BPAE cells were plated in a 96 well plate, treated with 100 µM menadione for 1 hr and then stained with 20 nM MitoTracker® Green, 5 µM Far Red ROS Sensor and Hoechst 33342 for 30 mins in complete medium. Cells were then washed 3X with PBS and imaged on a Thermo Fisher Cellomics ArrayScan® VTI. The control sample has no signal while in menadione treated cells, there is a robust increase in the signal as a result of oxidative stress caused by menadione. Both MitoTracker® Green and Far Red ROS Sensor stained well showing that they work together in a multiplex assay.
Mitotracker正克服传统探针的缺点而被生产,其能够聚集在活线粒体上,并且细胞固定中也能良好维持。其中,Mitotracker orange,red,and deep red这三种探针经透化(permeabilization)后仍能良好维持。在接下来免疫细胞化学(ICC)、原位杂交(ISH)或电镜实验的处理步骤中样本仍保留线粒体的活细胞染色形态。另外,Mitotracker探针去除病原细胞线粒体染色可能遇到的一些问题,因为一旦线粒体染色后,细胞即可被固定然后进行结果分析。
【注1】:MitoTracker® Green FM(#M7514)在水溶液中无荧光; 【注2】:MitoTracker® Orange CM-H2TMRos(#M7511),MitoTracker® Red CM-H2XRos(#M7513)为还原态探针,无荧光。只有被氧化后才发荧光。