是否提供加工定制 | 否 | 类型 | 便携式参数测量仪 |
品Pai | 马可尼 | 型号 | TF2304 |
The TF2304 FM/AM Modulation Meter has been designed primarily for the servicing and production line testing of mobile radio transmitters. The RF sensitivity is better than 50 mV up to 600MHz and better than 100 mV up to 1GHz. The IF output frequency is 400kHz nominal. RF level control is automatic. Panel indicators light up when input is outside the high or low limits of the range. Automatic Tuning Over Carrier Frequency Ranges 9 to 12.5MHz and 18 to 1000MHz On FM Transmitters, peak deviation can be made from 1.5kHz to 150kHz over the modulation frequency range of 50Hz to 9kHz. Depth Measurements up to 95% possible on AM transmitters, between 50Hz and 9kHz at carrier frequencies up to 400MHzThe TF2304 FM/AM Modulation Meter has been designed primarily for the servicing and production line testing of mobile radio transmitters. The RF sensitivity is better than 50 mV up to 600MHz and better than 100 mV up to 1GHz. The IF output frequency is 400kHz nominal. RF level control is automatic. Panel indicators light up when input is outside the high or low limits of the range. Automatic Tuning Over Carrier Frequency Ranges 9 to 12.5MHz and 18 to 1000MHz On FM Transmitters, peak deviation can be made from 1.5kHz to 150kHz over the modulation frequency range of 50Hz to 9kHz. Depth Measurements up to 95% possible on AM transmitters, between 50Hz and 9kHz at carrier frequencies up to 400MHz北京迅捷飞亚电子科技有限公司地址:北京市海淀区清河新城2号楼2单元1704: 81236258:张女士网址:WWW.SELL17.CN邮箱:QQ: 296851597