 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,532.59 Xu Wangxiang$n362825-1110 362825-1110-ROC 362825-1110 Y CLSR TEAL CODER PPCO AMB 11MM 琥珀小包装瓶盖,凫蓝色编码 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,532.59 Xu Wangxiang$n362825-1111 362825-1111-ROC 362825-1111 Y CLSR AMBER CODER PPCO AMB 11MM 琥珀小包装瓶盖,琥珀色编码 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,532.59 Xu Wangxiang$n362826-0111 362826-0111-ROC 362826-0111 Y CLSR MPV WHITE-PPCO 13MM 4.5ml小包装瓶盖,白色编码 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 2,096.97 Xu Wangxiang$n362830-0110 362830-0110-ROC 362830-0110 Y CLSR WITHOUT CODER HDPE 11MM 小包装瓶盖,HDPE,11mm Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 2,385.57 Xu Wangxiang$n362830-0111 362830-0111-ROC 362830-0111 Y CLSR W/WHITE CODER HDPE 11MM 小包装瓶盖,HDPE,11mm白色 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,373.55 Xu Wangxiang$n362830-0112 362830-0112-ROC 362830-0112 Y CLSR W/YEL CDER HDPE 11MM]] 小包装瓶盖,HDPE,11mm黄色 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,373.55 Xu Wangxiang$n362830-0113 362830-0113-ROC 362830-0113 Y CLSR W/ORANGE 小包装瓶盖,HDPE,11mm橙色 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,373.55 Xu Wangxiang$n362830-0114 362830-0114-ROC 362830-0114 Y CLSR W/GREEN 小包装瓶盖,HDPE,11mm绿色 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,373.55 Xu Wangxiang$n362830-0115 362830-0115-ROC 362830-0115 Y CLSR W/RED 小包装瓶盖,HDPE,11mm红色 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,373.55 Xu Wangxiang$n362830-0116 362830-0116-ROC 362830-0116 Y CLSR W/BL CDR 小包装瓶盖,HDPE,11mm蓝色 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,373.55 Xu Wangxiang$n362830-0117 362830-0117-ROC 362830-0117 Y CLSR W/GOLD CODER HDPE 11MM 小包装瓶盖,HDPE,11mm金色 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,373.55 Xu Wangxiang$n362830-0118 362830-0118-ROC 362830-0118 Y CLSR W/PURPLE CODER HDPE 11MM 小包装瓶盖,HDPE,11mm紫色 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,373.55 Xu Wangxiang$n362830-0119 362830-0119-ROC 362830-0119 Y CLSR W/NAT CODER HDPE 11MM]] 小包装瓶盖,HDPE,11mm自然色 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,373.55 Xu Wangxiang$n362830-1110 362830-1110-ROC 362830-1110 Y CLSR W/TEAL CODER HDPE 11MM 小包装瓶盖,HDPE,11mm凫蓝色 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,373.55 Xu Wangxiang$n362830-5110 362830-5110-ROC 362830-5110 Y CLSR W/LT.TAN CODER HDPE 11MM 小包装瓶盖,HDPE,11mm褐色 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,373.55 Xu Wangxiang$n362830-5114 362830-5114-ROC 362830-5114 Y CLSR W/LT. GRN CODER HDPE 11MM 小包装瓶盖,HDPE,11mm深绿 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,373.55 Xu Wangxiang$n362830-5116 362830-5116-ROC 362830-5116 Y CLSR W/LT.BL CODER HDPE 11MM 小包装瓶盖,HDPE,11mm深蓝 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,373.55 Xu Wangxiang$n362830-5118 362830-5118-ROC 362830-5118 Y CLSR W/LT.PRPL CODER HDPE 11MM 小包装瓶盖,HDPE,11mm绛紫 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 1000 1CS 4,373.55 Xu Wangxiang$n382099-0125 382099-0125-ROC 382099-0125 Y BTL LOW 低微粒窄口瓶,天然高密度聚乙烯,天然聚丙烯盖,125毫升,每箱72(非大包装) Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 72 1CS 2,119.98 Xu Wangxiang$n382099-0250 382099-0250-ROC 382099-0250 Y BTL LOW PARTIC 低微粒窄口瓶,天然高密度聚乙烯,天然聚丙烯盖,250毫升,每箱72(非大包装) Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 72 1CS 3,265.56 Xu Wangxiang$n382099-0500 382099-0500-ROC 382099-0500 Y BTL LOW PARTIC. 低微粒窄口瓶,天然高密度聚乙烯,天然聚丙烯盖,500毫升,每箱48(非大包装) Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 48 1CS 2,868.73 Xu Wangxiang$n382099-1000 382099-1000-ROC 382099-1000 Y 32 oz/1 liter Bottle Narrow Mouth - HDP 低微粒窄口瓶,天然高密度聚乙烯,天然聚丙烯盖,1000毫升,每箱24(非大包装) Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 24 1CS 2,547.16 Xu Wangxiang$n465005C 465005C-ROS N C8 POLY B/A GREEN Nunc-ImmunoTM板条,带框,每框96孔,Polysorp表面,聚苯乙烯,外部尺寸:128*86mm,规格,C8,绿色,B/A Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nunc ROS Roskilde 10 60 1CS ST 17,991.86 Xu Wangxiang$n465009C 465009C-ROS N C8 POLY B/A GREY Nunc-ImmunoTM板条,带框,每框96孔,Polysorp表面,聚苯乙烯,外部尺寸:128*86mm,规格,C8,灰色,B/A Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nunc ROS Roskilde 10 60 1CS ST 17,991.86 Xu Wangxiang$n465021C 465021C-ROS N B/AMAXISORP PURPLE Nunc-ImmunoTM板条,带框,Maxisorp表面,聚苯乙烯,规格,C8,紫色,B/A Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nunc ROS Roskilde 10 60 1CS ST 18,050.48 Xu Wangxiang$n465188C 465188C-ROS N C8 MAXI B/A BROWN Nunc-ImmunoTM板条,带框,每框96孔,Maxisorp表面,聚苯乙烯,外部尺寸:128*86mm,规格,C8,咖啡色,B/A Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nunc ROS Roskilde 10 60 1CS ST 18,094.17 Xu Wangxiang$n465189C 465189C-ROS N C8 MAXI B/A TURQUOISE Nunc-ImmunoTM板条,带框,每框96孔,Maxisorp表面,聚苯乙烯,外部尺寸:128*86mm,规格,C8,青绿色,B/A Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nunc ROS Roskilde 10 60 1CS ST 18,061.13 Xu Wangxiang$n465190C 465190C-ROS N C8 MAXI B/A MAROON Nunc-ImmunoTM板条,带框,每框96孔,Maxisorp表面,聚苯乙烯,外部尺寸:128*86mm,规格,C8,栗色,B/A Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nunc ROS Roskilde 10 60 1CS ST 18,061.13 Xu Wangxiang$n465219-12 465219-12-ROC N NUNC OMNITRAY MAXISORP W/LID Nunc-ImmunoTMOmniTray塑料盘MaxiSorpTM表面,聚苯乙烯 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nunc ROC Rochester 10 60 1CS ST 2,904.81 Xu Wangxiang$n6301 6301-ROC N STRIP F12酶标板条,不带框,Immulon 1B表面处理 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Thermo ROC Rochester 320 320 1CS 1,606.18 Xu Wangxiang$n2205 2205-ROC N PLATE STYRENE UB = M24A 96孔Microtiter?微孔板,PS材料,透明U底 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Thermo ROC Rochester 10 50 1CS 1,090.26 Xu Wangxiang$n3655 3655-ROC N IMMULON 2 UB 96-WELL PLATE 透明圆底酶标板,Immulon 2 HB表面 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Thermo ROC Rochester 10 50 1CS 3,708.48 Xu Wangxiang$n6404 6404-ROC N IMM 4, 1/12 STRIP, 320/BO REV D F12酶标板条,不带框,Immulon 4 HBX表面处理 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Thermo ROC Rochester 320 320 1CS 2,880.94 Xu Wangxiang$n342141-0384 342141-0384-ROC N CLOS.TAMPER EVIDENT, HDPE, 38-430 HDPE塑料防盗瓶盖,38-430mm Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Nalgene ROC Rochester 240 240 1CS 1,332.63 Xu Wangxiang$n7905 7905-LSB N MICROFLUOR 2 WHITE PLATE 96孔白色平底酶标板,Microfluor 2表面 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Thermo LSB Langenselbold 10 50 1CS 1,750.04 Xu Wangxiang$n9502227 9502227-LSB N CLINIPLATE FLAT UNIV. 96孔透明平底酶标板,UB表面 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Thermo LSB Langenselbold 25 50 1CS 2,074.55 Xu Wangxiang$n95029330 95029330-LSB N CLINIPLATE ENHANCED 96孔透明平底酶标板,EB表面 Diagnostics/Packaging LSP Thermo LSB Langenselbold 25 50 1CS 2,766.44 Xu Wangxiang$n3115-11 3115-11-HUD N VisionMate SR, Full Rack Flatbed 2D Barcode Reader VisionMate SR单管架,全架平板2D编码读码机 Storage Equipment LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 1 1 1CS ST 98,202.93 Zhou zhiyou$n3125 3125-HUD 3125 Y VisionMate ST, Single Tube 2D Barcode Reader VisionMate ST单管2D读码机 Storage Equipment LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 1 1 1CS ST 28,092.15 Zhou zhiyou$n3710 3710-HUD 3710 Y Matrix 1.4 mL 2D with human readable text, polyproplylene, flat bottom tubes, bulk, 1000/case Matrix 1.4 mL 2D,带肉眼可见编码, 聚丙烯,平底冻存管,散装,1000/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 1000 1000 1CS ST 4,542.15 Zhou zhiyou$n3711 3711-HUD 3711 Y Matrix 1.4 mL 2D with human readable text, polyproplylene, flat bottom tubes, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 1.4 mL 2D,带肉眼可见编码, 聚丙烯,平底冻存管,96管/管架,10自动设备专用架/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 4,104.38 Zhou zhiyou$n3712 3712-HUD N Matrix 1.4 mL 2D with human readable text, polyproplylene, flat bottom tubes, Sterile, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 1.4 mL 2D,带肉眼可见编码, 聚丙烯,平底冻存管,无菌,96管/管架,10自动设备专用架/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 5,445.23 Zhou zhiyou$n3715 3715-HUD N Matrix 1.4 mL 2D with human readable text, polyproplylene, flat bottom tubes, 10 Refill packs of 96 tubes/case Matrix 1.4 mL 2D,带肉眼可见编码, 聚丙烯,平底冻存管,96管/管架,10重复装载管架/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 4,825.95 Zhou zhiyou$n3719 3719-HUD N Matrix 1.4 mL 2D TTP comPOUND code (small print) polyproplylene, flat bottom tubes, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 1.4 mL 2D TTP复合编码(small print),聚丙烯,平底冻存管,96管/管架,10自动设备专用架/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 5,447.04 Zhou zhiyou$n3725 3725-HUD N Matrix 0.5 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom tubes, Sterile, 10 Latch Racks (with DuraSeal tall Lid) of 96 tubes/case Matrix 0.5 mL 2D 聚丙烯,V形底冻存管,无菌,96管/管架,10自动设备专用架 (带DuraSeal 高盖)/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 5,760.24 Zhou zhiyou$n3729 3729-HUD 3729 Y Matrix 0.75 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom tubes with DuraSeal septum installed, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 0.75 mL 2D 聚丙烯,V形底冻存管,无菌,96管/管架,10自动设备专用架 (带DuraSeal 高盖)/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 6,382.51 Zhou zhiyou$n3730 3730-HUD N Matrix 0.75 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom tubes, bulk, 1000/case Matrix 0.75 mL 2D, 聚丙烯,V形底冻存管,散装,1000/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 1000 1000 1CS ST 5,297.16 Zhou zhiyou$n3731 3731-HUD N Matrix 0.75 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom tubes, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 0.75 mL 2D, 聚丙烯,V形底冻存管,96管/管架,10自动设备专用架/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 5,796.18 Zhou zhiyou$n3732 3732-HUD 3732 Y Matrix 0.75 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom tubes, Sterile, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 0.75 mL 2D, 聚丙烯,V形底冻存管,无菌,96管/管架,10自动设备专用架/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 5,592.45 Zhou zhiyou$n3734 3734-HUD 3734 Y Matrix 0.5 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom tubes, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 0.5 mL 2D, 聚丙烯,V形底冻存管,96管/管架,10自动设备专用架/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 5,069.36 Zhou zhiyou$n3735 3735-HUD 3735 Y Matrix 0.5 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom tubes, Sterile, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 0.5 mL 2D, 聚丙烯,V形底冻存管,无菌,96管/管架,10自动设备专用架/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 5,351.26 Zhou zhiyou$n3736 3736-HUD 3736 Y Matrix 0.5 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom tubes with DuraSeal septum installed, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 0.5 mL 2D 聚丙烯,V形底冻存管,96管/管架,10自动设备专用架 (带DuraSeal 高盖)/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 8,317.31 Zhou zhiyou$n3737 3737-HUD 3737 Y Matrix 0.5 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom tubes with DuraSeal septum installed, Sterile, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 0.5 mL 2D 聚丙烯,V形底冻存管,无菌,96管/管架,10自动设备专用架 (带DuraSeal 高盖)/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 8,563.41 Zhou zhiyou$n3740 3740-HUD 3740 Y Matrix 1.0 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom ScrewCap tubes with caps, Sterile, bulk, 10 bags of 48 tubes/case Matrix 1.0 mL 2D,聚丙烯,V形底螺旋盖冻存管带盖,散装,无菌,48管/包,10包/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 48 480 1CS ST 5,699.90 Zhou zhiyou$n3743 3743-HUD 3743 Y Matrix 0.5 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom ScrewCap tubes with caps, Sterile, bulk, 10 bags of 48 tubes/case Matrix 0.5 mL 2D,聚丙烯,V形底螺旋盖冻存管带盖,散装,无菌,48管/包,10包/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 48 480 1CS ST 5,670.44 Zhou zhiyou$n3747 3747-ROC 3747 Y Matrix 200 μL 2D Universal Tubes, Bulk, Sterile Matrix 200μL 2D内旋盖通用储存管,V形底,带盖,散装,灭菌 Life Science- Storage and Drug D LSP Matrix ROC Rochester 480 480 1CS 4,787.66 Zhou zhiyou$n3750 3750-HUD 3750 Y Matrix 0.5 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom tubes, bulk, 1000/case Matrix 0.5 mL 2D, 聚丙烯, V 形底管,散装,1000/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 960 960 1CS ST 4,684.44 Zhou zhiyou$n3770 3770-HUD N Matrix 12 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom ScrewCap tubes with caps, Sterile, bulk, 100 tubes/case Matrix 12 mL 2D,聚丙烯,V形底螺旋盖冻存管,散装,无菌,100管/袋 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 100 100 1CS ST 6,517.65 Zhou zhiyou$n3774 3774-HUD N Matrix 12 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom ScrewCap tubes with open-style caps, Sterile, 4 racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 12 mL 2D,聚丙烯,V形底螺旋盖冻存管带开口式盖,无菌,4架/箱,96管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 24 96 1CS ST 4,111.13 Zhou zhiyou$n3775 3775-HUD 3775 Y Matrix 12 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom ScrewCap tubes with caps, Sterile, 4 racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 12 mL 2D,聚丙烯,V形底螺旋盖冻存管带盖,无菌,4架/箱,96管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 24 96 1CS ST 3,125.17 Zhou zhiyou$n3776 3776-HUD N Matrix 12 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom ScrewCap tubes with open-style caps w/ SepraSeals, Sterile, 4 racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 12 mL 2D,聚丙烯,V形底螺旋盖冻存管带开口式盖,带SepraSeals密封膜,无菌,4架/箱,96管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 24 96 1CS ST 3,979.47 Zhou zhiyou$n3778 3778-HUD 3778 Y Matrix 12 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom ScrewCap tubes without caps, Sterile, 4 racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 12 mL 2D,聚丙烯,V形底螺旋盖冻存管不带盖,无菌,4架/箱,96管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 24 96 1CS ST 2,375.89 Zhou zhiyou$n3790 3790-HUD 3790 Y Matrix 1.4 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom tubes, bulk, 1000/case Matrix 1.4 mL 2D,聚丙烯, V 形底管,散装,1000/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 1000 1000 1CS ST 4,026.57 Zhou zhiyou$n3791 3791-HUD 3791 Y Matrix 1.4 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom tubes, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 1.4 mL 2D, 聚丙烯, V 形底管, 10 自动设备专用架每箱 96 管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST Upon request Zhou zhiyou$n3792 3792-HUD 3792 Y Matrix 1.4 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom tubes, Sterile, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 1.4 mL 2D, 聚丙烯, V 形底管,无菌, 10 自动设备专用架每箱 96 管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 4,733.97 Zhou zhiyou$n3801 3801-HUD 3801 Y Matrix 1.4 mL 2D, polyproplylene, V bottom tubes with DuraSeal septum installed, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 1.4 mL 2D, 聚丙烯, V 形底管,带有DuraSeal盖,10自动设备专用架每箱,96管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP MBP HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 7,310.23 Zhou zhiyou$n3815 3815-HUD 3815 Y Matrix 0.1 mL 384 2D tubes, 20 racks of 384 tubes/case Matrix 0.1 mL 384 2D管,384管/架,20架/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 384 7680 1CS ST 41,403.14 Zhou zhiyou$n3850 3850-HUD N Matrix 1.0 mL 2D, glass, V bottom tubes, 5 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 1.0 mL 2D, 玻璃, V 形底管, 5自动设备专用架每箱 96 管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 48 480 1CS ST 16,996.11 Zhou zhiyou$n4090 4090-HUD N ScrewTop Cap Tray Lifter for Capit All, 0.5 mL Matrix Tubes 螺旋盖储存管托盘抬升器,适用于Capit All, 0.5 mL Matrix 冻存管 Storage Equipment LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 1 1 1CS ST 14,773.29 Zhou zhiyou$n4091 4091-HUD N ScrewTop Cap Tray Lifter for Capit All, 1.0 mL Matrix Tubes 螺旋盖储存管托盘抬升器,适用于Capit All, 1.0 mL Matrix 冻存管 Storage Equipment LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 1 1 1CS ST 14,345.78 Zhou zhiyou$n4106 41061CSROC 4106 Y Decapper Stand 8道开盖/去盖器支架 Life Science- Storage and Drug D LSP Thermo Scientific ROC Rochester 1 1 1CS 1,362.47 Zhou zhiyou$n4109 41091CSROC 4109 Y Power Supply, Decapper 8道开盖/去盖器电源 Life Science- Storage and Drug D LSP Thermo Scientific ROC Rochester 1 1 1CS 1,429.95 Zhou zhiyou$n4110 4110-HUD 4110-11 Y Matrix Super Sealer: automatic CapMat, tape & SepraSeal mat applicator (110-220V) Matrix Super Sealer: 自动Capmat,tape&SepraSeal 盖适配器 (110-220V) Storage Equipment LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 1 1 1CS ST 47,348.29 Zhou zhiyou$n4140 4140-HUD 4140 Y Matrix 1.4 mL blank, polyproplylene, round bottom tubes, bulk, 1000/case Matrix 1.4 mL 空白, 聚丙烯, 圆底管,散装, 1000管/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 1000 1000 1CS ST 2,149.96 Zhou zhiyou$n4147 4147-HUD 4147 Y Matrix 1.4 mL alphanumeric, polyproplylene, round bottom tubes, 10 Snap Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 1.4 mL 字母, 聚丙烯, 圆底管,10按扣架每箱 96管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 4,828.87 Zhou zhiyou$n4148 4148-HUD N Matrix 1.4 mL alphanumeric, polyproplylene, round bottom tubes, Sterile, 10 Snap Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 1.4 mL 字母, 聚丙烯, 圆底管,无菌,10按扣架每箱 96管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 3,564.68 Zhou zhiyou$n4150 4150-HUD N Matrix 1.4 mL, blank, polypropylene, V bottom tubes, bulk, 1000/case Matrix 1.4 mL 空白, 聚丙烯, V形底管,散装, 1000管/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 1000 1000 1CS ST 2,025.91 Zhou zhiyou$n4170 4170-HUD 4170 Y Matrix 0.75 mL blank, polyproplylene, round bottom tubes, bulk, 1000/case Matrix 0.75 mL 空白, 聚丙烯, 圆形底管,散装,1000/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 1000 1000 1CS ST 2,012.68 Zhou zhiyou$n4247 4247-HUD 4247 Y Matrix 1.4 mL blank, polyproplylene, round bottom tubes, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 1.4 mL 空白, 聚丙烯, 圆底管,10自动设备专用架每箱 96 管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 2,990.75 Zhou zhiyou$n4248 4248-HUD 4248 Y Matrix 1.4 mL blank, polyproplylene, round bottom tubes, Sterile, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 1.4 mL 空白, 聚丙烯, 圆底管,无菌,10自动设备专用架每箱 96 管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 2,874.08 Zhou zhiyou$n4249 4249-HUD 4249 Y Matrix 1.4 mL blank, polyproplylene, round bottom tubes, 10 Refill packs of 96 tubes/case Matrix 1.4 mL 空白, 聚丙烯, 圆底管,10重复装载架每箱 96 管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 2,958.71 Zhou zhiyou$n4250 4250-HUD 4250 Y Matrix 1.4 mL blank, polyproplylene, round bottom tubes, Sterile, 10 Refill packs of 96 tubes/case Matrix 1.4 mL 空白, 聚丙烯, 圆底管,无菌,10重复装载架每箱 96 管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 2,882.38 Zhou zhiyou$n4251 4251-HUD 4251 Y Matrix 1.4 mL alphanumeric, polyproplylene, round bottom tubes, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 1.4 mL 字母, 聚丙烯, 圆底管10自动设备专用架每箱 96 管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 4,126.42 Zhou zhiyou$n4252 4252-HUD N Matrix 1.4 mL alphanumeric, polyproplylene, round bottom tubes, Sterile, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 1.4 mL 字母, 聚丙烯, 圆底管,无菌,10自动设备专用架每箱 96 管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 3,402.84 Zhou zhiyou$n4253 4253-HUD 4253 Y Matrix 1.4 mL alphanumeric, polyproplylene, round bottom tubes, 10 Refill packs of 96 tubes/case Matrix 1.4 mL 字母, 聚丙烯, 圆底管,10重复装载架每箱 96 管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 4,197.99 Zhou zhiyou$n4254 4254-HUD 4254 Y Matrix 1.4 mL alphanumeric, polyproplylene, round bottom tubes, Sterile, 10 Refill packs of 96 tubes/case Matrix 1.4 mL 字母, 聚丙烯, 圆底管,无菌,10重复装载架每箱 96 管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 4,397.15 Zhou zhiyou$n4271 4271-HUD 4271 Y Matrix 0.75 mL blank, polyproplylene, round bottom tubes, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 0.75 mL空白, 聚丙烯, 圆底管,10按扣架每箱 96管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 2,934.29 Zhou zhiyou$n4272 4272-HUD 4272 Y Matrix 0.75 mL blank, polyproplylene, round bottom tubes, Sterile, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 0.75 mL空白, 聚丙烯, 圆底管,无菌,10按扣架每箱 96管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 2,809.29 Zhou zhiyou$n4273 4273-HUD 4273 Y Matrix 0.75 mL alphanumeric, polyproplylene, round bottom tubes, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 0.75 mL 字母, 聚丙烯, 圆底管10自动设备专用架每箱 96 管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 3,233.97 Zhou zhiyou$n4274 4274-HUD 4274 Y Matrix 0.75 mL alphanumeric, polyproplylene, round bottom tubes, Sterile, 10 Latch Racks of 96 tubes/case Matrix 0.75 mL 字母, 聚丙烯, 圆底管,无菌,10自动设备专用架每箱 96 管/架 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 1CS ST 3,422.60 Zhou zhiyou$n4421 4421-HUD 4421 Y Matrix CapMats for 2ml blocks, 10/case Matrix Cap mats,适用于2ml模块,10/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 10 10 1CS ST 384.66 Zhou zhiyou$n4423 4423-HUD 4423 Y SuperSealer Tape Mat SuperSealer胶封膜垫 Life Science- Storage and Drug D LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 1 1 cs 177.77 Zhou zhiyou$n4431 4431-ROC N CapMat for 0.5/0.75/1.0 ml Tubes in Racks Matrix胶塞盖,适用0.5/0.75/1.0mL架装 Life Science- Storage and Drug D LSP Matrix ROC Rochester 96 960 1CS 554.58 Zhou zhiyou$n4440 4440-HUD 4440 Y Caps for 12 mL Matrix ScrewTop tubes, 1000 caps/case Matrix12 mL螺旋盖管盖,1000盖/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 1000 1000 1CS ST 1,373.89 Zhou zhiyou$n4463 4463-HUD 4463 Y Matrix SepraSeal mats, 10 mats of 96 caps/case Matrix SepraSealmats,10垫/箱,96盖/垫 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 ST Upon request Zhou zhiyou$n4464 4464-HUD 4464 Y Matrix SepraSeal mats, 10 mats of 96 caps/case, Sterile Matrix SepraSealmats,无菌,10垫/箱,96盖/垫 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 ST 669.74 Zhou zhiyou$n4465 4465-HUD 4465 Y Matrix Preslit SepraSeal mats, preslit, 10 mats of 96 caps/case Matrix Preslit SepraSeal mats,10垫/箱,预裂,96盖/垫 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 ST 717.17 Zhou zhiyou$n4466 4466-HUD 4466 Y Matrix Preslit SepraSeal mats, preslit, 10 mats of 96 caps/case, Sterile Matrix Preslit SepraSeal mats,10垫/箱,无菌,预裂,96盖/垫 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 960 ST 725.46 Zhou zhiyou$n4469 4469-HUD 4469 Y Matrix SepraSeal removal tool Matrix SepraSeal 去除工具 Storage Equipment LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 1 1 1CS ST 4,412.24 Zhou zhiyou$n4470 4470-HUD 4470 Y Caps for 0.5 mL and 1.0 mL Matrix ScrewCap tubes, 500 caps/case Matrix 0.5ml和1.0ml螺旋盖管盖,500盖/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 500 500 1CS ST 2,602.78 Zhou zhiyou$n4471 4471-HUD 4471 Y Matrix Red color inserts for 500 ?l and 1.0 ml ScrewTop tube caps, 500 inserts/box Matrix红色标记,适用于500 ?l和1.0 ml螺旋盖管,500标记/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 500 500 1CS ST 425.58 Zhou zhiyou$n4472 4472-HUD 4472 Y Matrix Yellow color inserts for 500 ?l and 1.0 ml ScrewTop tube caps, 500 inserts/box Matrix黄色标记,适用于500 ?l和1.0 ml螺旋盖管,500标记/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 500 500 1CS ST 425.42 Zhou zhiyou$n4473 4473-HUD 4473 Y Matrix Blue color inserts for 500 ?l and 1.0 ml ScrewTop tube caps, 500 inserts/box Matrix蓝色标记,适用于500 ?l和1.0 ml螺旋盖管,500标记/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 500 500 1CS ST 312.49 Zhou zhiyou$n4474 4474-HUD 4474 Y Matrix Green color inserts for 500 ?l and 1.0 ml ScrewTop tube caps, 500 inserts/box Matrix绿色标记,适用于500 ?l和1.0 ml螺旋盖管,500标记/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 500 500 1CS ST 425.42 Zhou zhiyou$n4475 4475-HUD N Matrix White color inserts for 500 ?l and 1.0 ml ScrewTop tube caps, 500 inserts/box Matrix白色标记,适用于500 ?l和1.0 ml螺旋盖管,500标记/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 500 500 1CS ST 312.49 Zhou zhiyou$n4476 4476-HUD N Matrix Purple color inserts for 500 ?l and 1.0 ml ScrewTop tube caps, 500 inserts/box Matrix紫色标记,适用于500 ?l和1.0 ml螺旋盖管,500标记/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 500 500 1CS ST 379.53 Zhou zhiyou$n4477 4477-HUD 4477 Y Matrix ScrewTop Cap Tray, colorless caps, 5 trays of 96 caps/case, Sterile Matrix螺旋盖托盘,无色盖,96盖/托盘,5托盘/箱,无菌 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 96 480 1CS ST 2,864.69 Zhou zhiyou$n4490 4490-HUD 4490 Y Matrix DuraSeal, bulk, 500 plugs/case; (see tube selections for pre-installed DuraSeals) Matrix DuraSeal,散装,500塞/箱(参见预装DuraSeal的冻存管选择) Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 500 500 1CS ST 728.53 Zhou zhiyou$n4890 4890-HUD 4890 Y Empty Latch Racks for 1.4 mL Matrix tubes, 10/case 空自动设备专用架,适用于1.4 mlMatrix管,10架/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 10 10 1CS ST 934.02 Zhou zhiyou$n4893 4893-HUD 4893 Y Empty Snap Racks for 1.4 mL Matrix tubes, 10/case 空按扣架,适用于1.4 mlMatrix管,10架/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 10 10 1CS ST 1,292.04 Zhou zhiyou$n4896 4896-HUD 4896 Y Empty Latch Racks for 0.75 mL Matrix tubes, 10/case 空自动设备专用架,适用于0.75ml Matrix管,10架/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 10 10 1CS ST 1,136.34 Zhou zhiyou$n4899 4899-HUD 4899 Y Empty Latch Racks for 0.5 mL Matrix tubes with DuraSeals, 10/case 空自动设备专用架,带DuraSeals,适用于0.5mlMatrix管,10架/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 10 10 1CS ST 1,366.24 Zhou zhiyou$n4901 4901-HUD 4901 Y Empty Latch Rack fixture lid, white, for 0.75 mL Matrix tubes, 10/case 空自动设备专用架固定装置,白色,适用于0.75ml Matrix管,10架/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP THERMO HUD Hudson 10 10 1CS ST 2,382.54 Zhou zhiyou$n4902 4902-HUD N Empty Latch Rack lids for 1.4 mL Matrix tubes, 10/case 空自动设备专用架盖,适用于1.4 Matrix管,10架/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 10 10 1CS ST 813.29 Zhou zhiyou$n4905 4905-HUD 4905 Y Empty racks for 12.0 mL Matrix ScrewCap tubes, 4/case 空12.0 mL Matrix螺旋盖管架,4架/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 4 4 1CS ST 809.16 Zhou zhiyou$n4906 4906-HUD 4906 Y Matrix ScrewTop Cap Tray, empty, 5 trays/case Matrix螺旋盖管托盘,空,5托盘/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 5 5 1CS ST 674.30 Zhou zhiyou$n4910 4910-HUD N Empty racks for 384 2D Matrix tubes, 20/case 空384 2DMatrix管架,20/箱 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 20 20 1CS ST 1,062.25 Zhou zhiyou$n4954 4954-HUD N Lids, Clear, Automation-friendly, Sterile 微孔板盖,透明,无菌,兼容自动化操作 Life Science- Storage and Drug D LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 1 80 cs 2,516.91 Zhou zhiyou$n4955 4955-HUD N Lids, Black, Automation-friendly, Sterile 微孔板盖,黑色,无菌,兼容自动化操作 Life Science- Storage and Drug D LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 1 80 cs 4,114.44 Zhou zhiyou$n4960 4960-HUD N Piercing Plate, Matrix 384 穿孔板,Matrix 384 Life Science- Storage and Drug D LSP Matrix HUD Hudson 1 20 cs 1,370.53 Zhou zhiyou$n232698 232698-ROC 232698 Y AL SEAL TAPE FOR 96 WELL PLT Nunc96孔PCR板附件,铝封板膜,压敏性丙聚酸酯 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Nunc ROC Rochester 100 100 1CS ST 888.35 Zhou zhiyou$n232699 232699-ROC 232699 Y AL SEAL TAPE FOR 384 WELL PLT 封板膜,384孔板中PCR的储存 Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Nunc ROC Rochester 100 100 1CS ST 1,181.56 Zhou zhiyou$n232701 232701-ROC 232701 Y SEALING TAPE== 封板膜,显微镜观察,好可视性,低自发荧光,可耐受DMSO Life Science- Storage and Drug Discovery LSP Nunc ROC Rochester 100 100 1CS ST 1,341.95 Zhou zhiyou$n232702 232702-ROC