Qiagen qBiomarker Somatic Mutations PCR Qiage 总代理qBiomarker Somatic Mutations PCR Arrays - Plate E - 20 Arrays Qiagen qBiomarker Somatic Mutations PCR Arrays - Plate E - 20 Arrays 337021,Qiagen代理,Qia
Qiagen qBiomarker Somatic Mutations PCR Qiage 总代理
Qiagen qBiomarker Somatic Mutations PCR Qiage 总代理
Qiagen qBiomarker Somatic Mutations PCR Qiage 总代理

qBiomarker Somatic Mutations PCR Arrays - Plate E - 20 Arrays Qiagen代理,Qiagen337021,Qiagen全国总代,Qiagen qBiomarker Somatic Mutations PCR Arrays - Plate E - 20 Arrays 上海易汇生物科技有限公司,是一家集研发、销售为一体的高新技术生物企业,公司专注于生命科学和生物技术领域,专业提供分子生物学、免疫学、生命科学基础研究以及临床检测等诸多领域的试剂、耗材、仪器等各类产品及生物技术服务。公司目前已授权代理 LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova等欧美一线品Pai,另与阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI等化学试剂生产商建立了长期合作关系,公司与中科院上海生命科学研究院、上海交通大学、复旦大学和一大批生物医药技术公司建立了长期合作,在综合实力基础上,整合资源效率,打造产学研一体化的创新平台。$n合作单位$n公司成立以来与一大批医药集团建立了长期稳定的合作,价格优势、信誉良好。客户包括清华、北大、中科院、上海交通、复旦、国药等等。产品涵盖了试剂、耗材、小型仪器、原材料等各种实验室使用的材料。$n公司介绍$n 上海易汇生物科技有限公司拥有强大的采购系统。只要您想得到。没有公司采购办不到的。$n 上海易汇生物科技有限公司拥有完善的售后平台。只要有售后。我们时间为您解决。$n 上海易汇生物科技有限公司直接与厂家合作。保证货源。购买无后顾之忧。$n 上海易汇生物科技有限公司不保证价格Z低。但保证产品都是。$n 我们长期与Thermo Bio-rad Axygen qiagen Corning BD Promega Biotium BV targetmol merckmillipore Sigma AAT-Biolite biorbyt ENZO GE Greiner Immonoway Jackson leagene nunc Omega OmnimAbs PMG RD ZOMANBIO 聚仕隆serum 普罗麦格 金钟 Eaivelly阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova Oxoid,illumina等知名各大品Pai保持合作。$n 3HelixAAT BioquestAbsolute AntibodyAlpha Diagnostic InternationalAmerican Research ProductsAntigenixARBOR ASSAYSAvidityAxis-ShieldBertin PharmaBethylBiolegendBiolegend(Covance)BioServBiovisionCedarlaneCell biologicsCELLutions Biosystems INCChromatrapClare Chemical ResearchCollagen SolutionsCytoskeletonDB BiotechDe Novo SoftwareDiagenodeEDIGENE EliteCellEpigentekEquitech-BioEton BioscienceEverest BiotechExalphaExpedeonFabGennixFitzgeraldFormuMaxGelcompanyGeneMarkbioGenWayGloboZymesHeliosHMGBiotechHybrigenicsHycult BiotechIBA Life SciencesImmundiagnostikImmunoChemistry TechnologiesInnova BiosciencesInvivoGenKamiya BiomedicalKingfisher BiotechKollodisLABOR DIAGNOSTIKA NORDLGC(Lucigen)MabTechMagtivioMBL(CycLex & CircuLex)Milenia BiotecMONOSANNanoprobesNeuromicsNexcelom BioscienceNichireiNissan Chemical IndustriesNordic-MUbioNoviocellOxford Expression TechnologiesPeproTechPeprotech(Biogems)Percipio BiosciencesPlatypus Technologies LLCPluriselectPolyplus TransfectionProgenProSpec-TanyProtein ArkQuartettReddot BiotechRelia TechRHINO BIORocklandSartoriusSCICONSSciencellScyTekSignosisSPL life sciencesStressmarqSurModicsSYnAbsTanttiU-CyTechVergent BioscienceVertebrate AntibodiesViGene BiosciencesZiath$n产品简介$n上海易汇生物科技有限公司一级代理,提供反应荧光探针和发光探针,生物素和端粒酶能够应用于标记药物小分子和生物聚合物,如蛋白、核酸以及其他碳水化合物;用于检测蛋白,核酸和活细胞;用于检测多种酶,特别是检测水解酶和氧化还原酶类;致力于开发用于信号转导研究的试剂;提供生理和神经探针,特别是钙离子指示剂和膜电位探针。,AAT Bioquest 180,ICG-Sulfo-OSu,AAT Bioquest一级代理,提供反应荧光探针和发光探针,生物素和端粒酶能够应用于标记药物小分子和生物聚合物,如蛋白、核酸以及其他碳水化合物;用于检测蛋白,核酸和活细胞;用于检测多种酶,特别是检测水解酶和氧化还原酶类;致力于开发用于信号转导研究的试剂;提供生理和神经探针,特别是钙离子指示剂和膜电位探针。$n张经理:Q821536999$n上海易汇生物科技有限公司一级代理,DNLT0-DNeasy LT 19088 Reagent DX 1 ml 663$nTRFN0-Transfection 301007 Attractene Transfection Reagent (4x1 ml) 4 ml 11480$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133071 NeXtalStock Nickel(II) chloride (200) 200 ml 2500$nPCMU0-PCR Typing 206047 Type-it Fast SNP Probe PCR Kit (4000) 4000 Reactions 39170$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133077 NeXtalStock PEG 2,000 (200) 200 ml 1240$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133087 NeXtalStock PEG 5,000 MME (200) 200 ml 1720$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133091 NeXtalStock PEG 750 MME (200) 200 ml 1720$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133092 NeXtalStock PEG 8,000 (200) 200 ml 1590$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133093 NeXtalStock Potassium acetate (200) 200 ml 1720$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133098 NeXtalStock Potassium iodide (200) 200 ml 1920$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133108 NeXtalStock Sodium bromide (200) 200 ml 3310$nMIRN0-microRNA 218412 Mouse miScript Primer Assay Set VXX.X 311630$nMIRN0-microRNA 218061 miScript Reverse Transcription Kit (50) 50 Reactions 5730$nMIRN0-microRNA 218073 miScript SYBR Green PCR Kit (200) 200 Reactions 5380$nQAMV0-Virus 1043367 QIAamp MinElute Virus Accessory Set 1 Units 1600$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9015126 Kabelsatz international 1930$nPCAY0-PCR Assay 211015 QuantiTect Virus Kit (1000) 1000 Reactions 38790$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 130925 NeXtal DWBlock JCSG Core II Suite 144 ml 3920$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 130927 NeXtal DWBlock JCSG Core IV Suite 144 ml 3920$nRNST0-RNAStckPrd 1022070 Luciferase GL2 siRNA (5 nm) 0 1660$nRNSV0-RNASynServ 1021962 Custom siRNA Special Orders 0 7730$nAUM00-BioRobotM 9015186 Tip Guard, M96 0 5140$nPCMU0-PCR Typing 206143 QIAGEN Multiplex PCR Kit (100) 100 Reactions 3660$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9014380 Reagent Holder, micortubes and troughs 0 10550$nSTAB0-Stabilization 76154 RNAlater TissueProtect Tubes (50x1,5ml) 50 Reactions 3830$nMARK0-MW_Marker_ 239025 GelPilot 50 bp Ladder (100) 100 Reactions 2030$nMARK0-MW_Marker_ 239045 GelPilot 100 bp Plus Ladder (100) 100 Reactions 2030$nMARK0-MW_Marker_ 239085 GelPilot 1 kb Ladder (100) 100 Reactions 1600$nRNLT0-RNeasy LT 74324 RNeasy Protect Saliva Mini Kit (50) 50 Reactions 9920$nRNLT0-RNeasy LT 1034963 Buffer PKD (15/15),KG 15 ml 683$nRNST0-RNAStckPrd 1027286 AllStars Neg. siRNA AF 555 (5 nmol) 0 2350$nRNST0-RNAStckPrd 1027292 AllStars Neg. siRNA AF 488 (20 nmol) 0 4150$nRNST0-RNAStckPrd 1027293 AllStars Neg. siRNA AF 546 (20 nmol) 0 4150$nRNST0-RNAStckPrd 1027295 AllStars Neg. siRNA AF 647 (20 nmol) 0 4150$nRNST0-RNAStckPrd 1027321 Mm/Hs_MAPK1 control siRNA (20 nmol) 0 2990$nMIRN0-microRNA 217061 miRNeasy 96 Kit (4) 384 Reactions 21400$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9016757 Appl. Pack Sequencing for Univ.PF 304290$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 130923 NeXtal DWBlock Classics II Suite 144 ml 3920$nLYSE0-LysHomogen 9001272 TissueRuptor (230V, 50-60 Hz, EU/CH) 14640$nQPRL0-QIAprep LT 27406 QuickLyse Miniprep Kit (250) 250 Reactions 5190$nMBRG0-MolBioReag 129115 Nuclease-Free Water (1000 ml) 1000 ml 744$nPAXG0-PAXgene 764114 PAXgene Bone Marrow RNA Tubes (50) 50 Reactions 13880$nREPG0-REPLI-gKit 151023 REPLI-g Mitochondrial DNA Kit (25) 25 Reactions 3830$nPCHT0-PCR HotStarTaq 203643 HotStarTaq Plus Master Mix Kit (250) 250 Reactions 2290$nPCHT0-PCR HotStarTaq 203646 HotStarTaq Plus Master Mix Kit (2500) 2500 Reactions 18690$nPCTQ0-PCR Taq 201912 dNTP Set, PCR Grade 100mM, (4x100?l) ?l 1390$nPUGK0-PuregenKit 158389 Puregene Blood Kit (1000 ml) 18770$nPUGK0-PuregenKit 158445 Gentra Puregene Blood Kit (30 ml) 1770$nPUGK0-PuregenKit 158567 Gentra Puregene Yeast/Bact. Kit (200 ml) 4490$nPUGK0-PuregenKit 158689 Gentra Puregene Tissue Kit (33 g) 23650$nPUGK0-PuregenKit 158908 Cell Lysis Solution (1000 ml) ml 6740$nPUGK0-PuregenKit 158910 Protein Precipitation Solution (50 ml) ml 1270$nQAMV0-Virus 965662 QIAamp Virus BioRobot 9604 Kit (12) 1152 Reactions 70530$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9014783 Accessory Cabinet MDx 0 60090$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9014784 Laboratory Cabinet MDx 0 144270$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9014003 Tip-Tray Holder, 1100 ?l tips 0 9050$nQGPX0-PlasmidMaxi 12963 QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Maxi Kit (25) 25 Reactions 7330$nPCMU0-PCR Typing 206542 Type-it HRM PCR Kit (100) 100 Reactions 1360$nPUGK0-PuregenKit 158928 Lytic Enzyme Solution (650 ?l) ?l 1220$nFLAN0-FastLane 216213 FastLane Cell SYBR Green Kit (200) 200 Reactions 24260$nMAGX0-MagAtrGenMDx 1027986 Buffer MRL (90/125),KG 877$nPCAY0-PCR Assay 204256 QuantiFast Probe PCR Kit (2000) 2000 Reactions 14270$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9014501 Vertical Tip Disposal Slide 716$nPCAY0-PCR Assay 204154 QuantiFast SYBR Green RT-PCR Kit (400) 400 Reactions 9340$nPCAY0-PCR Assay 204156 QuantiFast SYBR Green RT-PCR Kit (2000) 2000 Reactions 37420$nQEXP0-QIAexpress 30761 Ni-NTA Superflow Cartridges (5x5 ml) 5 Reactions 7670$nQEXP0-QIAexpress 1045800 Ni-NTA Superflow Cartridge Kit (1ml) 1 ml 242$nQEXP0-QIAexpress 30760 Ni-NTA Superflow Cartridges (1x5 ml) 1 Reactions 1960$nQAMG0-gDNA 19590 InhibitEX (100) Pieces 1700$nREPG0-REPLI-gKit 150063 REPLI-g WTA Single Cell Kit (24) 24 Reactions 14660$nREPG0-REPLI-gKit 150052 REPLI-g Cell WGA & WTA Kit (12) 12 Reactions 10520$nREPG0-REPLI-gKit 150054 REPLI-g Cell WGA & WTA Kit (48) 48 Reactions 35350$nPCAY0-PCR Assay 208056 QuantiNova SYBR Green PCR Kit (2500) 2500 Reactions 10260$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9014796 BGR System liquid bottle (Rotor) 1220$nVETL0-VETL0 VetAssLDL 285905 bactotype MAP PCR Kit (96) 96 Reactions 14230$nGXAR0-GEXArrReag 337040 Custom qBiomarker Array PreAMP Mix 250 Reactions 37520$nMIRN0-microRNA 218413 Rat miScript Primer Assay Set VX.X 197840$nRNSV0-RNASynServ 1027415 FlexiTube siRNA 1 nmol nmol 1180$nQAMG0-gDNA 1043369 QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Accessory Set B 1080$nRNSV0-RNASynServ 1027416 FlexiTube - GeneSolution nmol 3960$nPCTQ0-PCR Taq 200205 TopTaq DNA Polymerase (1000) 1000 Units 3690$nPCAY0-PCR Assay 211011 QuantiTect Virus Kit (50) 50 Reactions 2660$nPCAY0-PCR Assay 211031 QuantiTect Virus +ROX Vial Kit (50) 50 Reactions 2660$nALPL0-AllprepLT 80284 AllPrep DNA/RNA Micro Kit (50) 50 Reactions 9750$nPUGK0-PuregenKit 158914 DNA Hydration Solution (100 ml) ml 1170$nRNSV0-RNASynServ 1027411 FlexiPlate siRNA - 0.1 nmol (>=1) 305$nRNSV0-RNASynServ 1027411 FlexiPlate siRNA - 0.1 nmol (>=97) 281$nRNSV0-RNASynServ 1027411 FlexiPlate siRNA - 0.1 nmol (>=385) 200$nRNSV0-RNASynServ 1027411 FlexiPlate siRNA - 0.1 nmol (>=961) 146$nRNSV0-RNASynServ 1027412 FlexiPlate siRNA - 0.25 nmol (>=1) 398$nRNSV0-RNASynServ 1027412 FlexiPlate siRNA - 0.25 nmol (>=97) 359$nRNSV0-RNASynServ 1027412 FlexiPlate siRNA - 0.25 nmol (>=385) 281$nRNSV0-RNASynServ 1027412 FlexiPlate siRNA - 0.25 nmol (>=961) 215$nRNSV0-RNASynServ 1027413 FlexiPlate siRNA - 1 nmol (>=1) 704$nRNSV0-RNASynServ 1027413 FlexiPlate siRNA - 1 nmol (>=97) 612$nRNSV0-RNASynServ 1027413 FlexiPlate siRNA - 1 nmol (>=385) 424$nRNSV0-RNASynServ 1027413 FlexiPlate siRNA - 1 nmol (>=961) 345$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9017594 BGR Tube Holder 5 & 6 ml 0 9890$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9011878 Shaker adapter, microplate 17010$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9012416 Microplate Station 8000, short 4430$nEPIM0-EpiTecMet 59203 EpiTect Whole Bisulfitome Kit (25) 25 Reactions 4560$nPCAY0-PCR Assay 204854 QuantiFast Multiplex RT-PCR Kit (400) 400 Reactions 10740$nPAXG0-PAXgene 765112 PAXgene Tissue Container (10), G 10 Units 2070$nGXAR0-GEXArrReag 337042 qBiomarker Assay PreAMP Mix 250 Reactions 1040$nGXAR0-GEXArrReag 337032 qBiomarker PreAMP Synthesis Kit (12) Reactions 3510$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9238755 24 Well Cooling Block 1,5ml 11160$nQGPX0-PlasmidMaxi 12981 QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Mega Kit (5) 5 Reactions 3980$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133112 NeXtalStock Sodium formate (200) 200 ml 1370$nEPIM0-EpiTecMet 59445 EpiTect HRM PCR Kit (100) 100 Reactions 1440$nGXAR0-GEXArrReag 330530 Supplemental Microbial qPCR MM (Rox) ml 2450$nGXAR0-GEXArrReag 338132 Microbial DNA-Free Water 16 ml 820$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133117 NeXtalStock Succinic acid salt (200) 200 ml 1720$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133118 NeXtalStock tert-Butanol (200) 200 ml 1530$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133124 NeXtalStock TRIS pH 8.5 (200) 200 ml 1720$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133125 NeXtalStock TRIS-HCl (200) 200 ml 1920$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133133 NeXtalStock Sodium ac. pH 4.6 (200) 200 ml 1590$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133141 NeXtalStock 1-Propanol (200) 200 ml 3920$nPCAY0-PCR Assay 204054 QuantiFast SYBR Green PCR Kit (400) 400 Reactions 3590$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133142 NeXtalStock Lithium sulfate (200) 200 ml 2900$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133145 NeXtalStock ADA pH 6.0 (200) 200 ml 3100$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133147 NeXtalStock Ammonium sulfate (200) 200 ml 1370$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133156 NeXtalStock BIS-TRIS Propane pH8.5 (100) 100 ml 2380$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133163 NeXtalStock CAPS pH 11.0 (200) 200 ml 2380$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133166 NeXtalStock CAPS pH 11.6 (200) 200 ml 2380$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133169 NeXtalStock CAPSO pH 9.4 (200) 200 ml 2710$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133174 NeXtalStock CHES pH 10.0 (200) 200 ml 2710$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133175 NeXtalStock Citric acid pH 2.0 (200) 200 ml 1290$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133184 NeXtalStock Citric acid pH 3.6 (200) 200 ml 1290$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133185 NeXtalStock Citric acid pH 3.8 (200) 200 ml 1290$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133193 NeXtalStock di-Potassium phosphate (200) 200 ml 1530$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133211 NeXtalStock Magnesium chloride H2O (200) 200 ml 2710$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133212 NeXtalStock MIB pH 10.0 (200) 200 ml 2500$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133214 NeXtalStock MMT pH 4.0 (200) 200 ml 2500$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133215 NeXtalStock MMT pH 9.0 (200) 200 ml 2500$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133218 NeXtalStock MOPS pH 8.0 (200) 200 ml 2180$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133226 NeXtalStock Sodium cacodyl. pH 5.0 (100) 100 ml 3590$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133233 NeXtalStock Sodium cacodyl. pH 7.5 (100) 100 ml 3590$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133237 NeXtalStock Sodium citrate pH 5.4 (200) 200 ml 1530$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133239 NeXtalStock Sodium citrate pH 7.0 (200) 200 ml 1530$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133240 NeXtalStock Sodium hydroxide (200) 200 ml 1530$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133242 NeXtalStock Sodium malonate pH 4.0 (200) 200 ml 1590$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133246 NeXtalStock Sodium phosphate pH9.2 (200) 200 ml 1920$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9014876 Microplate Station Adapter 0 4430$nPCHT0-PCR HotStarTaq 203207 HotStarTaq DNA Polymerase (5000) 5000 Units 28840$nPCAY0-PCR Assay 208254 QuantiNova Probe PCR Kit (500) 500 Reactions 2920$nPANG0-PreAnalNGS 180432 GeneRead DNA Library I Core Kit (12) 12 Reactions 3240$nPAXG0-PAXgene 765312 PAXgene TissueFIX Cont. (50 ml) Kit 40 Units 2690$nVETA0-VetAssays 286115 cador N. caninum PCR Reagent (96) 96 Reactions 13740$nVETL0-VETL0 VetAssLDL 274805 flocktype Mycoplasma Mg/Ms Ab (20) 1920 Reactions 14040$nVETL0-VETL0 VetAssLDL 274803 flocktype Mycoplasma Mg/Ms Ab (5) 480 Reactions 3850$nPANG0-PreAnalNGS 180994 GeneRead Adapter L Set 12-plex (72) 72 Reactions 8810$nFOOD0-FoodProduc 292143 mericon Horse Kit (24) 24 Reactions 3000$nGXAR0-GEXArrReag 330514 RT? SYBR Green Fluor qPCR Mastermix (6) 600 Reactions 7690$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133254 NeXtalStock HEPES sod. salt pH 7.0 (200) 200 ml 2710$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133258 NeXtalStock HEPES sod. salt pH 7.8 (200) 200 ml 2710$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133263 NeXtalStock PCB pH 4.0 (200) 200 ml 2500$nPCAY0-PCR Assay 204174 Rotor-Gene SYBR Green RT-PCR Kit (400) 400 Reactions 9340$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133267 NeXtalStock PEG MME 350(200) 200 ml 1720$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133269 NeXtalStock Phosphate-citr. pH 4.2 (200) 200 ml 2500$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133286 NeXtalStock TRIS-HCl pH 8.0 (200) 200 ml 1990$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 133293 NeXtalStock Zinc acetate (200) 200 ml 2900$nRNLT0-RNeasy LT 73224 RNeasy Protect Animal Blood Kit (50) 50 Reactions 6580$nSTAB0-Stabilization 76544 RNAprotect Animal Blood Tubes 100?l (50) 50 Reactions 2230$nMARK0-MW_Marker_ 239095 GelPilot 1 kb Plus Ladder (100) 100 Reactions 1960$nMARK0-MW_Marker_ 239125 GelPilot Wide Range Ladder (100) 100 Reactions 1780$nMARK0-MW_Marker_ 239145 GelPilot High Range Ladder (100) 100 Reactions 1840$nMAVN0-MagAtrVirNA 1026956 Buffer AVE (Elution Buffer) (125/125),KG 1570$nGXAR0-GEXArrReag 330614 RT? SYBR Green Fluor FAST Mastermix (6) 600 Reactions 7480$nFOOD0-FoodProduc 290133 mericon Vibrio triple Kit (24) 24 Reactions 3440$nRNLT0-RNeasy LT 180211 GeneRead rRNA Depletion Kit (6) 6 Tests 5880$nGRPN0-GR_Panel 180830 GeneRead qPCR SYBR Green/Fluor MM (2) Units 2480$nGXAR0-GEXArrReag 337829 qBiomarker SYBR ROX Mastermix 25 ml ml 18360$nGXAR0-GEXArrReag 337822 qBiomarker SYBR ROX Mastermix (12) Units 13130$nGXAR0-GEXArrReag 337820 qBiomarker SYBR ROX Mastermix (2) Units 2480$nREPG0-REPLI-gKit 1032393 Stop Solution (1,8ml/2),KG 187$nMBRG0-MolBioReag 129916 QIAGEN RNase Inhibitor (500 reactions) 500 Reactions 4870$nPAXG0-PAXgene 765134 PAXgene Tissue RNA Kit (50) 50 Reactions 6980$nREPG0-REPLI-gKit 150126 REPLI-g Screening Kit (200) 200 Reactions 19150$nLYSE0-LysHomogen 69967 TissueLyser Single-Bead Dispenser, 7mm 3520$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 132106 EasyXtal 15-well DG-Tool (20) 20 Units 6010$nQSDN0-QIAsymDNA 931255 QIAsymphony DNA Midi Kit (96) 96 Reactions 8360$nQSDN0-QIAsymDNA 931436 QIAsymphony Investigator Kit (192) 192 Reactions 10070$nQSDN0-QIAsymDNA 931447 Investigator STAR Lyse & Prep Kit (400) 400 Reactions 10650$nQSRN0-QIAsymRNA 931636 QIAsymphony RNA Kit (192) 192 Reactions 10570$nQSDN0-QIAsymDNA 931855 QIAsymphony Certal Residual DNA?Kit (96) 96 Reactions 14080$nQSDN0-QIAsymDNA 931955 QIAsymphony Certal Vaccine NA Kit (96) 96 Reactions 14080$nQSVB0-QIAsymViBa 937036 QIAsymphony DSP Virus/Pathogen Mini Kit 192 Reactions 10240$nQSVB0-QIAsymViBa 937055 QIAsymphony DSP Virus/Pathogen Midi Kit 96 Reactions 7940$nQSDN0-QIAsymDNA 937236 QIAsymphony DSP DNA Mini Kit 192 Reactions 8370$nQSDN0-QIAsymDNA 937255 QIAsymphony DSP DNA Midi Kit 96 Reactions 8100$nQSVB0-QIAsymViBa 939011 Buffer ATL ( 4 x 50 ml) ml 1220$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9238134 Multiwell-Plate Holder, SBS 0 10560$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9238152 Elution Microplate Adapter 8000, SBS 0 9750$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9238158 Heat Transfer Adapter, microplate FB 0 4630$nNRPR0-NonRecProt 1031358 PhosphoProtein Lysis Buffer (1000ml) 1910$nRNTC0-TurboCapture 72271 TurboCapture 384 mRNA Kit (5) 1920 Reactions 19210$nRNTC0-TurboCapture 1031576 Buffer TCL (125/125),KG 125 ml 3010$nQGPX0-PlasmidMaxi 12863 CompactPrep Plasmid Maxi Kit (25) 25 Reactions 6120$nPCTQ0-PCR Taq 201900 dNTP Mix, PCR Grade, 10mM, 1x200?l 597$nPCTQ0-PCR Taq 201901 dNTP Mix, PCR Grade, 10mM, 4x200?l 2070$nRNLT0-RNeasy LT 74134 RNeasy Plus Mini Kit (50) 50 Reactions 4760$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 130901 NeXtal DWBlock Classics Suite 144 ml 3920$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 130904 NeXtal DWBlock PEGs Suite 144 ml 3920$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 130906 NeXtal DWBlock MPD Suite 144 ml 3920$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 130912 NeXtal DWBlock MBClass II Suite 144 ml 3920$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 130918 NeXtal DWBlock PACT Suite 144 ml 3920$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 132521 NeXtal Stock CABS untit. (50) 50 ml 3670$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 132528 NeXtal Stock CAPSO untit. (50) 50 ml 1170$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 132539 NeXtal Stock di-Potassium phosphate (50) 50 ml 1050$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 132560 NeXtal Stock Magnesium chloride (50) 50 ml 924$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 132634 NeXtal Stock Sodium acetate untit. (50) 50 ml 787$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 132578 NeXtal Stock PEG 2,000 DME (50) 50 ml 924$nEPIM0-EpiTecMet 978756 PyroMark CpG Assay 96 well (200) Reactions 1290$nEPIM0-EpiTecMet 978776 PyroMark Custom Assay (200) Reactions 1290$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 978801 PyroMark OneStep RT-PCR Kit (50) 50 Reactions 2720$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 978803 PyroMark OneStep RT-PCR Kit (200) 200 Reactions 8240$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979001 PyroMark Q96 Plate (100) 100 Reactions 2920$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979002 PyroMark Q96 Plate Low (100) 100 Reactions 2920$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979004 PyroMark Q96 Cartridge (3) Pieces 6000$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979006 PyroMark Binding Buffer (200 ml) ml 695$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979007 PyroMark Denaturation Sol. (500 ml) ml 695$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979008 PyroMark Wash Buffer (conc., 200 ml) ml 695$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979009 PyroMark Annealing Buffer (250 ml) ml 695$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979010 PyroMark Vacuum Prep Filter Probe (100) Pieces 4130$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979011 PyroMark Q96 Vacuum Prep Trough (5) Pieces 593$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979101 PyroMark Q96 HS Plate (100) Pieces 10300$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979102 PyroMark Q96 HS Q96 Reagent Tip (4) Pieces 4030$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979103 PyroMark Q96 HS Nucleotide Tip (8) Pieces 4260$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979104 PyroMark Q96 HS Capillary Tip (8) Pieces 4100$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979201 PyroMark Q24 Plate (100) 100 Reactions 2920$nRAMP0-RNAAmpli 207045 QuantiTect Whole Transcriptome Kit (100) 100 Reactions 40580$nFLAN0-FastLane 216413 FastLane Cell Probe Kit (200) 200 Reactions 20690$nMAVN0-MagAtrVirNA 62724 EZ1 DSP Virus Kit (48) 48 Reactions 4710$nDNHT0-DNeasy HT 19090 Buffer RPW (125ml) 125 ml 598$nALPL0-AllprepLT 80004 AllPrep DNA/RNA/Protein Mini Kit (50) 50 Reactions 8530$nQEXP0-QIAexpress 30765 Ni-NTA Superflow Cartridges (100x5 ml) 100 Reactions 122510$nMARK0-MW_Marker_ 239135 GelPilot Mid Range Ladder (100) 100 Reactions 2030$nNRPR0-NonRecProt 37612 Qproteome Mitochondria Isolation Kit 12 Reactions 4480$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9017257 BR 8000, Protein Purification Package 113150$nNRPR0-NonRecProt 37601 Qproteome Plasma Membrane Protein Kit 6 Reactions 5620$nEPIM0-EpiTecMet 59104 EpiTect Bisulfite Kit (48) 48 Reactions 2800$nRTEN0-Rev.Tran.Enzymes 205313 QuantiTect Rev.Transcription Kit (200) 200 Reactions 12440$nRNST0-RNAStckPrd 1027285 AllStars Neg. siRNA AF 546 (5 nmol) 0 2350$nMIRN0-microRNA 217004 miRNeasy Mini Kit (50) 50 Reactions 4120$nNRPR0-NonRecProt 37561 Qproteome Sialic Glycoprotein Kit 6 Reactions 6470$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9016117 Tip-Tray Holder, 10 ?l tips 0 9050$nREPG0-REPLI-gKit 150243 REPLI-g FFPE Kit (25) 25 Reactions 8600$nMBRG0-MolBioReag 129046 MaXtract High Density (200 x 1.5 ml) 200 Reactions 2610$nQPRL0-QIAprep LT 27405 QuickLyse Miniprep Kit (100) 100 Reactions 2420$nMBRG0-MolBioReag 129117 Nuclease-Free Water (5 Liter) 5000 ml 1530$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990556 Reagent Trough (with Lid), 170 mL (20) Pieces 1800$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990600 Lysis Plate, 96-well (5) 359$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990602 Elution Plate (10) 1620$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990604 Elution Plate 8-Strip Caps (120) 443$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990608 Silicone Mat (5) 547$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990610 Filter-Tips, OnCor C, 200 ?l (960) 1100$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990700 QIAxpert Slide-40 (25) 25 Units 1820$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990701 QIAxpert Potassium Dichromate (3) 25 Units 3920$nAUCM0-AuConsBRM 994900 Filter-Tips and Holders, EZ1 (50) 1270$nAUCM0-AuConsBRM 995652 Filter-Tips, 1000?l, M48 (1000) 7300$nAUCM0-AuConsBRM 995902 Reagent Containers, small, M48 (100) 5650$nAUCM0-AuConsBRM 995904 Reagent Container, large, M48 (50) 3380$nAUCM0-AuConsBRM 995906 Reagent Container Seals, M48 (50) 2980$nAUCM0-AuConsBRM 995908 Sample Prep Plates, 42-well, M48 (100) 4870$nAUCM0-AuConsBRM 995999 Starter Pack, M48 10840$nAUCM0-AuConsBRM 996722 Filter-Tips, 200ul, M96 (10 X 96) 7110$nQSDP0-QIAsymDisp 997002 Sample Prep Cartridges, 8-well (336) 336 Reactions 1920$nQSDP0-QIAsymDisp 997004 8-Rod Covers (144) 144 Reactions 1390$nQSDP0-QIAsymDisp 997006 Reuse Seal Set (20) 3200$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9231859 Filtration adapter, auto vac. BR8000 7510$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9231863 Elution adapter, auto vac, BR8000 7510$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9232172 QIAGEN Multiwell-Plate Holder, black 0 4840$nPUGK0-PuregenKit 158388 Gentra Puregene Cell Kit (6.7 x 109) 14770$nPUGK0-PuregenKit 158467 Gentra Puregene Blood Kit (120 ml) 4270$nPUGK0-PuregenKit 158489 Gentra Puregene Blood Kit Plus (1000 ml) 23340$nPUGK0-PuregenKit 158667 Gentra Puregene Tissue Kit (4 g) 4760$nPUGK0-PuregenKit 158845 Gentra Puregene Buccal Cell Kit (100) 3320$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 132510 NeXtal Stock ADA untit. (50) 50 ml 1170$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 132632 NeXtal Stock Potassium formate (50) 50 ml 4560$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 132538 NeXtal Stock Dioxane (50) 50 ml 924$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 132558 NeXtal Stock Lithium sulfate (50) 50 ml 924$nXTAL0-Crystalliz 132572 NeXtal Stock Jeffamine M-600 (50) 50 ml 1050$nQSDP0-QIAsymDisp 997008 Reagent Cartridge Holder (2) Pieces 690$nQSDP0-QIAsymDisp 997012 Accessory Trough (10) Pieces 649$nQSDP0-QIAsymDisp 997024 Filter-Tips, 1500 ?l (1024) 1024 Reactions 1560$nQSDP0-QIAsymDisp 997055 Conical Tubes, Blue, Qsym (2 ml) (500) 1030$nQSDP0-QIAsymDisp 997102 Tubes,conical,2ml,Qsym AS(500) 500 Units 1060$nQSDP0-QIAsymDisp 997104 Tubes,conical,5ml,Qsym AS(500) 500 Units 1260$nQSDP0-QIAsymDisp 997120 Filter Tips 50?l, Qsym AS (1024) Reactions 2440$nQSDP0-QIAsymDisp 997199 Starter Pack QIAsymphony AS Pieces 10300$nMATR0-MagAtrTRNA BS96RNA BioSprint 96 to RNA (384) - UDP 23900$nQQUH0-QIAquick HT DEC25338 QIAquick 96 Kit (24) Beckman Coulter 24 Reactions 1600$nQGPX0-PlasmidMaxi FRA10001 package code FRA10001 5980$nQGPX0-PlasmidMaxi GBA55664 HiSpeed ER BUNDLE GBA 3070$nQEXP0-QIAexpress PUREGST2 GST-tag Purification and Detection Kit 2 23720$nRNLT0-RNeasy LT RNEZ4U QIAshredder (50)/RNeasy (50) Promo 50 Reactions 4110$nCTCE0-CTumorCell T-1-100 AdnaService 1 Tests 3090$nCTCE0-CTumorCell T-1-101 AdnaCustomDesign 1 Tests 2160$nCTCE0-CTumorCell T-1-504-R AdnaTest ColonCancerSelect 12 Reactions 11790$nCTCE0-CTumorCell T-1-508-R AdnaTest BreastCancerSelect 12 Reactions 11790$nCTCE0-CTumorCell T-1-520-R AdnaTest ProstateCancerSelect 12 Reactions 11790$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990381 Sample Tubes RB (2ml) Reactions 1610$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990382 Sample Tubes CB (2ml) Tubes 959$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990390 Reagent Bottle Rack Units 362$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990391 Rack Labeling Strips Units 1200$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990392 Rotor Adapter Holder Units 571$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990393 Reagent Bottles, 30 ml (6) Units 274$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990394 Rotor Adapters (10 x 24) 240 Reactions 623$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990395 Starter Pack, QIAcube Units 8380$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990396 QIAcube Modified Protocol Units 7160$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990397 QIAcube Custom Protocol Units 18180$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990399 Spin Column Adapter Rings (25) 2030$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990452 Filter-Tips, 1000 ?l, wide-bore (1024) Reactions 1360$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990502 QIAgility Calibration Kit 1 Tests 409$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990512 Filter-Tips, 50 ?l (960) 960 Units 1810$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990522 Filter-Tips, 200 ?l (960) Pieces 1760$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990532 50?l Filtered Sterile Tips (960) 2880$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990542 200?l Filtered Sterile Tips (960) 2880$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990550 Tip Disposal Box (10) Pieces 930$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990552 Tubes, graduated, flat-base 5 ml (50) Pieces 299$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990554 Reagent Trough (with Lid), 70 mL (10) Pieces 1110$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9232698 Calibration pyramid 1.02 14560$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9232720 Channeling block 0 5580$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9232721 Cooling block, 24-tube 1.5 ml 7970$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9232722 Cooling block, 96-tube 0.2 ml 5980$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9232752 Reagent Holder, Tube-Ring 7510$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9232764 Disposable Troughs, 20 / 30 ml (10) 240$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929002 QIAxcel DNA High Resolution Kit (1200) 1200 Tests 10600$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929004 QIAxcel DNA Screening Kit (2400) 2400 Units 10600$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929008 QIAxcel DNA Fast Analysis Kit (3000) 3000 Tests 10980$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929104 QIAxcel RNA QC Kit v2.0 (1200) Tests 13680$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929500 QX Intensity Calibration Marker (1.0 ml) ml 967$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929510 QX RNA Alignment Marker (1.5 ml) ml 890$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929520 QX Alignment Marker 15bp/500bp (1.5 ml) ml 1040$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929521 QX Alignment Marker 15 bp/1 kb (1.5 ml) ?l 1040$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929522 QX Alignment Marker 15 bp/3 kb (1.5 ml) ?l 1040$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929523 QX Alignment Marker 15 bp/10 kb (1.5 ml) ml 1040$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929524 QX Alignment Marker 15 bp/5 kb (1.5 ml) ml 1040$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929526 QX Alignment Marker 50 bp/1 kb (1.5 ml) ml 1040$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929529 QX Alignment Marker 50 bp/5 kb (1.5 ml) ml 1040$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929530 QX Alignment Marker 15 bp/600 bp (1.5ml) 1 ml 1040$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929550 QX DNA Size Marker pUC18/HaeIII (50 ?l) ?l 909$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929551 QX DNA Size Marker FX174/HaeIII (50 ?l) ?l 909$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929554 QX DNA Size Marker 50 bp-1,5 kb (100 ?L) ?l 909$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929559 QX Size Marker 100 bp - 2.5 kb (50 ?l) ml 910$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929560 QX Size Marker 25 bp-500 bp v2.0(50 ?l) ml 910$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929561 QX Size Marker 50 - 800 bp v2.0 (50 ?l) ml 910$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929562 QX Size Marker 250 bp - 4 kb v2.0(50 ?l) ml 910$nQXCO0-Qxcel_Cons 929563 QX Size Marker 250 bp - 8 kb v2.0(50 ?l) ml 910$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979202 PyroMark Q24 Cartridge (3) Pieces 6000$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979203 PyroMark Control Oligo 5700$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979204 PyroMark Q24 Validation Oligo 11680$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979206 PyroMark Q24 Vacuum Prep Troughs (12) Pieces 593$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979301 PyroMark Q24 Plate (100) CE Pieces 2940$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 979302 PyroMark Q24 Cartridge (3) CE Pieces 6070$nAUCO0-AutomCons 981005 PCR Tubes, 0.2 ml? (1000) Pieces 1480$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9232649 Cooling block, 1-tube 13 ml 1880$nAUCO0-AutomCons 981008 PCR Tubes, 0.2 ml? (10000) Pieces 7140$nAUCO0-AutomCons 981103 Strip Tubes and Caps, 0.1 ml (250) 1000 Reactions 1790$nAUCO0-AutomCons 981106 Strip Tubes and Caps, 0.1 ml (2500) 10000 Reactions 10580$nAUCO0-AutomCons 981301 Rotor-Disc 72 (24) Pieces 2890$nAUCO0-AutomCons 981303 Rotor-Disc 72 (240) Pieces 22830$nAUCO0-AutomCons 981311 Rotor-Disc 100 (30) Pieces 3590$nAUCO0-AutomCons 981313 Rotor-Disc 100 (300) Pieces 28570$nAUCO0-AutomCons 981400 Rotor-Disc OTV Kit (1) Pieces 7980$nAUCO0-AutomCons 981601 Rotor-Disc Heat Sealing Film (60) Pieces 1700$nAUCO0-AutomCons 981604 Rotor-Disc Heat Sealing Film (600) Pieces 14970$nAUCO0-AutomCons 981611 Vapor-Lock (50ml) ml 3170$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990012 Disposable Tips, 50?l (960) 3780$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990206 Disposable Filter-Tips, 10 ?l (24 x 96) 8740$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990212 Disposable Filter-Tips, 50?l (960) 5090$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990332 Filter-Tips, 200 ?l (1024) 1024 Reactions 1390$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990352 Filter-Tips, 1000 ?l (1024) Pieces 1380$nAUCO0-AutomCons 990380 Rack Labeling Strips, Accessory Set 1200$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 970042 PyroMark Q24 CpG LINE-1 (4 x 24) 96 Reactions 9680$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 970802 PyroMark Gold Q24 Reagents (5 x 24) 120 Reactions 4150$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 970902 PyroMark Q24 Advanced Kit (4x24) 96 Reactions 4300$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 970922 PyroMark Q24 Advanced CpG Kit (4x24) 96 Reactions 4730$nRNHT0-RNeasy HT 1011132 RDD Buffer Set for RNeasy 96 1100$nCLON0-Cloning 231222 QIAGEN PCR Cloning plus Kit (10) 10 Reactions 3450$nPCAY0-PCR Assay 204143 QuantiTect SYBR Green PCR Kit (200) 200 Reactions 4170$nQEXP0-QIAexpress 33903 pQE-TriSystem Vector DNA 1 Units 5740$nQEXP0-QIAexpress 34362 TAGZyme DAPase Enzyme (2,5U) 5 Reactions 5790$nTRFN0-Transfection 301525 TransMessenger Tranfect. Reagent(0.5ml) ml 2240$nQAMX0-QIAampMaxi 51297 FlexiGene DNA AGF3000 Kit (640) 640 Reactions 49630$nNRPR0-NonRecProt 37541 Qproteome Total Glycoprotein Kit 6 Reactions 6470$nAUAC0-Automat. Accessories 9012291 Reagent holder tray 0 10550$nRNLT0-RNeasy LT 74524 RNeasy Protect Bacteria Mini Kit (50) 50 Reactions 6570$nQQUH0-QIAquick HT 19083 Buffer PM (500ml) 500 ml 837$nQEXP0-QIAexpress 34440 Penta-His Biotin Conjugate 12 Tests 4380$nPCAY0-PCR Assay 204443 QuantiTect Probe RT-PCR Kit (200) 200 Reactions 6960$nCELB0-Cell biology 310207 BioMag Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (500ml) 500 Reactions 19170$nPCAY0-PCR Assay 204456 QuantiFast Probe RT-PCR Kit (2000) 2000 Reactions 27520$nMIRN0-microRNA 331055 miScript Single Cell qPCR kit (96) 96 Reactions 28050$nMIRN0-microRNA 331053 miScript Single Cell qPCR kit (24) 24 Reactions 8870$nPCAP0-PCR1stepRT 220211 OneStep Ahead RT-PCR Kit (50) 50 Reactions 2400$nPCAP0-PCR1stepRT 220213 OneStep Ahead RT-PCR Kit (200) 200 Reactions 7010$nPCAP0-PCR1stepRT 220216 OneStep Ahead RT-PCR Kit (2000) 2000 Reactions 61670$nQEXP0-QIAexpress 30991 Glutathione HiCap Cartridges (5 x 5 ml) 25 ml 15160$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 972012 PyroMark Q96 CpG p16 (96) 96 Reactions 9680$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 972022 PyroMark Q96 CpG MLH1 (96) 96 Reactions 9680$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 972032 PyroMark Q96 CpG MGMT (96) 96 Reactions 9680$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 972052 PyroMark Q96 CpG Prader Willi (96) 96 Reactions 9680$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 972804 PyroMark Gold Q96 Reagents (5 x 96) 480 Reactions 6540$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 972807 PyroMark Gold Q96 Reagents (50 x 96) 4800 Reactions 20110$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 972812 PyroMark Gold Q96 SQA Reagents (1 x 96) 96 Reactions 2780$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 972824 PyroMark Gold Q96 CDT Reagents (6 x 96) Reactions 3510$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 973043 PyroMark Q96 CpG LINE-1 (192) 192 Reactions 9680$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 974002 PyroMark Q48 Advanced Reagents (4x48) 192 Reactions 5890$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 974022 PyroMark Q48 Adv. CpG Reagents (4x48) 192 Reactions 6490$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 974203 PyroMark Q48 Magnetic Beads (300) 300 Reactions 1340$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 974230 PyroMark Q48 Autoprep Starter Kit 192 Reactions 16450$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 974901 PyroMark Q48 Discs (50) 50 Units 1610$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 974912 PyroMark Q48 Absorber Strips (100) 100 Units 1310$nPCAY0-PCR Assay 204554 QuantiFast Probe RT-PCR+ROXvial Kit(400) 400 Reactions 6870$nQAMG0-gDNA 51404 QIAamp Fast DNA Tissue Kit, 50 50 Reactions 1940$nRTEN0-Rev.Tran.Enzymes 205411 QuantiNova Rev. Transcription Kit (50) 3140$nRTEN0-Rev.Tran.Enzymes 205413 QuantiNova Rev. Transcription Kit (200) 10670$nRTEN0-Rev.Tran.Enzymes 205410 QuantiNova Rev. Transcription Kit (10) 10 Reactions 894$nPCAY0-PCR Assay 208352 QuantiNova Probe RT-PCR Kit (100) 100 Reactions 1580$nPCAY0-PCR Assay 208354 QuantiNova Probe RT-PCR Kit (500) 500 Reactions 6300$nPCAY0-PCR Assay 208356 QuantiNova Probe RT-PCR Kit (2500) 2500 Reactions 25240$nRTEN0-Rev.Tran.Enzymes 205813 QuantiNova IC Probe Assay (200) 1790$nHUID0-HumIDAssay 381575 Investigator ESSplex SE QS Kit (100) 100 Reactions 22000$nHUID0-HumIDAssay 381577 Investigator ESSplex SE QS Kit (400) 400 Reactions 79960$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 978703 PyroMark PCR Kit (200) 200 Reactions 3510$nPYCO0-Pyro Cons 978705 PyroMark PCR Kit (800) 800 Reactions 13230$nGXAR0-GEXArrReag 978710 QX E. coli 11-plex Screening kit 1490$nGXAR0-GEXArrReag 978710 QX E. coli 11-plex Screening kit 6540$nEPIM0-EpiTecMet 978746 PyroMark CpG Assay (200) Reactions 1290$nEPIM0-EpiTecMet 978754 PyroMark CpG Assay 96 well (50) Reactions 868$nQSDN0-QIA