是否提供加工定制 | 否 | 类型 | 噪声频谱分析仪 |
品Pai | 美国惠普分析仪 | 型号 | HP37717A |
名 称: 误码测试仪型 号: HP 37717A厂 家: 美国惠普比特率:704kb/s,2.048Mb/s,8.448Mb/s,34.368Mb/s,139.26Mb/s 功能:PDH测试(误码率,抖动) The 37717A provides modular upgradeable solutions for field maintenance and installation of PDH and SDH networks; PDH (G.703) rates cover 0.7Mb/s, 2Mb/s, 8Mb/s, 34Mb/s, and 140Mb/s; SDH modules (which can be added later to match network developments) cover 155Mb/s (STM-1) and 622Mb/s (STM-4) for both optical (G.957) and electrical interfaces; Jitter generation and measurements, C名 称: 误码测试仪型 号: HP 37717A厂 家: 美国惠普比特率:704kb/s,2.048Mb/s,8.448Mb/s,34.368Mb/s,139.26Mb/s 功能:PDH测试(误码率,抖动) The 37717A provides modular upgradeable solutions for field maintenance and installation of PDH and SDH networks; PDH (G.703) rates cover 0.7Mb/s, 2Mb/s, 8Mb/s, 34Mb/s, and 140Mb/s; SDH modules (which can be added later to match network developments) cover 155Mb/s (STM-1) and 622Mb/s (STM-4) for both optical (G.957) and electrical interfaces; Jitter generation and measurements, Call for configuration options for the 37717A.all for configuration options for the 37717A.名 称: 误码测试仪型 号: HP 37717A厂 家: 美国惠普比特率:704kb/s,2.048Mb/s,8.448Mb/s,34.368Mb/s,139.26Mb/s 功能:PDH测试(误码率,抖动) The 37717A provides modular upgradeable solutions for field maintenance and installation of PDH and SDH networks; PDH (G.703) rates cover 0.7Mb/s, 2Mb/s, 8Mb/s, 34Mb/s, and 140Mb/s; SDH modules (which can be added later to match network developments) cover 155Mb/s (STM-1) and 622Mb/s (STM-4) for both optical (G.957) and electrical interfaces; Jitter generation and measurements, C名 称: 误码测试仪型 号: HP 37717A厂 家: 美国惠普比特率:704kb/s,2.048Mb/s,8.448Mb/s,34.368Mb/s,139.26Mb/s 功能:PDH测试(误码率,抖动) The 37717A provides modular upgradeable solutions for field maintenance and installation of PDH and SDH networks; PDH (G.703) rates cover 0.7Mb/s, 2Mb/s, 8Mb/s, 34Mb/s, and 140Mb/s; SDH modules (which can be added later to match network developments) cover 155Mb/s (STM-1) and 622Mb/s (STM-4) for both optical (G.957) and electrical interfaces; Jitter generation and measurements, Call for configuration options for the 37717A.all for configuration options for the 37717A.北京市海淀区清河新城2号楼2单元1704: 81236258:张女士网址:WWW.SELL17.CN邮箱:QQ: 296851597